Retrieves the details of an existing catalog item. Supply the unique catalog item ID and will return the corresponding item information.
No parameters.
Example request
curl '<AccountSID>/Catalogs/<CatalogId>/Items/<Id>' \
-X GET \
-u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Returns a (catalog) item object if a valid identifier is provided. Returns an empty result set for non existing contact identifiers.
Example response
"Id": "product_1000_9876543",
"CatalogId": "1000",
"CampaignId": "1234",
"CampaignName": "Acme Partner Program",
"CatalogItemId": "9876543",
"Name": "Acme Tennis Balls (One Dozen)",
"Description": "A case of one dozen professional-grade tennis balls.",
"MultiPack": "",
"Bullets": [],
"Labels": [],
"Manufacturer": "",
"Url": "",
"MobileUrl": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"ProductBid": "",
"AdditionalImageUrls": [],
"Promotions": [
"PromotionId": "3monthsfree",
"PromotionTitle": "Get 3 months of TV free with your purchase.",
"PromotionEffectiveDates": "2023-01-01/2023-06-30",
"GenericRedemptionCode": "Get3Months"
"CurrentPrice": "16.99",
"OriginalPrice": "16.99",
"DiscountPercentage": "",
"Currency": "USD",
"StockAvailability": "InStock",
"EstimatedShipDate": "",
"LaunchDate": "",
"ExpirationDate": "",
"Gtin": "",
"GtinType": "",
"Asin": "",
"Mpn": "",
"ShippingRate": "",
"ShippingWeight": "",
"ShippingWeightUnit": "",
"ShippingLength": "",
"ShippingWidth": "",
"ShippingHeight": "",
"ShippingLengthUnit": "",
"ShippingLabel": "",
"Category": "Home > Sports",
"SubCategory": "Home > Sports > Tennis & Golf",
"AdvertiserFormatCategories": "",
"OriginalFormatCategory": "",
"OriginalFormatCategoryId": "",
"ParentName": "",
"ParentSku": "",
"IsParent": false,
"ItemGroupId": "AB12345",
"Colors": [],
"Material": "",
"Pattern": "",
"Size": "",
"SizeUnit": "",
"Weight": "",
"WeightUnit": "",
"Condition": "New",
"AgeGroup": "",
"AgeRangeMin": "0",
"AgeRangeMax": "0",
"AgeRangeUnit": "",
"Gender": "",
"Adult": false,
"Text1": "",
"Text2": "",
"Text3": "",
"Numeric1": "",
"Numeric2": "",
"Numeric3": "",
"Money1": "",
"Money2": "",
"Money3": "",
"Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Catalogs/1000/Items/product_100_9876543"