List all actions

Returns a list of the actions attributed to you. Actions are returned by creation date, with the most recently created actions appearing first.

Note: On 5 August 2024 these changes were implemented to ensure data integrity and optimize API performance:

  • Queries for Actions or ActionUpdates cannot have a StartDate exceeding 3 years in the past.
  • A query’s StartDate and EndDate cannot be more than 45 days apart.
  • If no StartDate and EndDate parameters are specified, only records for the past 7 days will be returned.
  • If StartDate is specified, EndDate must be specified as well, or the query will return an error.
  • The new default page size is 20,000 records per page when PageSize isn’t specified.
  • If specified, the smallest PageSize value is 2,000 records.
  • If the total record count exceeds 10 times the page size, an error message will prompt you to either adjust either the PageSize or the StartDate or EndDate, to ensure the response won’t contain more than 10 pages.


CampaignId optional

Filters all actions for a given brand's campaign (or program).

State optional

Filters all actions based on their state value.

Possible enum values
PENDING Action is awaiting its locking date for approval, or to be manually approved. Actions that have been modified will also have this state.
APPROVED Action reached its locking date and was approved, or was manually approved and will pay out the partner. No further modifications can occur.
REVERSED Action was reversed and will not pay out the partner.

ActionDateStart optional

Filters out all actions that have an EventDate on or after this value.

ActionDateEnd optional

Filters out all actions that have an EventDate on or before this value.

StartDate optional

Filters out all actions that have a last updated date on or after this value. Can be sent in along with EndDate as a replacement for ActionDateStart.

Note: State transitions (e.g., from Pending to Approved) are not considered updates and will not be filtered by StartDate. We recommend using LockingDateStart or referencing the LockingDate value returned in the action object.

EndDate optional

Filters out all actions that have a last updated date on or before this value. Can be sent in along with StartDate as a replacement for ActionDateEnd.

Note: State transitions (e.g., from Pending to Approved) are not considered updates and will not be filtered by EndDate. We recommend using LockingDateEnd or referencing the LockingDate value returned in the action object.

LockingDateStart optional

Filters out all actions that have a LockingDate on or after this value. Can be sent in along with LockingDateStart as a replacement for ActionDateStart.

LockingDateEnd optional

Filters out all actions that have a LockingDate on or before this value. Can be sent in along with LockingDateEnd as a replacement for ActionDateEnd.


An array of action objects up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a separate action object. If no actions meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example request

curl '<AccountSID>/Actions' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d 'CampaignId=1000' \
  -d 'ActionDateStart=2024-09-01T00:00:00Z' \
  -d 'ActionDateEnd=2024-09-30T00:00:00Z'

Example response

  "@page": "1",
  "Actions": [
      "Id": "1000.4636.158133",
      "CampaignId": "1000",
      "CampaignName": "Acme Campaign",
      "ActionTrackerId": "2240",
      "ActionTrackerName": "Sale",
      "EventCode": "",
      "State": "PENDING",
      "AdId": "506720",
      "Payout": "0.88",
      "DeltaPayout": "0.88",
      "IntendedPayout": "0.88",
      "Amount": "21.99",
      "DeltaAmount": "21.99",
      "IntendedAmount": "21.99",
      "Currency": "USD",
      "ReferringDate": "2024-09-10T09:45:07-07:00",
      "EventDate": "2024-09-10T10:42:38-07:00",
      "CreationDate": "2024-09-10T10:51:23-07:00",
      "LockingDate": "2024-09-26T00:00:00-07:00",
      "ClearedDate": "",
      "ReferringType": "CLICK_COOKIE",
      "ReferringDomain": "",
      "PromoCode": "SUMMERSALE2024",
      "Oid": "9217374917472",
      "CustomerArea": "855",
      "CustomerCity": "Santa Barbara",
      "CustomerRegion": "California",
      "CustomerCountry": "US",
      "SubId1": "",
      "SubId2": "",
      "SubId3": "",
      "SharedId": "RT-19247423",
      "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSid>/Actions/1000.4636.158133"