Run report [Deprecation Planned]

Runs a report and returns the report records. Ensure to retrieve report metadata for the report you are running to obtain documentation for that report.

The example request and response only represent one possible report. List all reports see all of the reports available to run.


In order to run a report, enter the Id of the report as a path parameter.

SUBAID required for most reports

A program Id. Further refine the report to only retrieve data from a specific program.

StartDate required for most reports

From what date and time the report should retrieve data. See ISO 8601.

EndDate required for most reports

To what date and time the report should retrieve data. See ISO 8601.

Optional Parameters

RQueryIDx optional

Some reports, for example the Withdrawal Details report, are capable of returning more than one table in the response. Use the RQueryIDx parameter to specify which table you would like to view. Specify RQueryIDx=0 to return the first table, or RQueryIDx=1 to return the second, and so on.

If the RQueryIDx parameter is omitted from the query, the API will return the first table by default, which is equivalent to specifying RQueryIDx=0.


Returns a report record object for the requested report. This request should never return an error.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/Reports/<Id>' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \

Example Response

  "@page": "1".
  "Records": [
      "Referral_Date": "",
      "Action_Date": "2021-05-13T23:45:36-04:00",
      "Locking_Date": "",
      "Action_Id": "M.8882.4881.935157",
      "Oid": "O65667",
      "Campaign": "Acme Inc",
      "Action_Tracker": "Sale",
      "Property_Type": "",
      "Property_Id": "",
      "Property_Name": "",
      "Status": "Pending",
      "Status_Detail": "",
      "SKU": "",
      "Item_Name": "",
      "Category": "",
      "Quantity": "",
      "Sale_Amount": "46.80",
      "Original_Sale_Amount": "",
      "Payout": "0.0000",
      "VAT": "0.0000",
      "Promo_Code": "mothersday",
      "Sharedid": ""