
Name optional

Filters the list of all advertisers to only include the specified name.

State optional

Filters the list of all advertiser (or brand) accounts based on their State value.

Possible enum values
ACTIVEFilters the list of advertiser (or brand) accounts to show active accounts.
PENDINGFilters the list of advertiser (or brand) accounts to show pending accounts.
INCOMPLETEFilters the list of advertiser (or brand) accounts to show accounts marked incomplete.
DECLINEDFilters the list of advertiser (or brand) accounts to show declined accounts.
EXPIREDFilters the list of advertiser (or brand) accounts to show expired accounts.
DELINQUENTFilters the list of advertiser (or brand) accounts to show accounts marked delinquent.


An array of advertiser objects up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a separate advertiser object. If no objects meet the filter criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example request

curl '<AccountSID>/Advertisers/Advertisers' \
  -G \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d 'State=ACTIVE'

Example response

  "@page": "1",
  "Advertiser" [
      "Id": "987654",
      "Name": "Acme Partner Program",
      "Description": "Acme sells a wide variety of consumer goods.",
      "State": "ACTIVE",
      "Website": "",
      "AddressLine1": "123 Quincy Street",
      "AddressLine2": "",
      "City": "Los Angeles",
      "CountryState": "CALIFORNIA",
      "PostalCode": "93305",
      "Country": "US",
      "IndirectTaxJurisdiction": "",
      "VatRegistered": "false",
      "OrganizationType": "CORP",
      "TaxId": "",
      "IndirectTaxNumber": "",
      "Timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "Currency": "USD",
      "PhoneNumber": "8085550100",
      "DateCreated": "2021-03-31T17:56:23-07:00",
      "FinancialSetup": "BILLED_BY_IR",
      "AgencyOfRecord": "false",
      "RestAccountURL": "<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>><AccountSID>",
      "Uri": "/Agencies/<AccountSID>/Advertisers/987654"