List all action inquiries

Returns a list of the action inquiries made for your campaign. The action inquiries are ordered by creation date, with the most recently created action inquiries appearing first.


CampaignId optional

View action inquiries for a specified campaign (or program).

MediaPartnerInquiryId optional

Unique identifier for the partner that created the action inquiry.

CustomerId optional

A unique identifier for the customer.

ResolutionStatus optional

Current status of the action inquiry.

Possible enum values
UNRESOLVEDAction inquiry hasn't been resolved yet.
VALIDAction inquiry was approved.
DECLINEDAction inquiry was rejected.
INCOMPLETEAction inquiry is incomplete.

StartDate optional

Filters out all actions inquiries that have a CreationDate on or after this value. Use ISO 8601 format.

EndDate optional

Filters out all action inquiries that have an CreationDate on or before this value. Use ISO 8601 format.

TransactionDateStart optional

Filters out all actions inquiries that have a TransationDate on or after this value. Use ISO 8601 format.

TransactionDateEnd optional

Filters out all actions inquiries that have a TransationDate on or before this value. Use ISO 8601 format.


An array of action inquiry objects up to a limit dictated by PageSize. Each entry in the array is a separate action inquiry object. If no action inquiries meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example request

curl '<AccountSID>/ActionInquiries' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d 'CampaignId: 8882' \

Example response

  "@page": "1",
  "ActionInquiries": [
      "Id": "123456",
      "MediaPartnerInquiryId": "321",
      "CampaignId": "8882",
      "CampaignName": "ACME Inc",
      "OrderId": "1234",
      "TransactionDate": "2019-11-15T00:00:00-05:00",
      "TransactionAmount": "15.00",
      "CustomerId": "4567",
      "InquiryDate": "",
      "InquiryType": "UNTRACKED",
      "ExpectedPayout": "15.00",
      "ResolutionDeadlineDate": "2019-11-30T00:00:00-05:00",
      "Comments": [
          "User": "Fish Paste",
          "Comment": "Please approve!",
          "Date": "2019-11-15T13:20:53-05:00"
          "User": "Bovril",
          "Comment": "For your urgent approval.",
          "Date": "2020-01-24T17:19:20-05:00"
      "TrackingLink": "",
      "ActionId": "8882.4335",
      "ActionUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Actions/8882.4335",
      "AutoApprovalDate": "2019-11-15T13:20:54-05:00",
      "ResolutionStatus": "VALID",
      "RejectReason": "",
      "FinalPayout": "0.15",
      "ResolutionDate": "2020-01-24T17:19:21-05:00",
      "CreationDate": "2019-11-15T13:20:54-05:00"