List all routing rules

Lists existing routing rules.


Name optional

Name of the routing rule.

Condition optional

What triggers the routing rule.

Possible enum values
IP_ADDRESSIP Address registered to a device.
SHARED_IDA partner-controlled query string parameter used in reporting.
COUNTRYWhich country traffic is sourced from.
REGIONWhich geographical region traffic is sourced from.
AD_STATUSWhat state of use the associated ad is in.
SUB_ID1A partner-controlled query string parameter used in reporting.
SUB_ID2A partner-controlled query string parameter used in reporting.
SUB_ID3A partner-controlled query string parameter used in reporting.'s Id for the associated partner.
DEVICE_TYPEWhat type of device the customer used to perform the step.
REF_URLUrl of the website that referred the traffic.
LANDING_PAGEUrl of the website traffic is directed to.
SKUAn Id for the subject of the ad. This is usually assigned in the product catalog.'s Id for the associated ad.
CURRENT_DATEDate and time that traffic was rerouted. See ISO-8601
RANDOMRouting rule will randomly grab traffic to be rerouted.
MOBILE_FALLBACKIf an ad has mobile fallback configured, this routing rule can request to reroute them to their respective app store to download an app.

Action optional

What traffic will experience if the routing rule is triggered.

Possible enum values
REDIRECTTraffic will be redirected to another web page.
BLOCKTraffic will be blocked from viewing the web page.
INTERSTITIALAn interstitial screen will appear before traffic can view the web page.

Rank optional

This determines the specific routing rule's rank in relation to others that have the same conditions.

Possible enum values
HIGHThis routing rule has a higher priority than other routing rules.
MEDIUMThis routing rule has average priority in relation to other routing rules.
LOWThis routing rule has a lower priority than other routing rules.

State optional

What state of use the routing rule is in.

Possible enum values
RUNNINGRouting rule is currently active.
PAUSEDRouting rule is not currently redirecting or blocking traffic.
ENDEDThe scheduled end date for the routing rule has passed.
ARCHIVEDRouting rule was deactivated. To reactivate a routing rule, use the web app.

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StartDateBefore optional

Return routing rules that start before a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

StartDateAfter optional

Return routing rules that start after a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

EndDateBefore optional

Return routing rules that end before a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

EndDateAfter optional

Return routing rules that end after a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

DateLastUpdateBefore optional

Return routing rules that were updated before a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

DateLastUpdatedAfter optional

Return routing rules that were last updated after a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

DateCreatedBefore optional

Return routing rules that were created before a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

DateCreatedAfter optional

Return routing rules that were created after a specific date and time. See ISO 8601.

CreatedBy optional

Return routing rules that were created by a specific account user.

LastUpdatedBy optional

Return routing rules that were last updated by a specific account user.

Source optional

From where the routing rule was created.

Possible enum values
GENERICRouting rule was created either with the create a routing rule endpoint or on the Blocking and Redirect Technical Settings screen.
ADRouting rule was created when its associated ad was created.
COMPLIANCERouting rule was created as the result of a Compliance violation.
TASKRouting rule was created from the web app's Task Management system.


Returns an array of routing rules objects up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a separate routing rules object. If no routing rules objects meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/BlockRedirectRules' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'Condition=Country' \
  -d 'Action=REDIRECT' \
  -d 'Source=GENERIC' \
  -d 'Rank=HIGH' \
  -d 'State=RUNNING' \

Example Response

  "@page": "1",
  "BlockRedirectRules": [
      "Id": "50000",
      "Name": "Redirect 4",
      "Condition": [
          "SubConditions": [
              "Variable": "COUNTRY",
              "Operator": "IN",
              "Values": [
      "Action": "REDIRECT",
      "RedirectUrl": "",
      "Source": "GENERIC",
      "Rank": "HIGH",
      "State": "RUNNING",
      "DateCreated": "2019-10-28T17:53:01-04:00",
      "DateLastUpdated": "2019-10-28T17:53:01-04:00",
      "CreatedBy": "ACME Corp",
      "LastUpdatedBy": "ACME Corp",
      "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Programs/1000/BlockRedirectRules/50000"