The API submission object

The API submission object holds information about record (e.g., a conversion) that was submitted via API as well as any errors that may be found in the submission. You can retrieve info on an API submission as well as list info on all API submissions. API submission information is stored with for no more than 90 days.


BatchId string

Id of the API submission.

AccountId integer

Id of the brand account that submitted the API submission.

SubmissionDate datetime

Date and time the API submission was submitted. See ISO 8601.

CampaignId integer

Id of the program (formerly known as campaign) to which the record was submitted.

MediaPartnerId integer

Id of the partner (formerly known as media partner) that drove the record submitted via API.

OrderId string

If the record submitted is a conversion, this is the unique Id associated with that conversion.

Payload string

Information about the tracking data itself that was submitted to via an API call.

Type enum

Type of record submitted.

View possible values
ConversionSubmission contained information about a conversion event.
ModificationSubmission contained information about an action modification.
ReversalSubmission contained information about a reversing an event.

Status enum

Status of the API submission. Will always begin as Queued.

View possible values
QueuedSubmission is queued to begin processing.
In ProgressSubmission has begun processing.
CompleteSubmission was successfully submitted. Errors may exist in the submission however.

CompletionDate string

Date and time that the submission finished processing. Will be empty if the submission is not finished processing. See ISO 8601.

ErrorType enum

Errors encountered during the submission process. Will be empty if no errors were encountered. Some common values are listed below.

View possible values
ValidationErrors exist in the data submitted (e.g., data fields were not formatted correctly).
Contract ErrorSubmission contains valid data fields, but the data not meet criteria set in the contract—no payout can be generated.

ErrorReason enum

List of error explanations to help describe the ErrorType.

View possible values
ACTION_REF_NOT_FOUNDNo referral information for the event submitted can be found.
ACTIONTERMS_NOT_FOUNDThe contract that would apply to the submission contains no terms for the event type within the submission.
ACTIONTRACKER_CAMPAIGN_MISMATCHThe event type (or action tracker) listed does not belong to the program listed.
ACTIONTRACKER_NOT_ACTIVEThe event type (or action tracker) exists, but is yet to be enabled.
ACTIONTRACKER_NOT_FOUNDThe event type (or action tracker) cannot be found.
AMOUNT_NEGATIVE_OR_NOT_A_NUMBERThe amount submitted is negative or is not a number.
BLACKLISTED_SOURCE_IPIf a restriction was placed on the customer's IP. This is usually a country restriction.
BLOCKED_BY_PROMOCODEPartner promoted a promo code that was not assigned to them.
CALL_DUPLICATEDetermined by duplication rules, same caller generated an action within pre-determined amount of days.
CALL_DURATION_TOO_SHORTCall event in the submission was too short to be payable.
CALL_FOR_CALL_PER_CONV_ATCall was meant to turn into a pay-per-sale, but did not reach that point.
CALL_INCOMPLETECall did not connect properly.
CALL_OUTSIDE_DAILY_RANGECall event was outside pre-determined hours.
CAMPAIGN_ACCOUNT_MISMATCHProgram Id listed in the submission doesn't belong to your account.
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUNDProgram listed in the submission cannot be found.
CONTRACT_NOT_FOUNDNo contract for the partner existed at the time of the submission.
CONV_DUPLICATEAn action with the same OrderId was registered within the OID deduplication window.
CONV_MALFORMEDThis is an error code that means couldn't make sense of the conversion data. Look up the OID for a more detailed error message.
CREDITING_RULE_MISMATCHThe event represented in the submission does not follow crediting rules (e.g., partner drove first click, but last click wins the credit).
INVALID_CURRENCY_CODEIf an invalid currency code was selected.
INVALID_EXCHANGE_RATEIf the exchange rate is not in decimal form.
INVALID_EVENT_DATEIf the event date doesn't follow the required date format.
MALFORMEDClick data is incomprehensible, or was tagged in error (e.g., a deeplink domain mismatch).
MARGIN_NOT_A_NUMBERThe Margin value is not a number.
MAX_RECURRENCES_REACHEDThe referral was already credited with enough actions.
NO_ITEMNo products, items, services, etc. were contained in the sale submission.
NO_VALID_ACTION_REFA referral is present for the submission, but is not commissionable.
OID_MISSINGNo Order Id (OID) can be found for the event submitted. OrderId is a required field.
ORDERSUBTOTAL_NOT_A_NUMBERThe OrderSubTotal is not a number.
OTHER_REF_PRIORITIZEDAnother referral was prioritized for the event within the submission. This will only apply to attribution reports.
OUTSIDE_ASSOCIATION_WINDOWAction date in the submission lands outside of the click referral window.
PARTNER_NOT_ACTIVEThe partner associated with the submission was not active at the time of the submission.
REBATE_NOT_A_NUMBERThe Rebate value is not a number.
REFTYPE_NOT_ACCEPTEDThe contract that would apply to the submission contains no terms for the referral used in the event being submitted.
RESTRICTED_PROMOCODEPromo code used by the customer classified the event as a whole as part of another partner's channel.
UNCLAIMEDThe event represented in the submission has only non-preferred media sources associated with it. Only applicable to legacy attribution reports.

Uri string

API submission's direct URI to view only one specific API submission.

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EventCode string

Id of a mobile payable event. A legacy feature that is no longer supported.

  "BatchId": "A-b1234c56-7d89-0e12-3f4g-5h6ij7k8901l",
  "AccountId": "10001",
  "SubmissionDate": "2020-09-10T09:50:12-07:00",
  "CampaignId": "1000",
  "ActionTrackerId": "4000",
  "MediaPartnerId": "10000",
  "EventCode": "",
  "OrderId": "1234567890123",
  "Payload": "CampaignId=1000&EventTypeId=4000&EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00&OrderId=1234567890123&ClickId=SKhRQaSXwxyOUQ%253AwUx0Mo36FUkiXxtxVUQTEzY0&CustomerId=BCZ2WVSH674563PDPYOTM3AXDQ&OrderPromoCode=10OFF-FORGE&CustomerStatus=NEW&CustomerPostCode=93107&CurrencyCode=USD&OrderDiscount=5&IpAddress=12.345.678.90&ItemSku1=12345&ItemName1=Anvil&ItemCategory1=Anvils&ItemQuantity1=2&ItemPrice1=10&ItemSku2=55555&ItemName2=Hammer&ItemCategory2=Hammers&ItemQuantity2=1&ItemPrice2=6.99",
  "Type": "Conversion",
  "Status": "Complete",
  "CompletionDate": "2020-09-10T10:11:15-07:00",
  "ErrorType": "Contract Error",
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/APISubmissions/A-f6675c69-4a69-4c04-8a1d-3f2eb7a6754e"