The deal object

The deal object holds information about deals of programs to which you belong. You can retrieve a deal or list all deals.


Id integer

Unique identifier for the object referred to as the Deal Id.

Name string

This is the name of the deal.

Description string

This field describes the nature of the deal.

CampaignId integer

Id of the program (formerly known as campaigns) associated with the deal.

State enum

What state of use the deal is in.

Possible enum values
ACTIVEDeal is currently active.
EXPIREDDeal is not currently active.
PENDINGDeal is currently waiting for approval.

Type enum

How the deal is applied to the items in the ad.

Possible enum values
GENERAL_SALEDeal applies a general discount to the products identified in `Scope`.
FREE_SHIPPINGDeal applies free shipping to the order.
GIFT_WITH_PURCHASEA gift will come with the order.
REBATEA rebate will be available to the customer upon purchase.
BOGODeal will apply a buy-one-get-one deal to the order.

Scope enum

To what extent the deal applies to the store.

Possible enum values
CATEGORYDeal applies to a category of products.
ENTIRE_STOREDeal applies to the entire store.
PRODUCTDeal only applies to a specific product or a specific group of products.

Public enum

Shows whether a deal is exclusive to you or available to other partners as well.

Possible enum values
TRUEThis deal is available to other partners.
FALSEThis deal is exclusive to you.

Products array

If Scope: PRODUCT, then an array of product info objects appears; the child attributes below will fill each object in the array.

View child attributes

name string

Name of the product that the deal applies to.

beforePrice integer

Product's price prior to the deal applying.

afterPrice integer

Product's price after the deal applying.

creativeType enum

This is the type of ad creative to which the deal applies.

Online ad creatives
Offline ad creatives

adHeadline string

The headline of the ad.

linkText string

Text that the ad link is linked to.

descriptionLine1 string

The field that describes the deal.

descriptionLine2 string

An additional field that describes the deal.

landingPageName string

The title of the landing page for the ad this deal is applied to.

offerInstructions string

Terms to meet in order to activate the deal.

content byte | array

This is a type of creative that can be imbed in HTML or email content. There are various child attributes that are contained in an array.

Content child attributes

height integer

The height of the creative.

width integer

The width of the creative.

byteSize integer

The size of the byte creative.

emailCreativeType enum

The type of creative we are working with. This can be either HTML or IMAGE.

htmlContent string

Content of the HTML, if any exists.

textContent string

The text content of this creative, if any exists.

limit integer

The byte limit, typically this is a minimum value of -128 and a maximum value of 127.

Categories string | array

This a comma-separated list of product categories the deal applies to.

DiscountType enum

The discount type that applies to this deal.

Possible enum values
FIXEDDeal applies a fixed discount to the deal scope.
PERCENTDeal applies a percentage off of the deal scope.
PERCENT_RANGEDeal applies a percent within the percentage range off of the deal scope.
PERCENT_MAXIMUMDeal applies up to a certain percentage off of the deal scope.

DiscountAmount decimal

If DiscountType: "FIXED", then the discount amount appears.

DiscountCurrency string

The currency of the discount the deal offers.

DiscountPercent percentage

If DiscountType: "PERCENT", then the discount percent appears.

DiscountMaximumPercent percentage

If DiscountType: "PERCENT_MAXIMUM", then the maximum discount percentage that a customer can get appears.

DiscountPercentRangeStart percentage

If DiscountType: "PERCENT_RANGE", then the lowest discount percentage a customer can get appears.

DiscountPercentRangeEnd percentage

If DiscountType: "PERCENT_RANGE", then the highest discount percentage a customer can get appears.

Gift string

If DealType: "GIFT_WITH_PURCHASE", then the name of the product to be gifted appears.

RebateAmount decimal

If DealType: "REBATE", then the rebate's amount appears.

RebateCurrency string

If DealType: "REBATE", then the currency code for RebateAmount appears. See ISO 4217.

DefaultPromoCode string

The original promo code for the associated deal.

MinimumPurchaseAmount decimal

Minimum amount a customer needs to spend before the associated deal is applied.

MinimumPurchaseAmountCurrency string

Currency code for the deal's MinimumPurchaseAmount. See ISO 4217.

MaximumSavingsAmount decimal

Maximum amount a customer can save when the associated deal is applied.

