Jobs object

The job object holds information about a job action. You can retrieve a job result file, as well as list all jobs, replay completed jobs and monitor job statuses.


Id string

The unique job identifier.

Type string

The type of job.

Enum ValuesDescription
DownloadReportReport download job.
ApiReportAPI report job.
UploadAdsUpload ads job.
TermModificationContract terms modification Job.
ClickExportClick export job.

ProgramId string

The Program ID this job was scheduled for. Also known as CampaignId.

CreatedBy string

The Account SID of the account that scheduled this job.

CreatedDate string

The date and time the job was initially scheduled.

StartedDate string

The date and time the job last started running.

CompletedDate string

The date and time the job was last successfully completed.

AbandonedDate string

When the date and time of starting the job were last abandoned. This value is set when an attempt is made to start a job that is already running.

CancelledDate string

The date and time the job was last canceled.

FailedDate string

The date and time processing of this job last raised an error.

LastProgressUpdateDate string

The date and time progress on job processing was updated. This value is updated every time an update is made to the 'RecordsProcessed' or 'PercentageComplete' fields.

Status enum

The status of job processing.

Possible enum valuesDescription
QUEUEDA job that has been queued.
RUNNINGWhen a job is being run.
COMPLETEDA job that is completed.
CANCELLEDA job that is cancelled.
ERRORA job that raises an error. 'ERROR' state jobs will be retried automatically every 15 minutes.
FAILEDAfter 5 unsuccessful tries, the job will be put into a 'FAILED' state and no subsequent processing attempts will be made.

StatusMessage string

A message describing the current job status.

RecordsProcessed integer

The number of records processed up to the last progress update. This value is updated differently for each job type.

PercentageComplete integer

The percentage of work completed for this job up to the last progress update. This value is updated differently for each job type.

Replayable boolean

An indication if this job type can be replayed.

ResultUri string

A URI pointing to a result file generated by a successfully completed job.

  "Id": "d8807a9f-a5ee-4e3f-ad2b-3dfd19d1915f",
  "Type": "ClickExport",
  "ProgramId": "3629",
  "CreatedBy": "<AccountSID>",
  "CreatedDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "StartedDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "AbandonedDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "CompletedDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "CancelledDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "FailedDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "LastProgressUpdateDate": "2022-06-07T04:33:50-05:00",
  "Status": "COMPLETED",
  "StatusMessage": "Job processing completed successfully.",
  "RecordsProcessed": 250,
  "PercentageComplete": 100,
  "Replayable": true,
  "ResultUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Jobs/<JobID>/Download"