Retrieve or download an active contract


summary required

Possible enum values
TRUE The API call will return the public terms object if summary is set to true.
FALSE The API call will return the contract object if summary is set to false.


Returns either the active contract object or public terms object of a campaign if a valid CampaignId is provided and an active contract exists for that campaign.

You can also append /Download as a path parameter to download the pdf version of an active contract. Be sure to pass the header Accept: application/pdf when downloading a pdf file using this API call.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/Campaigns/<CampaignId>/Contracts/Active' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d 'summary=false' \
curl '<AccountSID>/Campaigns/<CampaignId>/Contracts/Active' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/pdf' \
  -o 'ActiveContract.pdf'

Example Response

  "Id": "S-1234567",
  "CampaignId": "8882",
  "Status": "ACTIVE",
  "StartDate": "2021-03-04T16:42:58-05:00",
  "EndDate": "",
  "BrandSignatory": "ACME Inc",
  "BrandSignatoryDate": "2021-03-04T16:37:01-05:00",
  "PartnerSignatory": "Wile E Coyote",
  "PartnerSignatoryDate": "2021-03-04T16:42:58-05:00",
  "DateCreated": "2021-03-04T16:42:58-05:00",
  "DateLastUpdated": "2021-03-04T16:42:58-05:00",
  "Terms": {
    "Currency": "USD",
    "EventPayouts": [
        "EventTypeId": "16027",
        "EventTypeName": "Sale",
        "EventCategory": "SALE",
        "DefaultPayoutRate": "0",
        "PayoutLevel": "ITEM",
        "PayoutGroups": [
          "Id": "66bb9761-2760-4c7f-afb9-1ff70c9c8850",
          "Rank": "1",
          "Rules": [
            "Variable": "CUSTOMER_CITY",
            "Operator": "IS",
            "Values": [
            "Santa Barbara"
        "PayoutRate": "1"
      "PayoutAdjustments": [
          "Id": "dd926935-2762-426a-910a-a3aabdc57ee4",
          "Rules": [
            "Variable": "DERIVED_BROWSER",
            "Operator": "IS",
            "Values": [
          "Direction": "INCREASE",
          "Rate": "1"
        "PerformanceBonus": {
          "Type": "SUBSEQUENT_ACTIONS",
          "Basis": "ACTIONS",
          "Period": "CALENDAR_MONTH",
          "Tiers": [
              "ActionThreshold": "2147483647",
              "PayoutRate": "0"
          "PayoutRestrictions": [
              "Id": "08707ac6-ae02-4da2-b009-a0ebf3a38db6",
              "Rules": [
                  "Variable": "CUSTOMER_CITY",
                  "Operator": "IS",
                  "Values": [
                  "Los Angeles"
            "Limits": [
                "Type": "ACTION",
                "SubType": "SKU",
                "Value": "250.0",
                "LimitBy": "CUSTOMER",
                "Period": "DAY",
                "WeekendOverrideValue": "500"
              "Locking": {
                "Basis": "TRACKED",
                "Period": "DAY",
                "DayOffset": "30"
              "PayoutScheduling": {
                "Basis": "LOCKED",
                "Period": "END_OF_DAY",
                "DayOffset": "3"
              "CreditPolicy": "LAST_REFERRER",
              "ValidReferrals": [
                  "Type": "CLICKS",
                  "Window": "30",
                  "WindowUnit": "DAY"
          "SpecialTermsList": [
              "TermsName": "Special Terms",
              "TermsType": "CUSTOM",
              "TermsPdfUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/8882/CustomTerms/10500/Download"
        "ChangeNotificationPeriod": "0",
        "ReturnPolicy": "ALWAYS_OK",
        "MaxReturnPercentage": "100",
        "ActionLimit": "1000",
        "ActionLimitPeriod": "MONTH",
        "CustomCreativePayer": "ADVERTISER"
   "PdfUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/8882/Contracts/S-9558520/Download",
   "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Contracts/S-9558520"