The public terms object

The public terms object holds information pertaining to the public set of contract terms for Brands to which you are partnered. requires Brands to maintain one set of public contract terms at all times to serve as their default terms. Each Program (formerly Campaign) to which you belong may have its own set of public terms.


Id integer

Unique identifier for the Public Terms.

Name string

The name identifier of the Public Terms.

CampaignId integer

The unique identifier of the program (formerly known as campaigns) that you have partnered with.

CampaignName string

The name of the program (formerly known as campaigns) that you have partnered with.

PayoutTermsList array

The payout conditions as stipulated in the public terms of the contract.

View child attributes

TrackerName string

The description of the event type used by the brand to track actions for payouts.

TrackerType enum

The type of event type a Brand uses to track actions for payout.

Possible enum values
LEADContract pays out for sale leads.
SALEContract pays out for online sales.
DOWNLOADContract pays out for consumer downloads.
PAGE_VISITContract pays out for traffic driven to a specific website.
CALL_PER_RINGContract pays out for each phone call regardless of call outcome.
CALL_PER_DURATIONContract pays out for total call time.
CALL_PER_CONVERSATIONContract pays out for each call conversation.
PARTNER_REFERRALContract pays out for partner referrals.
DATA_POSTContract pays out for leads generated from partner data forms.
OFFLINEContract pays out for offline conversions.
CLICKContract pays out for clicks.
MOBILE_APPContract pays out for mobile app installs.

PayoutPercentage decimal

This is a payout based on the percentage of a sale driven by you.

PayoutAmount decimal

This is a fixed payout amount for an action driven.

PayoutCurrency enum

Three-letter ISO 4217 alpha code representing the currency for the payout. In most cases, this will be the default currency of your account.

ReferralPeriod integer

The amount of ReferallPeriodUnits for which referrals are allowed.

ReferralPeriodUnit enum

The unit of time for ReferralPeriod.

Possible enum values

PayoutAmountLowerLimit decimal

If the payout amount is fixed, this is the lower limit amount for the payout.

PayoutAmountUpperLimit decimal

If the payout amount is fixed, this is the upper limit amount for the payout.

PayoutPercentageLowerLimit decimal

If the payout amount is a percentage of the sale, this is the lower percentage limit.

PayoutPercentageUpperLimit decimal

If the payout amount is a percentage of the sale, this is the upper percentage limit.

PdfUri string

The public term's direct URI to download a PDF copy of the terms.

Uri string

The public term's direct URI to view only that set of terms.

  "Id": "12345",
  "Name": "Public Terms",
  "CampaignId": "1234",
  "CampaignName": "ACME Inc.",
  "PayoutTermsList": [
      "TrackerName": "Sale",
      "TrackerType": "SALE",
      "PayoutPercentage": "",
      "PayoutAmount": "10.00",
      "PayoutCurrency": "USD",
      "ReferralPeriod": "30",
      "ReferralPeriodUnit": "DAY",
      "PayoutAmountLowerLimit": "10.00",
      "PayoutAmountUpperLimit": "10.00",
      "PayoutPercentageLowerLimit": "",
      "PayoutPercentageUpperLimit": ""
  "PdfUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1234/PublicTerms/Download",
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1234/PublicTerms"