JUMP TOGetting StartedOverviewIntroductionAuthenticationRequestsResponsesStatus CodesErrorsPaginationRate LimitsVersioningimpact.com Public IP AddressesAccountsAccounts overviewThe account objectRetrieve an accountUpdate an accountActionsActions overviewThe action objectRetrieve an actionUpdate an actionReverse an actionList all actionsThe items objectRetrieve an item from an actionUpdate an item in an actionList all items for an actionThe action updates objectRetrieve an action updateList all action updatesAction InquiriesAction inquiries overviewThe action inquiry objectRetrieve an action inquiryUpdate an action inquiryList all action inquiriesAdsAds overviewThe ad objectCreate an adRetrieve an adUpdate an adList all adsCall DataCall Data overviewLog Call DataCatalogsCatalogs overviewThe catalog objectRetrieve a catalogList all catalogsThe (catalog) item objectCreate an item for a catalogRetrieve an item from a catalogUpdate an item or bulk update items for a catalogDelete an item for a catalogList all items for a catalogClicksClicks overviewThe click objectRetrieve a clickExport clicksContactsContacts overviewThe contact objectCreate a contactRetrieve a contactUpdate a contactDelete a contactList all contactsContractsContracts overviewThe contract objectRetrieve a contractList all contractsConversionsConversions overviewThe conversion objectCreate a conversionDealsDeals overviewThe deal objectCreate a dealRetrieve a dealUpdate a dealDelete a dealList all dealsDeferred Deep LinkingDeferred Deep Link overviewThe deferred deep link objectRetrieve a deferred deep linkDeferred ResponseDeferred Response OverviewReport ExportsSchedule a new report jobpostSchedule a new report jobputClick ExportsSchedule a new clicks job.postSchedule a new clicks job.putException ListsException Lists overviewThe exception list objectCreate an exception listRetrieve an exception listUpdate an exception listList all exception listsThe (exception list) item objectCreate an item for an exception listRetrieve an exception list itemReplace all items in an exception listDelete an item for an exception listDelete all items in an exception listList all items for an exception listInvoicesInvoices overviewThe invoice objectRetrieve an invoiceDownload an invoice PDFList all invoicesJobs managementJobs overviewJobs objectReturn a jobDownload a job resultReplay a jobReturn a list of jobsNotesNotes overviewThe note objectCreate a noteRetrieve a noteUpdate a noteDelete a noteList all notesPage LoadPage Load OverviewThe Page Load objectCreate a Page LoadPartnersPartners overviewThe partner objectCreate a partnerRetrieve a partnerUpdate a partnerList all partnersPartner GroupsPartner groups overviewThe partner group objectCreate a partner groupRetrieve a partner groupUpdate a partner groupDelete a partner groupList all partner groupsPhone NumbersPhone Numbers overviewThe PhoneNumbers objectRetrieve a PhoneNumberList all PhoneNumbersPROGRAMSPrograms overviewThe program objectRetrieve a programList all programsPromo CodesPromo codes overviewThe promo code objectCreate a promo codeRetrieve a promo codeExpire a promo codeList all promo codesReportsReport Export OverviewExport a reportList all reportsThe report objectThe report metadata objectRetrieve report metadataReports overview [Deprecation Planned]Run a report [Deprecation Planned]The report records object [Deprecation Planned]Routing RulesRouting rules overviewThe routing rules objectRetrieve a routing ruleList all routing rulesSubmissionsSubmissions overviewThe API submission objectRetrieve an API submissionList all API submissionsThe FTP submission objectRetrieve an FTP SubmissionList all FTP submissionsThe FTP Submission Error objectList all FTP Submission Error detailsTasksTasks overviewThe task objectRetrieve a taskList all tasksTracking LinksTracking links overviewThe tracking links objectCreate a tracking linkTracking Value Requests(Tracking value) requests overviewThe tracking value request objectRetrieve a tracking value requestApprove a tracking value requestReject a tracking value requestList all tracking value requestsUnique URLsUnique URLs overviewThe unique URL objectRetrieve a unique URLList all unique URLsWebhooksEnable PostbacksAdvocate REST API ReferenceAccount OverviewDelete an accountdeleteUser OverviewLookup a user PIIgetBlock userpostUnblock userpostList usersgetUser UpsertputCreate a user and accountpostLookup a usergetDelete a userdeleteGet a user by a referral codegetShare Links OverviewLookup a user's share URLsgetLookup a user's share URLs (Open Endpoint)getReferral Code OverviewLookup a referral codegetApply a referral codepostReferral OverviewList referralsgetLookup a ReferralgetList referrals (Open Endpoint)getReward Balance OverviewList reward balancesgetDebit a reward balancepostReward OverviewList an account's rewardsgetLookup a single rewardgetRedeem a single rewardpostCancel a single rewardpostCreate a single rewardpostWebhook OverviewCreate a webhook subscriptionpostList webhook subscriptionsgetDelete a webhook subscriptiondeleteTest a webhook subscriptionpostExport OverviewCreate an ExportpostLookup an ExportgetDownload an ExportgetList ExportsgetAdvocate Error CodesSchedule a new clicks job.put https://api.impact.com/Advertisers/{ACCOUNT_SID}/Programs/{programId}/ClickExportsSchedule a new clicks job if one does not already exist.