The action updates object

An ActionUpdates object is created when an action has been updated, which is defined as:

  • When the action is initially tracked
  • If the action is modified, and each modification thereafter
  • If the action is reversed

Each time an update occurs, a new ActionUpdates object is created and identifiable by a unique Id value. This endpoint is useful as a feed of update data for actions, which can be imported into your own system or a data warehouse.


Note recommends using action lifecycle postbacks instead of the ActionUpdates endpoint for all but occasional requests in order to receive low latency (near realtime) action updates. Learn more about enabling postbacks here.


Id string

Unique identifier for the action update. Every time an Action is updated, a new Id value is generated to track the specific updates that occurred.

ActionId string

Unique identifier for the action.

CampaignId integer

Unique identifier for the campaign (or program) that the action is associated with. This value is also known as the ProgramId.

ActionTrackerId integer

Unique identifier for the action tracker (or event type) that tracked the conversion associated with the action.

MediaPartnerId integer

Unique identifier for the partner that is credited for the action.

State enum

Current state of the action.

Possible enum values
PENDING Action is awaiting its locking date for approval, or to be manually approved. Actions that have been modified will also have this state.
APPROVED Action reached its locking date and was approved, or was manually approved and will pay out the partner. No further modifications can occur.
REVERSED Action was reversed and will not pay out the partner.

StateDetail string

Additional details for the state of the action. Can be blank if no details exist.

Possible enum values
OPEN Action is currently pending and its locking date is not finalized.
PAYMENT_PENDING Action is approved is payment is pending. No further modifications to the action amounts will occur.
PAID Action payout has been paid to the partner.
OVERDUE Action is past its payment due date and has not been paid.
DEFAULTED Action is overdue and the brand account has been closed without paying. This is rare.
OVERLIMIT_BUDGET Action was reversed due to a budget limit constraint on the contract.
OVERLIMIT_ACTIONCAP Action was reversed due to an action limit constraint on the contract.
ITEM_RETURNED Action was modified/reversed due to the purchased item being returned.
ITEM_OUT_OF_STOCK Action was modified/reversed due to the purchased item being out of stock.
NOT_COMPLIANCE_TERMS Action doesn't qualify for a payout due to violating terms of the contract.
REJECTED General rejection of the action.
ORDER_ERROR Action was modified/reversed due to an error with the order.
CONS_FRAUD Action was modified/reversed due to a fraudulent transaction.
CREDITED_DIFFERENT_MP A different partner was credited for this action.
TEST_ACTION A test action not eligible for payout.

AdId integer

Unique identifier for the ad that drove the winning click.

ReportingState string

The disposition code passed to This describes the condition of the action, e.g., PAID.

DeltaPayout decimal

The change in Payout value between the current action update and the previous one. If this is the first update record for the action, the DeltaPayout will equal the action's Payout.

DeltaAmount decimal

The change in Amount value between the current action update and the previous one. If this is the first update record for the action, the DeltaAmount will equal the action's Amount.

Category string

The category for the product associated with this action item. This is the passed value as opposed the value looked-up from the product catalog.

SubCategory string

The subcategory for the product associated with this action item. This is the passed value as opposed the value looked-up from the product catalog.

Sku string

Stock-keeping unit (SKU) identifier that's been assigned to the item.

Quantity string

Number of units of the product in the action item.

CatalogName string

The display name for the product associated with this action item according to the Name field in the product catalog.

CatalogCategory string

The display name for the product associated with this action item according to the Category field in the product catalog.

UpdateDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action was first modified. If an action is modified multiple times, this will change to date and time the action was last updated.

LockingDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action will lock and can no longer be modified or reversed.

ClearingDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action commission will be paid to the winning partner.

ActionDate datetime

ISO 8601 format of the date and time when the action took place.

Oid string

The unique identifier for the order associated with this conversion. For example, in a retail sale, this could be the Order ID the brand assigned the customer for their purchase.

SubId1 string

The first SubID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link and will appear in your own reporting.

SharedId string

The Shared ID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link, typically used to share traffic segments (or other information) with the brand.

ActionUri string

Unique reference to the action object in the API.

Uri string

Unique reference to the action update object in the API.

