The Page Load object


CampaignId integer

Unique identifier for your program (or campaign) on Viewable in the platform by selecting your account name from the top left corner—your campaign ID is the integer in gray type under Programs section.

PageUrl string

Destination URL that is intercepted by the app.

  • If the app open occurs from an tracking link, send the full tracking link (e.g.,



When testing clicks and events, be sure to append the ?impacttest=1 parameter to your PageUrl.

  • If the app is opened directly (e.g., not redirected from a URL), do not send any value
  • If the app open occurs from a non-Impact URL, send the actual URL with https: (e.g.,
  • If the app open occurs using a custom URI scheme, send the full URI (e.g. app://view?sharedid=abcd)

PropertyId integer

For mobile app opens, this value is the "System App ID" of your app in Found in Settings → Mobile Apps.

AppleIfa string

Apple ID for Advertising (IDFA) associated with the mobile device the customer converted on. Used for attribution purposes. Typically only available for iOS in-app conversions.

GoogAid string

Google Advertising ID associated with the mobile device the customer converted on. Used for attribution purposes. Typically only available for Android in-app conversions.

EventDate string

Time and date when the conversion event actually took place, in ISO 8601 format.

ReferringUrl string

URL of the website that the click originated from, such as the partner's website.

CustomProfileId string

Unique identifier used to identify a visitor on your website (regardless of whether they're signed in). Common examples include anonymous user cookies and other anonymous user identifiers.

CustomerId string

Unique identifier that you generate for your customers. Plain text email addresses are not permitted. Used for Insights reporting and conversion chaining.

CustomerEmail string

The email address you have on file for this customer. Primarily used to improve attribution for the conversion (particularly in cross-device situations). This field can either be hashed ahead of time using the SHA1 function or can be sent in plain text and will be subsequently hashed by the system. All values are hashed a second time using a SHA-256 function before storing.

TrackingConsent boolean

Indicates whether the user has provided consent to be tracked at the moment of the request. Derived from your consent management platform or through frameworks like Apple’s ATT (App Tracking Transparency) available on iOS.

To implement TrackingConsent for iOS traffic, your app must request user permission to be tracked (available on iOS 14+, see Apple's App Tracking Transparency). Once your app starts requesting this permission, you can start passing the TrackingConsent parameter. The TrackingConsent value you pass is based on the user's AuthorizationStatus.

Tracking ConsentAuthorization Status

UserAgent string

User agent of the customer, used to provide device reporting. Primarily used for web traffic. See DeviceMfr and DeviceModel for the equivalent for in-app requests.

AppleIfv string

Apple ID for Vendors (IDFV) associated with the mobile device the customer converted on. Used for attribution purposes. Typically only available for iOS in-app conversions.

IpAddress string

IP address of the customer. The IP address is used to help the system identify fraudulent activity. The IP address can be used for attribution in the case of installs.

AppName string

Name of the mobile app. Only for mobile events.

AppPackage string

Package name for the mobile app the user installed. Only for mobile events.

AppVer string

Version of the mobile app. Only for mobile events.

DeviceMfr string

Reports the manufacturer of the user's device. This value is expected to programmatically retrieved from your app and passed in the request.

DeviceModel string

Reports the model of the device. This value is expected to programmatically retrieved from your app and passed in the request.


landingPage string

Present only when PageUrl is a gateway tracking link. Returns the Landing Page URL as passed as a deep link by the publisher in the u= parameter or the default configured on the Ad or Program. Can be used to route users to the appropriate in-app view.

clickId string

Unique click ID value generated by

sessionStart datetime

The time when the session started. uses the user identifiers provided to track the user session and deduplicate multiple requests.

warnings object

Returns with any warnings about the request.

View more attributes

field string

Indicates which field in the request body the warning is about.

level enum

Indicates if the response is a warning or an error.

Possible enum values
WARNINGThe response is a warning about a certain field. In most cases, this means the request was still successfully received, but something about the data passed in a field was incorrect.
ERRORThe response is an error about a certain field or field(s). The request could not be received and must be correctly resubmitted.

message string

A brief message about the warning.

errors object

For a 400 Bad Request, returns with the errors in the request.

View more attributes

field string

Indicates which field in the request body the error is about.

level enum

Indicates if the response is a warning or an error.

Possible enum values
WARNINGThe response is a warning about a certain field. In most cases, this means the request was still successfully received, but something about the data passed in a field was incorrect.
ERRORThe response is an error about a certain field or field(s). The request could not be received and must be correctly resubmitted.

message string

A brief message about the error.

Example requests

  "CampaignId": "1000",
  "PageUrl": "",
  "EventDate": "2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00",
  "ReferringUrl": "",
  "CustomerId": "BCZ2WVSH674563PDPYOTM3AXDQ",
  "CustomerEmail": "914FEC35CE8BFA1A067581032F26B053591EE38A",
  "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15",
  "IpAddress": ""
  "CampaignId": "1000",
  "PageUrl": "",
  "AppleIfa": "EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606",
  "EventDate": "2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00",
  "ReferringUrl": "",
  "CustomerId": "BCZ2WVSH674563PDPYOTM3AXDQ",
  "CustomerEmail": "914FEC35CE8BFA1A067581032F26B053591EE38A",
  "IpAddress": "",
  "AppName": "Acme Products",
  "AppPackage": "com.mysite.myapp.ios",
  "AppVer": "2.0",
  "DeviceMfr": "@\"Apple\"",
  "DeviceModel": "iPhone13,2"

Example responses

  "landingPage": "",
  "clickId": "RPR2vRT3hzf6TI5QkBW8EQSXUkESn2zfPwZbQM0"
  "clickId": "yv7V5RViuzloWEuXLBT3gVL:UkESnz3h3ToeXo0",
  "sessionStart": "2021-04-08T21:32:20Z"
  "landingPage": "",
  "clickId": "wzdQ5hwwgz8GRb:Rvv2WOQe3UkESn2UAW0000w0",
  "warnings": [
      "field": "IpAddress",
      "level": "WARNING",
      "message": "Not a public ip address ("
  "errors": [
      "field": "CampaignId",
      "level": "ERROR",
      "message": "No campaign is found, check CampaignId (1095)"
  "warnings": [
      "field": "IpAddress",
      "level": "WARNING",
      "message": "Not a public ip address ("