The contract object

The contract object holds information for a contract. You can retrieve a contract’s object as well as list all contract objects.


Id string

Unique identifier for the object referred to as the Contract Id.

PartnerId integer

Id of the partner signed to this contract.

PartnerValue1 string

A value for a specific partner.

Status enum

Status of the contract.

View possible enum values
ACTIVEContract is currently active.
EXPIREDContract is no longer active.

StartDate datetime

Start date and time of the contract. See ISO-8601.

EndDate datetime

If Status is EXPIRED, the end date and time of the contract. See ISO-8601.

BrandSignatory string

The brand representative that agreed to the contract.

BrandSignatoryDate datetime

Date and time the brand representative agreed to the contract. See ISO-8601.

PartnerSignatory string

The partner representative that agreed to the contract.

PartnerSignatoryDate datetime

Date and time the partner representative agreed to the contract. See ISO-8601.

DateCreated datetime

Date and time the contract was created. See ISO-8601.

DateLastUpdated datetime

Date and time the contract was last updated. Will be empty if contract has not been updated. Contracts are immutable—any changes made to the contract aside from EndDate will generate a new contract. See ISO-8601.

TemplateTerms object

Template term information that the contract is based on.

View child attributes

TemplateId integer

Original template term’s Id.

VersionId integer

Template term’s version Id that was used for the contract.

Name string

Name of the original template terms.

Labels array

Labels associated with the original template terms.

Currency enum

Currency that the contract pays out in. See's supported currencies.

EventPayouts array

Payout details for the event type(s) used in the contract.

View child attributes

EventTypeId integer

Event type’s Id.

EventTypeName string

Name of the event type.

EventCategory enum

What type of event type is used in the contract.

View possible enum values
LEADContract pays out for sale leads.
SALEContract pays out for online sales.
DOWNLOADContract pays out for consumer downloads.
PAGE_VISITContract pays out for traffic driven to a specific website.
CALL_PER_RINGContract pays out for each phone call regardless of call outcome.
CALL_PER_DURATIONContract pays out for total call time.
CALL_PER_CONVERSATIONContract pays out for each call conversation.
PARTNER_REFERRALContract pays out for partner referrals.
DATA_POSTContract pays out for data posts that partners.
OFFLINEContract pays out for offline conversions.
CLICKContract pays out for clicks.
MOBILE_APPContract pays out for mobile app installs.

DefaultPayout decimal

If the contract's payout type is Fixed, this is the default payout amount. If present, DefaultPayoutRate will not be.

DefaultPayoutRate decimal

If the contract's payout type is Percent, this is the default percent of the sale that will become the payout. If present, DefaultPayout will not be.

PayoutLevel enum

The order level that the contract pays out at.

View possible enum values
ITEMPayouts will be based on the items sold within an order.
ORDERPayouts will be based on the order as a whole.
CLICKContract pays out for clicks.
CALLContract pays out for calls.

PayoutGroups array

Payout groups that the contract has set up.

View child attributes

Id string

Payout group’s Id.

Rank integer

Rank order of a payout group.

Rules array

Rules for how a specific payout group is triggered.

View child attributes

Variable enum

What the payout group looks for.

View possible enum values
ITEM_SKUSKU number of the item.
ITEM_SKU_LISTArray of item SKU numbers.
ITEM_CATEGORYCategory that the item is listed in.
ITEM_CATEGORY_LISTCategory list an item is placed in.
ITEM_SUBCATEGORYSubcategory an item is placed in.
ITEM_BRANDBrand that makes an item.
ITEM_PRICEPrice of an item.
ITEM_QUANTITYQuantity of an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODEPromo code associated with an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODE_LISTPromo code list associated with an item.
ITEM_DISCOUNTItem’s discount.
ITEM_SUBTOTALItem’s subtotal before any deals or fees are applied.
ITEM_CATALOG_CATEGORYThe catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_ORIGINAL_FORMAT_CATEGORYThe original catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_SUBCATEGORYThe catalog subcategory an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERThe item’s manufacturer as it is listed in a product catalog.
ORDER_PROMO_CODEPromo code used in the order.
ORDER_PROMO_CODE_LISTList a promo code used was placed in.
ORDER_DISCOUNTOrder’s discount.
ORDER_SHIPPINGOrder’s shipping cost.
ORDER_TAXTax applied to an order.
ORDER_PAYMENT_TYPEHow a customer pays for an order.
ORDER_LOCATION_IDThe location Id an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_NAMEThe location name an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_TYPEThe location type an order was placed in.
ORDER_TOTALThe order total.
GIFT_PURCHASEIf the product purchased is intended to be a gift.
CURRENCYThe currency used to purchase the product.
CUSTOMER_CITYThe city a customer purchased the product from.
CUSTOMER_REGIONRegion the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_POSTCODEPostal code the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_COUNTRYCountry the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_STATUSIf the customer is new, existing, re-engaged, frequent, or another status.
MONEY1A unique money value.
MONEY2A unique money value.
MONEY3A unique money value.
DATE1A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
DATE2A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
DATE3A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
NUMERIC1A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC2A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC3A custom numeric value.
TEXT1A custom text value.
TEXT2A custom text value.
TEXT3A custom text value.
SITE_CATEGORYThe category a site was placed in.
SITE_VERSIONA website’s version.
HEAR_ABOUT_USHow a customer heard about the brand or product.
NOTEA note.
DERIVED_COUNTRYWhat country the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_STATE_REGIONWhat state or region the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEWhat device type the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_BROWSERWhat browser the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_OSWhat operating system the payout group is derived from.
REFERRAL_TYPEHow the customer was referred to the product.
REFERRAL_ADAd associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DEALDeal associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SHARED_IDSharedId associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_CATEGORYTraffic category associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SKUSKU code associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_URLURL associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_LANDING_PAGELanding page associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_PLACEMENTAd placement associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_TYPEAd type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_KEYWORDAd keyword associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGNAd program (formerly known as campaign) associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGN_IDAd program (formerly known as campaign) Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUPAd group associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUP_IDAd group Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM1Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM2Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM3Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM4Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_IDSub account Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_NAMESub account name associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_COUNTRYPayout group’s derived country associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_STATE_REGIONPayout group’s derived state or region associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEPayout group’s derived device type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_BROWSERPayout group’s derived web browser associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_OSPayout group’s derived operating system associated with the referring action.
CALLER_COUNTRYCountry the caller called from.
CALLED_COUNTRYCountry of the call recipient.
CALLED_NUMBERPhone number of the call recipient.
CALL_DURATIONDuration of the phone call.
CALL_TALK_DURATIONDuration of the phone conversation.
CALL_PHONE_TYPEType of phone the call recipient used.
CALL_KEY1A custom call key.
CALL_KEY2A custom call key.
CALL_KEY3A custom call key.
CALL_KEY4A custom call key.
CALL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the phone call.
PATH_PARTICIPATION_CHANNELSWhat channels were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_MEDIAWhat partner(s) were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_GROUPSWhat partner groups were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_STEPSAmount of steps a customer took on their journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_MEDIAPartner(s) that started a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of the channel(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_CLOSING_MEDIAPartner that closed a customer journey.
PATH_CLOSING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that closed the sale.
PATH_CLOSING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of channels that closed the sale.
PATH_MEDIA_COUNTHow many media pieces were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_IMPACT_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_CHANNEL_COUNTHow many steps the customer took on their purchase journey.

