The withdrawal settings object


PaymentMethod enum

These are the possible ways in which a Brand can pay you.

Possible enum values
PAYPAL Get paid via Paypal. The PaypalEmailAddress field will be required if you use this PaymentMethod.
BANK_TRANSFER Get paid via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). In order to get paid via EFT, you will be required to provide bank account information.

PaypalEmailAddress string

The email address of your Paypal account. The PaymentMethod must be set to PAYPAL in order to update this field.

BeneficiaryAccountName string

The account name of the bank account related to your EFT withdrawal settings.

BankCountry enum

Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country in which the partner's bank operates.

BeneficiaryClassification enum

These are the different types of beneficiaries.

Possible enum values
BUSINESS Business bank account.
INDIVIDUAL Personal bank account.
CPF Tax identification code for Brazil.
CNPJ Tax identification code for Brazil.

BeneficiaryAlternativeName string

The alternative account name of the bank account related to your EFT withdrawal settings.

BeneficiaryTaxPayerId string

Tax identification number for the beneficiary.

BankAccountType enum

The different bank account types.

Possible enum values
CHECKING Checking bank account.
SAVINGS Savings bank account.
NOT_SET No bank account type specified.

BankAccountNumber string

Bank account number to which EFT payments should be made.

SwiftCode string

A code used to identify the country, bank, and branch that an account is registered to. Use this if your account is located outside of the United States.

RoutingCode string

A 9-digit code that identifies where your bank account was opened.

VoCode string

A 5-digit code used by Russian banks to enable payments.

AgencyCode string

For banks that specify the need for an agency code to receive payments.

BankAddress string

Address of the bank branch where your account was opened.

BankPostalCode string

The postal code of the address of the bank branch where your account was opened.

BankCity string

The city of the address of the bank branch where your account was opened.

BankState string

The state or province of the address of the bank branch where your account was opened.

BranchCode string

Unique identifier of the branch for your bank account.

PaymentSchedulingType enum

The setting that decides when you will be paid.

Possible enum values
BALANCE_THRESHOLD This option allows you to withdraw the balance from your account after it reaches a selected amount. Min: $20USD, Max: $10 000USD
FIXED_DAY This option allows you to withdraw funds from your account on either the 1st or 15th of a given month. Min withdrawal balance $10USD.

PaymentThreshold decimal

The amount to which you would like to set your balance threshold payment scheduling setting. Min: $20USD, Max: $10 000USD.

PaymentDay integer

If you've set your payment scheduling setting to a fixed day, you can select either the 1st or the 15th of the month for to payout.

  "PaymentMethod": "BANK_TRANSFER",
  "PaypalEmailAddress": "",
  "BankCountry": "US",
  "BeneficiaryAccountName": "ACME Inc",
  "BeneficiaryClassification": "",
  "BeneficiaryAlternativeName": "",
  "BeneficiaryTaxPayerId": "",
  "BankAccountType": "CHECKING",
  "BankAccountNumber": "XXXXXXX8910",
  "SwiftCode": "",
  "RoutingCode": "XXXXXXX45",
  "VoCode": "",
  "AgencyCode": "",
  "BankAddress": "",
  "BankPostalCode": "",
  "BankCity": "",
  "BankState": "",
  "BranchCode": "",
  "PaymentSchedulingType": "BALANCE_THRESHOLD",
  "PaymentThreshold": "50.00",
  "PaymentDay": "0",
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/WithdrawalSettings"