Step 1
Work with your PDM or the CSM on the brand account to enable Connections for your account.
Step 2
Once we enable connections, you can go to Settings -> Connections to create a new Card Linked Transactions SFTP connection. Learn more about Creating and Managing Connections.
Step 3
Prepare to send transaction-level data to
- Data upload frequency: There are no limitations on frequency. You can upload transactions as often as you want.
- File format: Plain/text CSV format. Each row in the file represents a transaction.
- Data for multiple programs can be sent within the same or within separate files.
- SFTP Folder: Used to add new card-linked transaction files. The connection name determines the SFTP folder location name using the following format:
- Connection name: Russel Sprout
- Folder name: russel_sprout/add
- File Name: We recommend using a unique and descriptive file name that includes your company name, data type, and timestamp. partnername_card_linked_transactions_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv.gz
Step 4
Confirm you have the necessary information from the brand.
- Program ID (formerly Campaign ID) and an Event Type ID specific to Card-Linked Offers. Both are provided with each transaction (see the [example below](
- Active terms with the brand's program that include the new CLO event. View your terms.
- The Merchant IDs (MIDs) of the brand's locations to identify transactions
Step 5
Work with your Partner Development Manager or submit a support ticket by clicking the blue “Need Help?” on the bottom right-hand side of your dashboard to test the integration. Our team will set up a contract with a test brand account and provide the Program ID (formerly Campaign ID) and an Event Type ID for the setup. You can then send a small number of test transactions to confirm that all results are tracked as expected.
Step 6
Once you send the first batch of transaction data, will confirm that the data shows within the Pending Actions screen for the brand account. Confirm with the brand that the Action Cost and Revenue data are populated as expected.
Sample Schema
The below schema is representative of a subset of supported fields most commonly used for Card-linked Offer programs. The data ingest also supports additional fields consistent with the brand's conversion object.
Card-linked Transaction Fields | Description | Example |
MediaPartnerId | Required. Your Account ID | 123456 |
CampaignId | Required. The Program ID of the brand | 12345 |
EventTypeId | Required. The Event Type Id the merchant created for CardLinkedOffer transactions. This should be a separate Event Type from regular online sale transactions. | 78901 |
EventTypeCode | The Brand's Event Type Code (if EventTypeId is not provided) | clo_transaction |
Amount | Required. Transaction Amount | 156.11 |
EventDate | Required. Time and date when the conversion event actually took place, in ISO 8601 format. | 2022-10-12T05:41:04+0000 |
CurrencyCode | Required. Three-letter ISO 4217 alpha code representing the currency. If not sent, your account's default currency will be used. | USD |
CardLinkedTransactionId | Required. Unique identifier of the transaction | 854edc88-10c7-4c1f-aadc-d64f30c415af |
CustomerPostCode | Billing Zip, optional | 11101 |
CustomerCountry | Billing Country, optional | US |
CustomerCity | Billing City, optional | New York |
CardBin | Card Bin, optional | 401159 |
CardLastFour | The last 4 digits of the card relevant to the transaction, optional | 1234 |
LocationID | Merchant ID (MID) or similar, optional | 12345 |
LocationName | Merchant Location Name (e.g. name of physical location or website), optional | |
PayoutAmount | The payout amount as calculated by the card-linking platform. This amount is not used, but is captured for information purposes only. All payouts are calculated based on the terms between the partner and the brand. | 15.6 |
SharedId | A free-form field that accepts any value that can be used by brands to create custom payouts to partners. Maximum length: 255 characters | Recurring |
SubId1 | Custom text field typically used by partners to segment traffic | CardLinked |
SubId2 | Custom text field typically used by partners to segment traffic | Website |
SubId3 | Custom text field typically used by partners to segment traffic | Movember |
Numeric1 | General numeral field that accepts any numeric data you want to send. Appears in brand reports. Format: Decimal (18,2) | 15.6 |
Numeric2 | General numeral field that accepts any numeric data you want to send. Appears in brand reports. Format: Decimal (18,2) | 15.6 |
Numeric3 | General numeral field that accepts any numeric data you want to send. Appears in brand reports. Format: Decimal (18,2) | 15.6 |
Money1 | General numeral field that accepts any money or financial numeric data you want to send. Appears in brand reports. Format: Decimal (18,2) | 173.11 |
Money2 | General numeral field that accepts any money or financial numeric data you want to send. Appears in brand reports. Format: Decimal (18,2) | 173.11 |
Money3 | General numeral field that accepts any money or financial numeric data you want to send. Appears in brand reports. Format: Decimal (18,2) | 173.11 |
Updated about 2 months ago