Log Call Data



If you are integrating directly with the impact.com Call Data API, you'll need to request special credentials. You can do so by reaching out to your CSM or logging a ticket.

Call tracking platform integrations like Invoca have built in authentication, so you will not need to request credentials.

This endpoint can be used to submit call data from a call tracking provider to impact.com.


CampaignId required

A unique identifier for your program (formerly known as campaign).

MediaId required

This is the ID of the Partner or Media Source in impact.com. This value will be passed along by the call tracking vendor.

EventDate required

The ISO-8601 time when the call event took place.

ActionTrackerId required

A unique identifier for the Event Type (formerly known as an action tracker). This is the Phone_Action_Tracker_ID of the Call conversion Event Type. Call tracking vendors will hard code and send this data along with the other call data.

CallProvider required

(64 character UTF-8) This is the vendor or client who is sending the call event data.

CallSessionId required

This is the unique session ID that the vendor uses to identify the call.

CallerId required

(64 character UTF-8) This value is the phone number of the originating call. It is used to match the final conversion.

CalledPhoneNumber required

This value is the destination phone number or the phone number that received the call. The format could be any of:

CallDuration required

Total duration (in seconds) of the call.

TalkDuration required

Actual talk duration (in seconds) of the call.

AdId optional

The unique ID of the ad with which the consumer interacted to generate the action (In the case of a hosted Ad).

CallStatus optional

This value indicates the final outcome of the call. If the field is not present in the request, the system makes it ANSWER by default.

Possible values
UNKNOWN_CALLERID The system cannot find a matching caller ID.
CONGESTION The line is busy. The caller received a busy signal.
INCOMPLETE The call could not be completed as dialed, most likely because the phone number was non-existent.
CANCEL The call was hung up while it was queued or ringing or the call ended without being answered.
IVR_DROPOFF After going to voicemail, the caller disconnected.
NO_TRANSFER_ATTEMPT The call is completed and no conversion happened during the process.
ANSWER The call was answered and ended normally.
FAILURE Any other unexpected status.

CallerPhoneNumberCountry optional

(64 character UTF-8) This is the Country Code derived from the incoming phone call. When NULL, default to US.

CalledPhoneNumberCountry optional

(64 character UTF-8) This is the Country Code derived from the receiver of the incoming phone call. When NULL, default to US.

SubId1 optional

(64 character UTF-8) The first value specific and only available to the Partner. This is the placeholder where the Partner can add data points that they want impact.com to report back to them.

SubId2 optional

(64 character UTF-8) The second value specific and only available to the Partner. This is the placeholder where the Partner can add data points that they want impact.com to report back to them.

SubId3 optional

(64 character UTF-8) The third value specific and only available to the Partner. This is the placeholder where the Partner can add data points that they want impact.com to report back to them.

ClickId optional

This value is included in the click's landing page URL as CLICKID={clickid}. The Call tracking provider must keep track of this value (e.g. in a cookie) and report back to the system for every call that is associated with a click. impact.com also uses ClickId to extract other important information, such as profileID.

City optional

City of the CallerId - As identified by the Call Tracking vendor.

Region optional

Region of the CallerId - As identified by the Call Tracking vendor.

Zip optional

Zip of the CallerId - As identified by the Call Tracking vendor.

RepeatCaller optional

Repeat vs. New call to indicate whether the caller was recorded as a repeat caller in the Call tracking vendor.

PhoneType optional

Landline or Mobile or empty string if type is unknown and user_agent.

CallRecording optional

Unique URL of the call recording.

IvrDuration optional

Duration in seconds that the call spent in the IVR tree.

Keypresses optional

List of unique keynames that were pressed during the call.

Key1 optional

Name of the first key that was pressed.

Key2 optional

Name of the second key that was pressed.

Key3 optional

Name of the third key that was pressed.

Key4 optional

Name of the fourth key that was pressed.

TrafficSource optional

Source of the transaction (referring media source).

OptInSms optional

Whether the caller opted in to receive an SMS promotion.

UserAgent optional

The user agent of the conversion generator.

DispositionName optional

The Conversion Event Name.

SaleAmount optional

If there was a sale conversion, this will show the Sale Amount.

ReferenceId optional

Customer Disposition Code for reference.

CustomConversionEvent1Name optional

First custom name for reporting on Conversion events.

CustomConversionEvent2Name optional

Second custom name for reporting on Conversion events.

CustomConversionEvent3Name optional

Third custom name for reporting on Conversion events.

CustomConversionEvent1Value optional

First custom value for reporting on Conversion events.

CustomConversionEvent2Value optional

Second custom value for reporting on Conversion events.

CustomConversionEvent3Value optional

Third custom value for reporting on Conversion events.

VendorEventId optional

A unique Id sent from the vendor for the Call and Conversion Event.

PromoNumberDescription optional

Describes the Called Phone Number.

CustomCallEvent1Name optional

First custom name for reporting on Call events.

CustomCallEvent2Name optional

Second custom name for reporting on Call events.

CustomCallEvent3Name optional

Third custom name for reporting on Call events.

CustomCallEvent1Value optional

First custom value for reporting on Call events.

CustomCallEvent2Value optional

Second custom value for reporting on Call events.

CustomCallEvent3Value optional

Third custom value for reporting on Call events.


Returns the status of the request. Returns an error if the provided parameters are invalid or if a required parameter is missing.

Example Request

curl 'https://twilio.ivr.impactradius.com/calldata/logCallData?CampaignId=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&MediaId=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&EventDate=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&ActionTrackerId=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&CallProvider=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CallSessionId=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CallerId=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CalledPhoneNumber=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CallDuration=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&TalkDuration=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&AdId=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&CallStatus=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CallerPhoneNumberCountry=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CalledPhoneNumberCountry=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&SubId1=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&SubId2=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&SubId3=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&ClickId=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&City=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&Region=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&Zip=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&RepeatCaller=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&PhoneType=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CallRecording=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&IvrDuration=%3CSOME_INTEGER_VALUE%3E&Keypresses=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&Key1=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&Key2=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&Key3=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&Key4=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&TrafficSource=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&OptInSms=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&UserAgent=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&DispositionName=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&SaleAmount=%3CSOME_NUMBER_VALUE%3E&ReferenceId=%3CSOME_NUMBER_VALUE%3E&CustomConversionEvent1Name=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomConversionEvent2Name=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomConversionEvent3Name=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomConversionEvent1Value=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomConversionEvent2Value=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomConversionEvent3Value=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&VendorEventId=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&PromoNumberDescription=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomCallEvent1Name=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomCallEvent2Name=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomCallEvent3Name=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomCallEvent1Value=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomCallEvent2Value=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E&CustomCallEvent3Value=%3CSOME_STRING_VALUE%3E' \
  -X POST \
  -u '<username> : <password>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

Example Response

  "Status": "OK",