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EventCode string

[Legacy value] For mobile app events, populates with an associated EventCode field representing the type of event tracked.

StateDetailDescription string

Description for the current state of the action.

Currency currency

Three-letter ISO 4217 alpha code representing the currency for the action. In most cases, this will be the default currency of your account. This is not the currency sent in on the order.

CatalogDescription string

Description of the product from the product catalog.

CatalogManufacturer string

Name of the product's manufacturer from the product catalog.

CatalogOriginalFormatCategory string

If the product catalog has been modified, this is the product's original category.

CatalogSubCategory string

Name of the sub-category for the product from the product catalog.

SubId2 string

The second SubID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link and will appear in your own reporting.

SubId3 string

The third SubID value associated with the winning click for the action. This value is a query string parameter that you can append to the tracking link and will appear in your own reporting.

PaystubId string

The unique withdrawal Id assigned to the withdrawal activity. For example, this value can be appended to the platform to get information about when that withdrawal was made.

ContractId string

Unique identifier of the contract associated with the action.

EventTypeId string

Unique identifier for the event type. This is identical to ActionTrackerId found in other endpoints.

EventTypeName string

Name of the event type (or action tracker).

PayoutLevel enum

Payout level for the action.

Possible enum values
ORDER Action pays out at the order-level (payout is calculated based on the order total).
ITEM Action pays out at the item-level (payout is calculated for each item in the action individually, then totaled up)

DefaultPayout decimal

The default payout for this action without any modifications.

DefaultPayoutCurrency enum

Three-letter ISO 4217 alpha code representing the default currency for the action.

DefaultPayoutRate integer

The default payout rate for this action without any modifications.

PayoutGroup array

Payout groups that the contract has set up.

View child attributes

Id string

Payout group’s Id.

Rank integer

Rank order of a payout group.

Rules array

Rules of the payout group. These rules will apply based on the performance of the component items or variables within the rule.

View child attributes

Variable enum

What the payout group looks for.

