The legal entity object

The Legal Entity object is where your legal entity information, like your payment- and tax-related information, is stored for a company associated with an brand account. Some attributes may be empty if no information exists.


Id string

Unique identifier for the legal entity.

Name string

The full name of the legal entity.

RegisteredForIndirectTax boolean

Whether the entity is registered for indirect tax, such as VAT, GST, or HST.

IndirectTaxNumber string

The tax number associated with VAT, GST, or HST registration.

OrganizationType enum

Organization type of the entity. Available options will vary depending on the country that the business is registered in.

Possible enum values
NONP_GOVNon-Profit/Government, United States
CORPC Corporation, United States
SOLE_INDIndividual/Sole Proprietor, United States
LLC_LLP_LLSLimited Liability Company / Limited Liability Partnership / S Corporation, United States
TRUSTTrust company, United States
SOLE_TRDSole Trader, Non-US
PARTNERSPartnership, Non-US
LLCLimited Liability Company, Non-US
LLPLimited Liability Partnership, Non-US
COMPANYCompany, Non-US
GOVERNMENTGovernment, Non-US
OTHEROther classification, All countries

EinSsnForeginTaxId string

The Employer Identification Number for the account, or in some cases, the Social Security Number (SSN) of the entity, or a Tax ID number for non-US companies.

BillingAddress object

The billing address for the entity.

View child attributes

AddressLine1 string

Address line 1 (address number, street name)

AddressLine2 string

Address line 2 (building, unit, suite, etc. number)

City string

City, district, suburb, town, or village

State string

State or territory

PostalCode string

ZIP or postal code

Country enum

Two-letter country code. See ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

Uri string

The unique reference to this object in the API.

  "LegalEntity": {
    "Id": "325001",
    "Name": "Acme Corporation",
    "RegisteredForIndirectTax": "false",
    "IndirectTaxNumber": "",
    "OrganizationType": "CORP",
    "EinSsnForeignTaxId": "XXXXX1234",
    "BillingAddress": {
        "AddressLine1": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
        "AddressLine2": "",
        "City": "Springfield",
        "State": "MA",
        "PostalCode": "01001",
        "Country": "US"
    "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/LegalEntities/"