Updates an account by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the Website parameter, that becomes the account's stored website, leaving all other parameters unchanged.



These parameters cannot be updated:

  • Timezone
  • Currency
  • RegisteredForIndirectTax
  • IndirectTaxNumber

Contact us via the Need Help? menu in the impact.com dashboard if you need to change these values.


CompanyName optional

The name used for the account, which is usually the legal name for the associated company.

Website optional

The official company website URL for the account.

PrimaryPhoneNumber optional

The primary domestic contact number for the account.

PrimaryPhoneNumberCountry required by PrimaryPhoneNumber

Two-letter country code for the phone number. Refer to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

OrganizationType optional

Organization type for the account. Available options will vary depending on the country that the business is registered in.

Possible enum values
NONP_GOVNon-Profit/Government, United States
CORPC Corporation, United States
SOLE_INDIndividual/Sole Proprietor, United States
LLC_LLP_LLSLimited Liability Company / Limited Liability Partnership / S Corporation, United States
TRUSTTrust company, United States
SOLE_TRDSole Trader, Non-US
PARTNERSPartnership, Non-US
LLCLimited Liability Company, Non-US
LLPLimited Liability Partnership, Non-US
COMPANYCompany, Non-US
GOVERNMENTGovernment, Non-US
OTHEROther classification, All countries

EinSsnForeignTaxId optional

Employer Identification Number for the account, or in some cases, the Social Security Number (SSN) of the company owner, or a Tax ID number for non-US companies.

CorporateAddress optional

The primary address for the account.

View child attributes---

CorporateAddressLine1 string

Address line 1 (address number, street name)


CorporateAddressLine2 string

Address line 2 (building, unit, suite, etc. number)


CorporateAddressCity string

City, district, suburb, town, or village


CorporateAddressPostalCode string

ZIP or postal code


CorporateAddressCountry enum

Two-letter country code. See ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

BillingAddress optional

The billing address for the account.

View child attributes---

BillingAddressLine1 string

Address line 1 (address number, street name)


BillingAddressLine2 string

Address line 2 (building, unit, suite, etc. number)


BillingAddressCity string

City, district, suburb, town, or village


BillingAddressPostalCode string

ZIP or postal code


BillingAddressCountry enum

Two-letter country code. See ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

More parameters

View more parameters



These parameters cannot be updated via API, but can be updated in the platform:

  • FinancialContact
  • TechnicalContact
  • CommercialContact

Sign in to the impact.com platform to change these values.

SecondaryPhoneNumber optional

A secondary domestic contact phone number for the account.

SecondaryPhoneNumberCountry required by SecondaryPhoneNumber

Two-letter country code for the phone number. Refer to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.


Returns the status of the request and the URI of the newly updated account. Returns an error if update parameters are invalid.

Example request

curl 'https://api.impact.com/Agencies/<AccountSID>/CompanyInformation' \
  -X PUT \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'Name=Acme Corporation' \
  -d 'Website=https://example.com' \
  -d 'PrimaryPhoneNumber=18055550100' \
  -d 'PrimaryPhoneNumberCountry=US' \
  -d 'SecondaryPhoneNumber=12065550100' \
  -d 'OrganizationType=CORP' \
  -d 'EinSsnForeginTaxId=12-3456789' \
  -d 'CorporateAddressAddressLine1=1640 Riverside Drive' \
  -d 'CorporateAddressCity=Hill Valley' \
  -d 'BillingAddressAddressLine1=112 1/2 Beacon St' \
  -d 'BillingAddressCity=Boston'

Example response

  "Status": "OK",
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/CompanyInformation/"