
Receipt File

The importer generates a receipt file in the import directory when you upload a new card-linked transaction file. The receipt file contains the import's reference id (Trace ID).

File name: receipt_{originalFileName}.txt

Summary File

The summary file contains the status of the import. The importer generates a new summary file for each card-linked transaction file you upload.

File name: {originalFileName}\_summary.json

Summary file fields

constants.traceIdThe reference id (Trace ID) for the import
constants.accountIdThe account id within the import system
constants.filenameThe original filename of the file being imported
constants.originalFileUrlAn API link pointing to the original file
constants.coreIdYour account id
constants.firstSubmitDateThe date the file was first submitted (Unix Timestamp)
updates.successfulRowCountThe number of rows that were processed successfully
updates.summaryA detailed summary of the file's status
updates.currentCheckpointStartTimeStart time of processing the data from the file at the current checkpoint.
updates.errorRowCountThe number of rows that resulted in an error at the current checkpoint (the initial file import)
updates.currentCheckpointThe name of the current checkpoint e.g.TI_FINALIZEstands for the last checkpoint in the tracking importer flow.
updates.currentCheckpointLatestTimeThe time that the status was reported at the current checkpoint
updates.totalRowCountTotal number of rows in the file
updates.statusThe status of the file e.g., COMPLETED designates the file was successfully processed.

Error File

The error file contains warnings and errors the importer encountered while processing each card-linked transaction file.

File name: {traceId}_{originalFileName}.csv.gz

Error file fields

Original FieldsThe original fields contained in the initial import
ErrorTypeThe type of error that occurred. Possible values include "Parse", "I/O", and "Status".
ErrorMessageA message describing the error
LineNumberThe line number of the row in the file