Update an action inquiry

Updates the action inquiry by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

When approving (also known as "accepting") an action inquiry, impact.com recommends passing as many parameters as possible—providing extra details about the action (including item data, if applicable) ensures the calculated payout will be accurate.

When requesting more information about an action inquiry, impact.com recommends passing ResolutionNotes with a brief description of the information you need from the partner.


Id required

Unique identifier for the specific action inquiry.

ResolutionStatus required

Set the resolution status for this action inquiry. Refer to the subsections below to see additional parameters when approving or rejecting an action inquiry.

Possible enum values
VALIDAction inquiry is approved and the partner will receive a payout.
DECLINEDAction inquiry is rejected and the partner won't receive a payout.
INCOMPLETEAction inquiry is incomplete and requires more information from the partner before it can be resolved.

RejectReason required if action inquiry is declined

Reason for why the action inquiry was declined. The partner will be notified with this reason.

Possible enum values
This transaction has been tracked successfully
Another marketing channel was credited with the sale
Another marketing channel was credited with the sale, due to a voucher/discount code used
Did not meet terms and conditions set by merchant
Transaction not completed - Order cancelled, changed, or returned
Transaction cannot be traced
Transaction not fully completed online
Enquiry does not provide complete information required for evaluation

ActionTrackerId required if action inquiry is approved

Unique identifier for the action tracker (or event type) that tracked the conversion associated with the action.

TransactionAmount optional

Modifies the transaction amount of the action. This value is provided by the partner, but can be updated if the provided value is incorrect. Not passing this parameter will default to using the value provided by the partner.

TransactionDate optional

Specifies a new transaction date instead of the date originally reported by the partner.

ItemSku[i] optional

Specifies the SKU (stock-keeping unit) or ProductId value of an item. [i] indicates this parameter is indexed, meaning multiple parameters can be sent (e.g., ItemSku1, ItemSku2, etc.) multiple items. impact.com highly recommends submitting this parameter when approving action inquiries to maintain accurate records & reporting.

ItemCategory[i] optional

Specifies the category of an item, usually defined by your product catalog. [i] indicates this parameter is indexed, meaning multiple parameters can be sent (e.g., ItemCategory1, ItemCategory2, etc.) multiple items. impact.com highly recommends submitting this parameter when approving action inquiries to maintain accurate records & reporting.

ItemQty[i] optional

Specifies the quantity of an item. [i] indicates this parameter is indexed, meaning multiple parameters can be sent (e.g., ItemQty1, ItemQty2, etc.) for multiple items. impact.com highly recommends submitting this parameter when approving action inquiries to maintain accurate records & reporting.

ItemSubtotal[i] optional

Specifies the revenue amount of the item. [i] indicates this parameter is indexed, meaning multiple parameters can be sent (e.g., ItemSubtotal1, ItemSubtotal2, etc.) for multiple items. impact.com highly recommends submitting this parameter when approving action inquiries to maintain accurate records & reporting.

PromoCode optional

Specifies the promo code that was used for the conversion.

CustomerId optional

Specifies your unique customer ID value associated with the conversion. This value must be non-identifying (i.e., do not send any plain text PII).

More parameters

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ResolutionNotes optional

Notes about the action inquiry resolution that the partner can see.

TransactionAmount optional

Sets the transaction sale amount value for the action.

FinalPayout optional

Modifies the final payout of the action to the amount specified, overriding the system calculation of the payout. It's not recommended to pass this parameter unless you're certain the system calculated amount will be incorrect. If you want to use the expected payout amount provided by the partner, pass this parameter with the exact value of ExpectedPayout found when listing or retrieving action inquiries.

ItemName[i] optional

For a `VALID` action inquiry, specifies the name of the item. This information can also be automatically appended through uploading a product catalog. impact.com highly recommends submitting this parameter when approving action inquiries to maintain accurate records & reporting.

ItemSubCategory[i] optional

The sub-category for the item.

ItemMPN[i] optional

Manufacturer Part Number for the item; primarily used for retail sales.

ItemTotalRebate[i] optional

Discount applied to this line item (not just for each product of this type).

Example requests

curl 'https://api.impact.com/Advertisers/<AccountSid>/ActionInquiries' \
  -X PUT \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'Id=782287' \
  -d 'ResolutionStatus=VALID' \
  -d 'TransactionDate=2020-09-01T00:10:00Z' \
  -d 'ActionTrackerId=2240' \
  -d 'CustomerId=WX9299099823723432' \
  -d 'PromoCode=SUMMERSALE2020' \
  -d 'ItemSku1=12345' \
  -d 'ItemName1=Shirt' \
  -d 'ItemCategory1=Clothing' \
  -d 'ItemQuantity1=2' \
  -d 'ItemSubtotal1=10' \
  -d 'ItemSku2=78909' \
  -d 'ItemName2=Hat' \
  -d 'ItemCategory2=Apparel' \
  -d 'ItemQuantity2=1' \
  -d 'ItemSubtotal2=6.99'
curl 'https://api.impact.com/Advertisers/<AccountSid>/ActionInquiries' \
  -X PUT \
  -u '<AccountSid>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'Id=782287' \
  -d 'ResolutionStatus=DECLINED' \
  -d 'RejectReason=This transaction was tracked successfully'

Example response

  "Status": "OK",
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSid>/ActionInquiries/782287"