The contact object

The contact object holds contact information for a person associated with a partner account in your program. You can create, retrieve, update, and delete a contact, as well as list all contacts. also automatically creates a contact object for each public account user of all the partner accounts in your program. These system-created contacts are identifiable by an M prefix in their contact Id value. They can be retrieved, listed, and only partially updated.


Id string

Unique identifier for the object referred to as the Contact Id_.

FirstName string

The contact's first name.

LastName string

The contact's last name.

EmailAddress string

The contact's email address.

Title string

The contact's title, which can only be assigned to created contacts (not existing contacts with an account).

ProfileImage URI

The URI to the contact's profile image.

WorkPhoneNumberCountry string

The two letter country code for the contact's work phone number. See ISO 3166.

WorkPhoneNumber string

The contact's work phone number.

CellphoneNumberCountry string

The two letter country code for the contact's cellphone number. See ISO 3166.

CellphoneNumber string

The contact's cellphone number.

Editable boolean

Has the value true if the contact can be fully edited (user-created contact) or the value false if the contact cannot be fully edited (system-created contact). System-created contacts can only be updated with values for the Title and Labels parameters.

Labels array

Labels that can be created for a contact. This is an array of strings that can be assigned to any contact.

Account object

Lists the account Id and Name of the partner accounts that this contact is associated with.

View child attributes

Id string

The contact's Partner account ID.

Name string

The contact's Partner account name.

Uri string

The contact's direct URI to view only their contact information.

  "Id": "2750",
  "FirstName": "Wile",
  "LastName": "Coyote",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "Title": "Acme Partner Manager",
  "ProfileImage":                            																					"/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contacts/2750/ProfileImage",
  "WorkPhoneNumberCountry": "US",
  "WorkPhoneNumber": "8051231234",
  "CellphoneNumberCountry": "US",
  "CellphoneNumber": "8055555555",
  "Editable": "true",
  "Labels": [
    "Primary Contact",
  "Accounts": {
    "Account": {
      "Id": "10000",
      "Name": "Acme Partner"
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contacts/2750"
  "Id": "M1369520",
  "FirstName": "Road",
  "LastName": "Runner",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "Title": "Acme Partner Associate",
  "ProfileImage":                            																					"/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contacts/M1369520/ProfileImage",
  "WorkPhoneNumberCountry": "US",
  "WorkPhoneNumber": "8051231234",
  "CellphoneNumberCountry": "US",
  "CellphoneNumber": "8055555555",
  "Editable": "false",
  "Labels": [
    "Secondary Contact",
  "Accounts": {
    "Account": {
      "Id": "10000",
      "Name": "Acme Partner"
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contacts/M1369520"