The content object payload describes a content review submission as part of the Compliance feature in


AdvertiserId integer

Unique identifier for the advertiser account.

CampaignId integer

Unique identifier for the program (or campaign).

Url string

The URL used to identify the content page.

Type enum

The type of compliance content being created or updated. Only PAGE is the supported value currently.

Reason string

A reason for the creation or update of content. Used for auditing, review or reporting purposes.

Source enum

The source of where the request has come from. Only CONTENT_API is supported currently.

PartnerId integer

Unique identifier for the partner account that the content is linked to.

ContentLabels string

Content labels can be used to tag the content record for categorization purposes of that content. These labels are used to assist with filtering of the content or identifying related pieces of content to manage content as well as reviews and violations. Multiple labels can be added with a comma (,) used to separate labels.

Products string

Product SKUs can be used to link specific content records with the product record that exists within the Product Data Platform. These products are used to assist with filtering of the content or identifying related pieces of content to manage content as well as reviews and violations. Multiple Products SKUs can be added with a comma (,) used to separate labels.

Keywords array of objects

Keywords can be used to link the content record for monitoring purposes of that content. These keywords are used to assist with identifying words within the content and allow for this content to have context when being managed or in reviews or violations. Multiple keywords can be added, as an array of keyword objects.

View child attributes

Name string

Name of the keyword.

Status enum

Status of the keyword.

Possible enum values

Function enum

Denotes what this keyword is used for.

Possible enum values

Language string

This is the language(ISO 639) identified for the specific content.

PaidLink boolean

This sets whether or not the content is a paid link or not.

Monitored boolean

This sets whether or not the content should be monitored within the Compliance Monitoring service

Cadence boolean

This sets whether or not the content should be managed with a cadence rule within the Impact Compliance Monitoring service.

Example payload

  "Context": {
  "Type": "PAGE",
  "Source": "CONTENT_API"
  "Contents": [
    "AdvertiserId": 987654,
    "CampaignId": 9999,
    "Url": "",
    "Reason": "New Potential Partners",
    "PartnerId": 12345,
    "ContentLabels": "Deal123,Offer123",
    "Products": "PRD12334,PRD45353",
    "Keywords": [
        "Name": "sports one",
        "Status": "APPROVED",
        "Function": "MONITORED"
        "Name": "sports two",
        "Status": "NOT_APPROVED",
        "Function": "NOT_MONITORED"
    "Language": "English",
    "PaidLink": false,
    "Monitored": false,
    "Cadence": true