List stores

Returns a list of stores that are available to you.


No parameters.


Returns an array of stores up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a separate store. If no stores meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example request

curl '<AccountSID>/Stores \ 
 -X GET \ 
 -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \ 
 -H 'Accept: application/json' \

Example response

 "@page": "1", 
 "Stores" [ 
  "Id": "8123",
  "Name": "ACME Campaign",
  "NumberOfGroups": "1",
  "DateLastUpdated": "2022-09-01T19:32:12-07:00",
  "StoreUri": "https:/",
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Stores/8123",
  "Groups": [   
      "Id": "555",
      "Name": "ACME Group",
      "NumberOfProducts": "5",
      "DateLastUpdated": "2022-10-04T00:22:06-07:00",
      "StartDate": "",
      "EndDate": "",
      "Status": "ACTIVE",
      "CatalogId": "9999",
      "Uri": "",
      "ItemsUri": "/Mediapartners/IRjnYtzeHhaR116142yBQMg6n76dULQUn1/Stores/8123/Group/555/Items"