The report metadata object

The report metadata object contains dynamically generated documentation for a specific report, and is where you will find documentation for a specific report you want to run. Report metadata is only available for reports where ApiAccessible: true.


Name string

Name of the report.

Id string

Unique Id for the report. Will only appear if ApiAccessible: true.

Description string

Short explanation of what data the report shows.

Filters array

An array of filters (listed as separate objects) that can be added as query string parameters to reports that are run via API. These are also the filters that are available for the report if you decide to run it in the web app.

View child attributes

Name string

Name of the filter.

DataType enum

What kind of value must be passed in the filter's parameter.

View possible values
BooleanFilter's query value should be in a true/false format.
Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ)Filter's query value should be in a datetime format.
DecimalFilter's query value should be in a decimal format.
IntegerFilter's query value should be in an integer format.
StringFilter's query value should be in a string format.

Format enum

How the filter's value should look when passed.

View possible values
yyyy-MM-ddThe filter's value should pass a date, but not a time, with hyphens (-) between the year, month, and day.
{An empty string}No additional format restrictions must be met for the filter's value.

Attributes array

An array of attributes (listed as separate objects) that are returned when running the report via the Reports API. If running the report via the web app, these would be the names of the columns on a table report.

View child attributes

Name string

Name of the attribute.

DataType string

What format the attribute's value will be in.

View possible values
BooleanAttribute's value will return in a true/false format.
Date (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ)Attribute's value will return in a datetime format.
DecimalAttribute's value will return in a decimal format.
IntegerAttribute's value will return in an integer format.
StringAttribute's value will return in a string format.

Description string

More information about a given report attribute.

RunUri string

Uri to run the report via API.

Uri string

Report's direct Uri to view its metadata.

  "Name": "Performance by Ad Campaign Group",
  "Id": "att_adv_performance_by_ad_cam_group",
  "Description": "Performance data aggregated by ad campaign and ad campaign group.",
  "Filters": [
      "Name": "DEFAULT_MODEL",
      "DataType": "String",
      "Format": ""
      "Name": "Channel",
      "DataType": "String",
      "Format": ""
  "Attributes": [
      "Name": "Channel",
      "DataType": "String",
      "Description": ""
      "Name": "Media",
      "DataType": "String",
      "Description": ""
  "RunUri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Reports/att_adv_performance_by_ad_cam_group",
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Reports/att_adv_performance_by_ad_cam_group/MetaData"