MaximumSavingsCurrency string

Currency code for the deal's MaximumSavingsAmount. See ISO 4217.

BogoBuyQuantity integer

If DealType: "BOGO", the amount of "buy" items needed for the deal to activate appears.

BogoBuyScope enum

If DealType: "BOGO", the scope of "buy" items appears.

Possible enum values
PRODUCTDeal only applies to a specific product or a specific group of products.
CATEGORYDeal applies to a category of products.
ENTIRE_STOREDeal applies to all of the products in the entire store.

BogoBuyName string

If DealType: "BOGO", the name of the "buy" item(s) appears.

BogoBuyImageUrl string

If DealType: "BOGO", the URL leading to the "buy" product's image will appear.

BogoGetQuantity integer

If DealType: "BOGO", the amount of "get" items that the customer can get a discount on will appear.

BogoGetScope enum

If DealType: "BOGO", the scope of "get" items appears.

Possible enum values
PRODUCTDeal only applies to a specific product or a specific group of products.
CATEGORYDeal applies to a category of products.
ENTIRE_STOREDeal applies to all of the products in the entire store.

BogoGetDiscountType enum

If DealType="BOGO", the type of discount applied to "get" items appears.

Possible enum values
FREECustomer will receive the `get` item for free.
AMOUNTCustomer will receive a specific amount of money off of the `get` item's cost.
PERCENTCustomer will receive a percent off of the `get` item's cost.

BogoGetName string

If DealType: "BOGO", the name of the "get" item(s) appears.

BogoGetImageUrl string

If DealType: "BOGO", the URL leading to the "get" product's image will appear.

BogoGetDiscountAmount decimal

If BogoGetDiscountType: "AMOUNT", the fixed discount amount taken off of the "get" item's price appears.

BogoGetDiscountCurrency string

If BogoGetDiscountType: "AMOUNT", the currency code for BogoGetDiscountAmount appears.

BogoGetDiscountPercent percentage

If BogoGetDiscountType: "PERCENT", the discount percentage taken off of the "get" item's price appears.

PurchaseLimitQuantity integer

If DealType: "BOGO", the amount of "buy" product that a customer can purchase at once appears. If 0, no purchase limit exists.

StartDate datetime

Date and time that the deal begins. See ISO 8601.

EndDate datetime

Date and time that the deal ends. See ISO 8601.

DateCreated datetime

The date and time the deal was created. See ISO 8601.

DateLastUpdated datetime

The date and time the deal was last updated. See ISO 8601.

Uri string

Unique identifier reference to this object in the API.

  "Id": "12345",
  "Name": "ACME Deal",
  "Description": "ACME Sale",
  "CampaignId": "1234",
  "State": "ACTIVE",
  "Type": "GENERAL_SALE",
  "Scope": "ENTIRE_STORE",
  "Public": "FALSE",
  "Products": [],
  "Categories": "",
  "DiscountType": "FIXED",
  "DiscountAmount": "",
  "DiscountCurrency": "",
  "DiscountPercent": "",
  "DiscountMaximumPercent": "",
  "DiscountPercentRangeStart": "",
  "DiscountPercentRangeEnd": "",
  "Gift": "",
  "RebateAmount": "",
  "RebateCurrency": "",
  "DefaultPromoCode": "",
  "MinimumPurchaseAmount": "",
  "MinimumPurchaseAmountCurrency": "",
  "MaximumSavingsAmount": "",
  "MaximumSavingsCurrency": "",
  "BogoBuyQuantity": "0",
  "BogoBuyScope": "",
  "BogoBuyName": "",
  "BogoBuyImageUrl": "",
  "BogoGetQuantity": "0",
  "BogoGetScope": "",
  "BogoGetDiscountType": "",
  "BogoGetName": "",
  "BogoGetImageUrl": "",
  "BogoGetDiscountAmount": "",
  "BogoGetDiscountCurrency": "",
  "BogoGetDiscountPercent": "",
  "PurchaseLimitQuantity": "0",
  "StartDate": "",
  "EndDate": "",
  "DateCreated": "2020-05-18T18:28:28-07:00",
  "DateLastUpdated": "2021-02-16T15:27:11-08:00",  
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/<CampaignId>/Deals/<Id>"