View possible enum values
ITEM_SKUSKU number of the item.
ITEM_SKU_LISTArray of item SKU numbers.
ITEM_CATEGORYCategory that the item is listed in.
ITEM_CATEGORY_LISTCategory list an item is placed in.
ITEM_SUBCATEGORYSubcategory an item is placed in.
ITEM_BRANDBrand that makes an item.
ITEM_PRICEPrice of an item.
ITEM_QUANTITYQuantity of an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODEPromo code associated with an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODE_LISTPromo code list associated with an item.
ITEM_DISCOUNTItem’s discount.
ITEM_SUBTOTALItem’s subtotal before any deals or fees are applied.
ITEM_CATALOG_CATEGORYThe catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_ORIGINAL_FORMAT_CATEGORYThe original catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_SUBCATEGORYThe catalog subcategory an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERThe item’s manufacturer as it is listed in a product catalog.
ORDER_PROMO_CODEPromo code used in the order.
ORDER_PROMO_CODE_LISTList a promo code used was placed in.
ORDER_DISCOUNTOrder’s discount.
ORDER_SHIPPINGOrder’s shipping cost.
ORDER_TAXTax applied to an order.
ORDER_PAYMENT_TYPEHow a customer pays for an order.
ORDER_LOCATION_IDThe location Id an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_NAMEThe location name an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_TYPEThe location type an order was placed in.
ORDER_TOTALThe order total.
GIFT_PURCHASEIf the product purchased is intended to be a gift.
CURRENCYThe currency used to purchase the product.
CUSTOMER_CITYThe city a customer purchased the product from.
CUSTOMER_REGIONRegion the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_POSTCODEPostal code the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_COUNTRYCountry the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_STATUSIf the customer is new, existing, re-engaged, frequent, or another status.
MONEY1A unique money value.
MONEY2A unique money value.
MONEY3A unique money value.
DATE1A custom date value. See ISO 8601.
DATE2A custom date value. See ISO 8601.
DATE3A custom date value. See ISO 8601.
NUMERIC1A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC2A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC3A custom numeric value.
TEXT1A custom text value.
TEXT2A custom text value.
TEXT3A custom text value.
SITE_CATEGORYThe category a site was placed in.
SITE_VERSIONA website’s version.
HEAR_ABOUT_USHow a customer heard about the brand or product.
NOTEA note.
DERIVED_COUNTRYWhat country the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_STATE_REGIONWhat state or region the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEWhat device type the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_BROWSERWhat browser the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_OSWhat operating system the payout group is derived from.
REFERRAL_TYPEHow the customer was referred to the product.
REFERRAL_ADAd associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DEALDeal associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SHARED_IDSharedId associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_CATEGORYTraffic category associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SKUSKU code associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_URLURL associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_LANDING_PAGELanding page associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_PLACEMENTAd placement associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_TYPEAd type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_KEYWORDAd keyword associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGNAd program (formerly known as campaign) associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGN_IDAd program (formerly known as campaign) Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUPAd group associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUP_IDAd group Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM1Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM2Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM3Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM4Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_IDSub account Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_NAMESub account name associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_COUNTRYPayout group’s derived country associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_STATE_REGIONPayout group’s derived state or region associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEPayout group’s derived device type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_BROWSERPayout group’s derived web browser associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_OSPayout group’s derived operating system associated with the referring action.
CALLER_COUNTRYCountry the caller called from.
CALLED_COUNTRYCountry of the call recipient.
CALLED_NUMBERPhone number of the call recipient.
CALL_DURATIONDuration of the phone call.
CALL_TALK_DURATIONDuration of the phone conversation.
CALL_PHONE_TYPEType of phone the call recipient used.
CALL_KEY1A custom call key.
CALL_KEY2A custom call key.
CALL_KEY3A custom call key.
CALL_KEY4A custom call key.
CALL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the phone call.
PATH_PARTICIPATION_CHANNELSWhat channels were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_MEDIAWhat partner(s) were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_GROUPSWhat partner groups were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_STEPSAmount of steps a customer took on their journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_MEDIAPartner(s) that started a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of the channel(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_CLOSING_MEDIAPartner that closed a customer journey.
PATH_CLOSING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that closed the sale.
PATH_CLOSING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of channels that closed the sale.
PATH_MEDIA_COUNTHow many media pieces were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_IMPACT_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_CHANNEL_COUNTHow many steps the customer took on their purchase journey.

Operator enum

How the Variable is applied.

View possible enum values
ISVariable must be Value.
IS_NOTVariable cannot be Value.
IS_NOT_WHEN_PRESENTIf Variable is present, it cannot be Value. Only for string Values.
IS_PRESENTIf Variable is present.
IS_NOT_PRESENTIf Variable is not present.
RANGENumber range that Value can land in. Only for integer Values.
LESS_THANVariable must be lower than Value. Only for integer Values.
GREATER_THANVariable must be greater than Value. Only for integer Values.
DATE_RANGEVariable must land within the date range defined in Value.
DATE_LESS_THANVariable must be before the date defined in Value.
WILDCARDIf the listed character string(s) appear anywhere in Value. Only for string Values.
BEGINS_WITHIf Value begins with certain characters. Only for string Values.
ENDS_WITHIf Value ends with certain characters. Only for string Values.
CONTAINSIf Value contains certain characters. Only for string Values.
DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value does not contain certain characters. Only for string Values.
COLLECTION_CONTAINSIf Value is contained within the collection.
COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value is not contained in the collection.

Values array

What Variable is looking for. Will be empty if Variable: IS_PRESENT or Variable: IS_NOT_PRESENT.

MatchedValue string

The value that matched the condition to trigger the payout group.

Payout decimal

The payout amount if the payout rule is applied. If present, PayoutRate will not be.

PayoutRate integer

Order percentage that will become the payout if the tier is met. If present, Payout will not be.

PayoutAdjustments array

Conditions that can change an action’s payout details.

View child attributes

Id string

Payout adjustment’s Id.

Rules array

Rules for how the payout adjustment applies.

View child attributes

Variable enum

What the payout group looks for.

