The invoices object


Id string

Unique identifier for the invoice object.

CreatedDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the invoice was created.

RecipientId integer

Unique identifier of the recipient of the invoice.

RecipientName string

The display name of the recipient of the invoice.

Currency currency

Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the currency of the payments detailed in the invoice.

TotalAmount decimal

The total amount due to the partner in the invoice.

TotalVatAmount decimal

Value-added tax applied to the invoice, if any exists.

LineItems object

Line items displayed in the invoice.

Show attributes

CampaignId integer

Unique identifier for the campaign (or program) for the line item.

CampaignName string

Display name for the campaign (or program) for the line item.

Description enum

This is the description for the type of payout, it can be either MEDIA_PAYOUT or BONUS.

Possible enum values
MEDIA_PAYOUT A standard payout for actions driven.
BONUS A bonus payout for meeting bonus requirements.

EventMonthYear string

Month (M or MM) and four-digit year (YYYY) of when the events that are being paid out occurred (e.g., April 2021 would be 42021).

Actions integer

The number of actions that relate to the payout.

NetItemAmount decimal

Cost of the line item before any applicable taxes.

VatItemAmount decimal

Amount of taxes levied on the payout amount.

TotalItemAmount decimal

The total amount of the line item, combining NetItemAmount and VatItemAmount.

Status enum

This is the payment status of the line item.

Possible enum values
PENDING Payment for the line item is still pending.
PAID Line item has already been paid for.
OVERDUE Payment for the line item is overdue.

DueDate datetime

ISO 8416 format of the date and time when payment for the line item is due.

PaidDate datetime

ISO 8416 format of the date and time when the line item was paid, if available.

PDF string

Link to download the PDF for the invoice.

URI string

Unique identifier for the specific invoice in the API.

  "Id": "116142-1",
  "CreatedDate": "2019-03-02T06:46:04-08:00",
  "RecipientId": "469437",
  "RecipientName": "Wile E Coyote",
  "Currency": "USD",
  "TotalAmount": "25.50",
  "TotalVatAmount": "0.00",
  "LineItems": [
      "CampaignId": "1234",
      "CampaignName": "ACME Ltd",
      "Description": "MEDIA_PAYOUT",
      "EventMonthYear": "22019",
      "Actions": "12",
      "NetItemAmount": "25.50",
      "VatItemAmount": "0.00",
      "TotalItemAmount": "25.50",
      "Status": "PAID",
      "DueDate": "2019-02-27T00:00:00-08:00",
      "PaidDate": "2019-02-27T00:15:43-08:00"
  "PDF": "/Mediapartners/IRjnYtzeHhaR116142yBQMg6n76dULQUn1/Invoices/116142-1/Download",
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/IRjnYtzeHhaR116142yBQMg6n76dULQUn1/Invoices/116142-1"