The action object


Id string

Unique identifier for the action.

CampaignId integer

Unique identifier for the campaign (or program) that the action is associated with. This value is also known as the ProgramId.

CampaignName string

Display name for the campaign (or program) that the action is associated with.

ActionTrackerId integer

Unique identifier for the action tracker (or event type) that tracked the conversion associated with the action.

ActionTrackerName string

Display name for the action tracker (or event type) that tracked the conversion associated with the action.

State enum

Current state of the action.

Possible enum values
PENDING Action is awaiting its locking date for approval, or to be manually approved. Actions that have been modified will also have this state.
APPROVED Action reached its locking date and was approved, or was manually approved and will pay out the partner. No further modifications can occur.
REVERSED Action was reversed and will not pay out the partner.

AdId integer

Unique identifier for the ad that drove the winning click.

Payout decimal

Commission amount calculated for the action that will be paid out to the partner.

Amount decimal

Revenue amount associated with the action.

Currency enum

Three-letter ISO 4217 alpha code representing the currency for the action. In most cases, this will be the default currency of your account. This is not the currency sent in on the order.

ReferringDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the winning click occurred.

EventDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the conversion event occurred.

LockingDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action will lock and can no longer be modified or reversed.

ClearedDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action commission cleared your account balance. Returns empty if the action hasn't cleared yet.

ReferringDomain string

Domain of the site that the winning click occurred on.

PromoCode string

Populates with the promotional code applied to the conversion if one was used.

Oid string

The unique identifier for the order associated with this conversion. For example, in a retail sale, this could be the Order ID the brand assigned the customer for their purchase.

SubId1 string

The first Sub ID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link that will appear in your reporting.

SharedId string

The Shared ID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link, typically used to share traffic segments (or other information) with the brand.

Uri string

Unique reference to the action object in the API.

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EventCode string

[Legacy value] For mobile app events, populates with an associated EventCode field representing the type of event tracked.

DeltaPayout decimal

The change in Payout value between the current action update and the previous one. If this is the first update record for the action, the DeltaPayout will equal the action's Payout.

IntendedPayout decimal

Original payout amount for the action calculated by the template terms before any modifications.

DeltaAmount decimal

The change in Amount value between the current action update and the previous one. If this is the first update record for the action, the DeltaAmount will equal the action's Amount.

IntendedAmount decimal

Original amount for the action before any modifications.

CreationDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action was created in

ReferringType enum

Legacy value denoting the internal type associated with the winning referral.

Possible enum values

CustomerArea string

The Designated Market Area (DMA) code of the customer's area, derived from IP address.

CustomerCity string

The city the customer resides in.

CustomerRegion string

The region (or state) the customer resides in.

CustomerCountry string

The country the customer resides in.

SubId2 string

The second Sub ID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link that will appear in your reporting.

SubId3 string

The third Sub ID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link that will appear in your reporting.

  "Id": "1000.4636.158133",
  "CampaignId": "1000",
  "CampaignName": "Acme Campaign",
  "ActionTrackerId": "2240",
  "ActionTrackerName": "Sale",
  "EventCode": "",
  "State": "PENDING",
  "AdId": "506720",
  "Payout": "0.88",
  "DeltaPayout": "0.88",
  "IntendedPayout": "0.88",
  "Amount": "21.99",
  "DeltaAmount": "21.99",
  "IntendedAmount": "21.99",
  "Currency": "USD",
  "ReferringDate": "2020-09-10T09:45:07-07:00",
  "EventDate": "2020-09-10T10:42:38-07:00",
  "CreationDate": "2020-09-10T10:51:23-07:00",
  "LockingDate": "2020-09-26T00:00:00-07:00",
  "ClearedDate": "",
  "ReferringType": "CLICK_COOKIE",
  "ReferringDomain": "",
  "PromoCode": "SUMMERSALE2020",
  "Oid": "9217374917472",
  "CustomerArea": "855",
  "CustomerCity": "Santa Barbara",
  "CustomerRegion": "California",
  "CustomerCountry": "US",
  "SubId1": "",
  "SubId2": "",
  "SubId3": "",
  "SharedId": "RT-19247423",
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSid>/Actions/1000.4636.158133"