View possible enum values
ITEM_SKUSKU number of the item.
ITEM_SKU_LISTArray of item SKU numbers.
ITEM_CATEGORYCategory that the item is listed in.
ITEM_CATEGORY_LISTCategory list an item is placed in.
ITEM_SUBCATEGORYSubcategory an item is placed in.
ITEM_BRANDBrand that makes an item.
ITEM_PRICEPrice of an item.
ITEM_QUANTITYQuantity of an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODEPromo code associated with an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODE_LISTPromo code list associated with an item.
ITEM_DISCOUNTItem’s discount.
ITEM_SUBTOTALItem’s subtotal before any deals or fees are applied.
ITEM_CATALOG_CATEGORYThe catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_ORIGINAL_FORMAT_CATEGORYThe original catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_SUBCATEGORYThe catalog subcategory an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERThe item’s manufacturer as it is listed in a product catalog.
ORDER_PROMO_CODEPromo code used in the order.
ORDER_PROMO_CODE_LISTList a promo code used was placed in.
ORDER_DISCOUNTOrder’s discount.
ORDER_SHIPPINGOrder’s shipping cost.
ORDER_TAXTax applied to an order.
ORDER_PAYMENT_TYPEHow a customer pays for an order.
ORDER_LOCATION_IDThe location Id an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_NAMEThe location name an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_TYPEThe location type an order was placed in.
ORDER_TOTALThe order total.
GIFT_PURCHASEIf the product purchased is intended to be a gift.
CURRENCYThe currency used to purchase the product.
CUSTOMER_CITYThe city a customer purchased the product from.
CUSTOMER_REGIONRegion the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_POSTCODEPostal code the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_COUNTRYCountry the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_STATUSIf the customer is new, existing, re-engaged, frequent, or another status.
MONEY1A unique money value.
MONEY2A unique money value.
MONEY3A unique money value.
DATE1A custom date value. See ISO 8601.
DATE2A custom date value. See ISO 8601.
DATE3A custom date value. See ISO 8601.
NUMERIC1A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC2A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC3A custom numeric value.
TEXT1A custom text value.
TEXT2A custom text value.
TEXT3A custom text value.
SITE_CATEGORYThe category a site was placed in.
SITE_VERSIONA website’s version.
HEAR_ABOUT_USHow a customer heard about the brand or product.
NOTEA note.
DERIVED_COUNTRYWhat country the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_STATE_REGIONWhat state or region the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEWhat device type the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_BROWSERWhat browser the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_OSWhat operating system the payout adjustment is derived from.
REFERRAL_TYPEHow the customer was referred to the product.
REFERRAL_ADAd associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DEALDeal associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SHARED_IDSharedId associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_CATEGORYTraffic category associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SKUSKU code associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_URLURL associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_LANDING_PAGELanding page associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_PLACEMENTAd placement associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_TYPEAd type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_KEYWORDAd keyword associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGNAd program (formerly known as campaign) associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGN_IDAd program (formerly known as campaign) Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUPAd group associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUP_IDAd group Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM1Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM2Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM3Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM4Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_IDSub account Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_NAMESub account name associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_COUNTRYPayout adjustment's derived country associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_STATE_REGIONPayout adjustment's derived state or region associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEPayout adjustment's derived device type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_BROWSERPayout adjustment's derived web browser associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_OSPayout adjustment's derived operating system associated with the referring action.
CALLER_COUNTRYCountry the caller called from.
CALLED_COUNTRYCountry of the call recipient.
CALLED_NUMBERPhone number of the call recipient.
CALL_DURATIONDuration of the phone call.
CALL_TALK_DURATIONDuration of the phone conversation.
CALL_PHONE_TYPEType of phone the call recipient used.
CALL_KEY1A custom call key.
CALL_KEY2A custom call key.
CALL_KEY3A custom call key.
CALL_KEY4A custom call key.
CALL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the phone call.
PATH_PARTICIPATION_CHANNELSWhat channels were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_MEDIAWhat partner(s) were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_GROUPSWhat partner groups were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_STEPSAmount of steps a customer took on their journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_MEDIAPartner(s) that started a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of the channel(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_CLOSING_MEDIAPartner that closed a customer journey.
PATH_CLOSING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that closed the sale.
PATH_CLOSING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of channels that closed the sale.
PATH_MEDIA_COUNTHow many media pieces were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_IMPACT_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_CHANNEL_COUNTHow many steps the customer took on their purchase journey.

