Receipt File
The importer generates a receipt file in the import directory when you upload a new card-linked transaction file. The receipt file contains the import's reference id (Trace ID).
File name: receipt_{originalFileName}.txt
Summary File
The summary file contains the status of the import. The importer generates a new summary file for each card-linked transaction file you upload.
File name: {originalFileName}\_summary.json
Summary file fields
Field | Description |
constants.traceId | The reference id (Trace ID) for the import |
constants.accountId | The account id within the import system |
constants.filename | The original filename of the file being imported |
constants.originalFileUrl | An API link pointing to the original file |
constants.coreId | Your account id |
constants.firstSubmitDate | The date the file was first submitted (Unix Timestamp) |
updates.successfulRowCount | The number of rows that were processed successfully |
updates.summary | A detailed summary of the file's status |
updates.currentCheckpointStartTime | Start time of processing the data from the file at the current checkpoint. |
updates.errorRowCount | The number of rows that resulted in an error at the current checkpoint (the initial file import) |
updates.currentCheckpoint | The name of the current checkpoint e.g.TI_FINALIZE stands for the last checkpoint in the tracking importer flow. |
updates.currentCheckpointLatestTime | The time that the status was reported at the current checkpoint |
updates.totalRowCount | Total number of rows in the file |
updates.status | The status of the file e.g., COMPLETED designates the file was successfully processed. |
counters | N/A |
errorCounters | N/A |
customErrorFiles | N/A |
Error File
The error file contains warnings and errors the importer encountered while processing each card-linked transaction file.
File name: {traceId}_{originalFileName}.csv.gz
Error file fields
Field | Description |
Original Fields | The original fields contained in the initial import |
ErrorType | The type of error that occurred. Possible values include "Parse", "I/O", and "Status". |
ErrorMessage | A message describing the error |
LineNumber | The line number of the row in the file |
Updated over 1 year ago