When a content review object is created, an associated submission status object is created with details about that specific content review submission.


JobId string

Unique identifier for the content review submission job.

Status enum

Status of the content review submission job.

Possible enum values

Source enum

The source of where the request has come from. Only CONTENT_API is supported currently.

Type enum

The type of compliance content being created or updated. Only PAGE is the supported value currently.

StartDate datetime

Date and time (in ISO 8601) when the content review job started.

EndDate datetime

Date and time (in ISO 8601) when the content review job completed. Only appears if Status is COMPLETED.

Success integer

The number of items that were successfully processed. Only appears if Status is COMPLETED.

PartialSuccess integer

The number of items that had non-required fields issues, but were still processed. Only appears if Status is COMPLETED.

Error integer

The number of items that had required fields issues. These items were not successfully processed. Only appears if Status is COMPLETED.

ResponseUri string

The URI to view the result of the job. Only appears if Status is COMPLETED.

  "JobId": "content_api_1603459292102",
  "Status": "COMPLETED",
  "Source": "CONTENT_API",
  "Type": "PAGE",
  "StartDate": "2020-10-23T06:21:32-07:00",
  "EndDate": "2020-10-23T06:22:18-07:00",
  "Success": "4",
  "PartialSuccess": "1",
  "Error": "2",
  "ResponseUri": "/Advertisers/IRvScb9a8kZw10057omVV4z2VMKSHVd6z1/Compliance/Content/ComplianceAPISubmissions/Response/content_api_1603459292102"