Operator enum

How the Variable is applied.

View possible enum values
ISVariable must be Value.
IS_NOTVariable cannot be Value.
IS_NOT_WHEN_PRESENTIf Variable is present, it cannot be Value. Only for string Values.
IS_PRESENTIf Variable is present.
IS_NOT_PRESENTIf Variable is not present.
RANGENumber range that Value can land in. Only for integer Values.
LESS_THANVariable must be lower than Value. Only for integer Values.
GREATER_THANVariable must be greater than Value. Only for integer Values.
DATE_RANGEVariable must land within the date range defined in Value.
DATE_LESS_THANVariable must be before the date defined in Value.
WILDCARDIf the listed character string(s) appear anywhere in Value. Only for string Values.
BEGINS_WITHIf Value begins with certain characters. Only for string Values.
ENDS_WITHIf Value ends with certain characters. Only for string Values.
CONTAINSIf Value contains certain characters. Only for string Values.
DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value does not contain certain characters. Only for string Values.
COLLECTION_CONTAINSIf Value is contained within the collection.
COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value is not contained in the collection.

Values array

What Variable is looking for. Will be empty if Variable: IS_PRESENT or Variable: IS_NOT_PRESENT.

Direction enum

How the payout is adjusted.

View possible enum values
INCREASERaise the payout by a certain percentage.
DECREASELower the payout by a certain percentage.
ADDAdd a fixed amount to the payout.
SUBTRACTRemove a fixed amount from the payout.

Amount decimal

If Direction: "ADD || SUBTRACT", then the fixed amount change will appear.

Rate integer

If Direction: "INCREASE || DECREASE", then the percent change will appear.

  "Id": "1000.1234.56789.10111213",
  "ActionId": "1000.1234.56789",
  "CampaignId": "1000",
  "ActionTrackerId": "10000",
  "EventCode": "",
  "State": "PENDING",
  "StateDetail": "",
  "StateDetailDescription": "Action comes in DEFAULT and a locking date has not been set yet",
  "AdId": "123456",
  "ReportingState": "IR_BLANK",
  "DeltaPayout": "0.26",
  "DeltaAmount": "17.29",
  "Currency": "USD",
  "Category": "Sports",
  "Sku": "123ABC456",
  "Quantity": "1",
  "CatalogName": "",
  "CatalogCategory": "",
  "CatalogDescription": "",
  "CatalogManufacturer": "",
  "CatalogOriginalFormatCategory": "",
  "CatalogSubCategory": "",
  "UpdateDate": "2021-04-25T02:07:45-04:00",
  "LockingDate": "2021-05-16T00:00:00-04:00",
  "ClearingDate": "2021-05-16T00:00:00-04:00",
  "ActionDate": "2021-04-24T19:50:23-04:00",
  "Oid": "O987654",
  "SubId1": "Blog",
  "SubId2": "Website",
  "SubId3": "",
  "PaystubId": "116142",
  "ContractId": "S-7751552",
  "EventTypeId": "10000",
  "EventTypeName": "Sale",
  "PayoutLevel": "ORDER",
  "DefaultPayout": "5.00",
  "DefaultPayoutCurrency": "USD",
  "PayoutGroup": {
    "Id": "8034e85e-554b-4b4d-85e0-589568985618",
    "Rank": "1",
    "PayoutRate": "8",
    "Rules": [
        "Variable": "ITEM_CATEGORY_LIST",
        "Operator": "IS",
        "Values": [
        "MatchedValue": "19564"
  "PayoutAdjustments": [
      "Id": "8e993fb0-a984-4248-98ca-03baf6196703",
      "Rank": "1",
      "Direction": "INCREASE",
      "Rate": "15",
      "Rules": [
          "Variable": "CUSTOMER_STATUS",
          "Operator": "IS",
          "Values": [
          "MatchedValue": "NEW"
  "SharedId": "",
  "ActionUri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/Actions/1000.1234.56789",
  "Uri": "/Mediapartners/<AccountSID>/ActionUpdates/1000.1234.56789.10111213"