
[v12] Catalogs Endpoint Versions Update

On March 1, 2022, deprecated all product catalog API endpoints versions 11 and older.

Moving forward, if you reference product catalog API calls from version 11 and older, you will receive an error message that will instruct you to up-version to version 12.

Please work with your developer to make sure your API calls reference version 12 if you use any of the /Mediapartners/Catalogs/ or Mediapartners/FinancialCatalogs/ API calls.

There are two ways to up-version’s APIs:

  • Specify API v12 for specific requests, either in the query string parameter or request headers.
    (See more details here.)

  • Update your account-level API key to v12.



This will update the API version used for requests to all resources, and could potentially cause disruptions in service.

We recommend option 1 as it limits the risk of disrupting other integrations. If you opt to fully upgrade to the latest API version, please consult our integrations portal for specs on each endpoint beforehand.

If you're using the Mediapartners/FinancialCatalogs/ API calls you should have already received API documentation via HTML file and can upgrade following the instructions above.

If you need any assistance, please contact’s support team. To do so, log in to your account and select the blue “Need Help?” button at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.