List all conversion paths

Returns a list of your conversion paths within a specified attribution model. Each conversion path step is returned within a separate Event array, and each conversion path is contained within separate objects. Requires you to pass the unique CampaignId and ModelId identifiers.


ActionTrackerId optional

Comma-separated list of event type (formerly known as action tracker) Ids that you want to pull conversion paths for.

ActionId optional

Comma-separated list of tracked action Ids linked to conversion paths.

MediaId optional

Comma-separated list of partner (formerly known as media partner) Ids that drove any step within a conversion path.

Oid optional

Comma-separated list of customer order Ids.

Channel optional

Comma-separated list of channel names linked to conversion paths.

StartDate optional

Only retrieve conversion path actions occurring after this date and time. See ISO 8601.

EndDate optional

Only retrieve conversion path actions occurring before this date and time. See ISO 8601.


Returns an array of conversion path objects up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a conversion path. If no conversion paths meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Models/999/ConversionPaths' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d 'ActionTrackerId=4000' \
  -d 'Oid=O7777777' \
  -d 'StartDate=2016-06-01T00:00:00-7:00' \
  -d 'EndDate=2022-06-30T00:00:00-7:00' \

Example Response

  "@page": "1",
  "ConversionPaths": [
      "ModelId": "999",
      "ModelName": "Algorithmic",
      "CampaignId": "1000",
      "CampaignName": "ACME Campaign",
      "Latency": "0.0",
      "Steps": "1",
      "Revenue": "92.1",
      "Cost": "0.0",
      "MediaCount": "1",
      "ChannelCount": "1",
      "ReferralCounts": [],
      "CustomerId": "79824Y",
      "Events": {
        "Event": {
          "Id": "E-A.1234.a5678901-234b-5c67-8d9e-01234f56g",
          "Type": "Conversion",
          "SubType": "MOBILE_APP",
          "EventDate": "2021-01-25T08:52:23-05:00",
          "Step": "",
          "PositionType": "",
          "SiteVersion": "",
          "SiteCategory": "",
          "LandingPage": "",
          "CustomerStatus": "existing",
          "CustomerPostCode": "93107",
          "CustomerArea": "999",
          "CustomerCity": "Santa Barbara",
          "CustomerRegion": "CA",
          "CustomerCountry": "US",
          "DeviceType": "DESKTOP",
          "DeviceFamily": "Chromebook",
          "Browser": "",
          "Os": "Chrome OS",
          "ProfileId": "",
          "Fingerprint": "",
          "Platform": "",
          "MediaId": "",
          "MediaName": "",
          "Channel": "",
          "AdDistributionType": "",
          "AdCampaign": "",
          "AdGroup": "",
          "AdId": "",
          "AdName": "",
          "AdType": "",
          "DealName": "",
          "DealType": "",
          "DealScope": "",
          "Keyword": "",
          "MatchType": "",
          "TrafficType": "",
          "AdSiteLocation": "",
          "SubId1": "",
          "SubId2": "",
          "SubId3": "",
          "SharedId": "",
          "ReferringUrl": "",
          "AttributedCredit": "",
          "AttributedRevenue": "",
          "ActionId": "A.1234.a5678901-234b-5c67-8d9e-01234f56g",
          "ActionDate": "2021-01-25T08:52:23-05:00",
          "ActionTrackerId": "4000",
          "ActionTrackerName": "Install (Android App)",
          "AppPackageName": "",
          "AppName": "",
          "AppVersion": "",
          "PhoneNumber": "",
          "Oid": "O7777777",
          "PromoCode": "",
          "Amount": "92.1",
          "Payout": "0.0",
          "OrderMargin": "0.0",
          "OrderDiscount": "",
          "OrderShipping": "",
          "OrderTax": "",
          "OrderVAT": "",
          "OrderSubTotal": "",
          "Note": "",
          "Text1": "",
          "Text2": "",
          "Text3": "",
          "Numeric1": "",
          "Numeric2": "",
          "Numeric3": "",
          "Money1": "",
          "Money2": "",
          "Money3": "",
          "Date1": "",
          "Date2": "2016-07-28T20:00:00-04:00",
          "Date3": ""
      "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Models/999/ConversionPaths/E-A.1234.a5678901-234b-5c67-8d9e-01234f56g"