The action inquiry object


Id integer

Unique identifier for the action inquiry.

MediaPartnerInquiryId string

Unique identifier for the partner that created the action inquiry.

CampaignId integer

Unique identifier for the campaign (or Program) that this action inquiry is in. Also referred to as a ProgramId.

CampaignName string

Name of the campaign (or program) the action inquiry is associated with.

OrderId string

The brand's unique identifier for the consumer order associated with this conversion. For example, with a standard retail event type, this value would be the order number the consumer receives when they converted. An OrderId (or Oid) is only required to be unique to the event type (or action tracker) that tracked this conversion.

TransactionDate datetime

Date and time when the transaction occurred, expressed in ISO 8601 format.

TransactionAmount decimal

Revenue amount associated with this action.

CustomerId string

A unique identifier for the customer.

InquiryDate datetime

Date and time when the inquiry occurred, expressed in ISO 8601 format.

InquiryType enum

The reason this action inquiry was submitted.

Possible enum values
UNTRACKEDAction wasn't tracked for the partner.
INCORRECTAction was incorrectly tracked. Refer to the notes left by the partner in the Comments attribute.
DECLINEDAction was wrongly declined.

ExpectedPayout decimal

Payout amount that the partner expected to receive for the action.

ResolutionDeadlineDate datetime

Date and time of the deadline that a partner expects to receive a resolution for this action inquiry, expressed in ISO 8601 format. For loyalty partners, this typically represents an SLA to their customers.

Comments array

Contains attributes related to comments left on the action inquiry.

View child attributes

Comments.User string

Name of the user that created the comment.

Comments.Comment string

Text content of the comment created by the user.

Comments.Date datetime

Date and time when the comment was created, expressed in ISO 8601 format.

InquiryNotes string

These are the notes left by the partner when submitting an inquiry.

TrackingLink string

The tracking link used by the partner that lead to this action.

ActionId string

Unique identifier for the action.

ActionUri string

Unique identifier reference to the action in the API.

AutoApprovalDate datetime

Date and time when the inquiry will be automatically approved (if auto-approval rules are enabled), expressed in ISO 8601 format.

ResolutionStatus enum

Current status of the action inquiry.

Possible enum values
UNRESOLVEDAction inquiry hasn't been resolved yet.
VALIDAction inquiry was approved and the partner will receive a payout.
DECLINEDAction inquiry was declined and the partner won't receive a payout.
INCOMPLETEAction inquiry is incomplete and requires more information from the partner before it can be resolved.

RejectReason enum

For an action inquiry marked DECLINED, states the reason for why an action inquiry was declined.

Possible enum values
This transaction has been tracked successfully
Another marketing channel was credited with the sale
Another marketing channel was credited with the sale, due to a voucher/discount code used
Did not meet terms and conditions set by merchant
Transaction not completed - Order cancelled, changed, or returned
Transaction cannot be traced
Transaction not fully completed online
Enquiry does not provide complete information required for evaluation

FinalPayout decimal

For an action inquiry marked VALID, indicates the final payout amount approved for the partner's action payout.

ResolutionDate datetime

Date and time when the resolution occurred, expressed in ISO 8601 format.

CreationDate datetime

Date and time when the action inquiry was created, expressed in ISO 8601 format.

  "Id": "12345",
  "MediaPartnerInquiryId": "123456",
  "CampaignId": "1234",
  "CampaignName": "ACME Ltd",
  "OrderId": "4290039424",
  "TransactionDate": "2021-03-18T00:00:00+11:00",
  "TransactionAmount": "3253.90",
  "CustomerId": "1234567890",
  "InquiryDate": "",
  "InquiryType": "INCORRECT",
  "ExpectedPayout": "325.39",
  "ResolutionDeadlineDate": "",
  "InquiryNotes": "customer reports incorrectly tracked \r\n\r\incorrect order id 4290039424\r\n\r\n4053.2998.8734\r\n\r\nplease investigate",
  "TrackingLink": "",
  "ActionId": "4444",
  "ActionUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Actions/4444",
  "AutoApprovalDate": "",
  "ResolutionStatus": "VALID",
  "RejectReason": "",
  "FinalPayout": "325.39",
  "ResolutionDate": "2021-04-15T10:18:27+10:00",
  "ResolutionNotes": "",
  "CreationDate": "2021-04-12T13:16:04+10:00"
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/ActionInquiries/123456"