Operator enum

How the Variable is applied.

View possible enum values
ISVariable must be Value.
IS_NOTVariable cannot be Value.
IS_NOT_WHEN_PRESENTIf Variable is present, it cannot be Value. Only for string Values.
IS_PRESENTIf Variable is present.
IS_NOT_PRESENTIf Variable is not present.
RANGENumber range that Value can land in. Only for integer Values.
LESS_THANVariable must be lower than Value. Only for integer Values.
GREATER_THANVariable must be greater than Value. Only for integer Values.
DATE_RANGEVariable must land within the date range defined in Value.
DATE_LESS_THANVariable must be before the date defined in Value.
WILDCARDIf the listed character string(s) appear anywhere in Value. Only for string Values.
BEGINS_WITHIf Value begins with certain characters. Only for string Values.
ENDS_WITHIf Value ends with certain characters. Only for string Values.
CONTAINSIf Value contains certain characters. Only for string Values.
DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value does not contain certain characters. Only for string Values.
COLLECTION_CONTAINSIf Value is contained within the collection.
COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value is not contained in the collection.

Values array

What Variable is looking for. Will be empty if Variable: IS_PRESENT or Variable: IS_NOT_PRESENT.

Payout decimal

The payout amount if the payout rule is applied. If present, PayoutRate will not be.

PayoutRate integer

Order percentage that will become the payout if the tier is met. If present, Payout will not be.

Limits array

Rules that limit the payout group applying to an action.

View child attributes

Type enum

How the limit is applied.

View possible enum values
CLICKSClick count will be limited.
ITEMItem count will be limited.
PAYOUTAn action’s payout will be limited.
ACTIONAmount of actions payable will be limited.
CONCURRENT_CALLSNumber of concurrent call will be limited.

Subtype enum

Any additional scope on what the limit rules look for.

View possible enum values
SKUAn item's SKU number.
CATEGORYCategory an item is placed in.
TEXT2A custom text value.

Value decimal

If Type="PAYOUT", then the payout maximum. If Type="ACTIONS", then the maximum amount of payable actions.

LimitBy enum

What level Value is applied to.

View possible enum values
ITEMLimitBy is applied to each item.
ORDERLimitBy is applied to the entire order.
CUSTOMERLimitBy is applied to each customer.
CLICKLimitBy is applied to each click.
CALLER_IDLimitBy is applied to each caller Id.

Period enum

How often the limit resets. If LimitBy="CLICK", will not appear.

View possible enum values
DAYPayout limit resets daily.
WEEKPayout limit resets weekly.
MONTHPayout limit resets monthly.
QUARTERPayout limit resets quarterly.
CONTRACT_DURATIONLimit lasts the duration of the contract.

WeekendOverrideValue integer

What the limit becomes during the weekends.

Tiers array

Payout tiers of the payout group. These tiers will apply based on the performance of the component items or variables within the rule. As partners drive more traffic, events, or conversions, they can reach higher payout tiers (which would change their payouts or payout rates).

View child attributes

RevenueThreshold decimal

Minimum revenue needed for the next payout group tier to initiate. If used, neither ActionThreshold nor ParentTier will appear for this payout group.

ActionThreshold integer

Minimum number of actions needed for the next payout group tier to initiate. If used, neither RevenueThreshold nor ParentTier will appear for this payout group.

ParentTier integer

Minimum number of actions needed for all payout groups to collectively advance to their next respective tier. All payout groups contribute to the same ParentTier. If used, neither RevenueThreshold nor ActionThreshold will appear for this payout group.

Payout decimal

The payout amount if the tier is met. If present, PayoutRate will not be.

PayoutRate decimal

Order percentage that will become the payout if the tier is met. If present, Payout will not be.

PayoutAdjustments array

Conditions that can change an action’s payout details.

View child attributes

Id string

Payout adjustment’s Id.

Rules array

Rules for how the payout adjustment applies.

View child attributes

Variable enum

What the payout group looks for.

View possible enum values
ITEM_SKUSKU number of the item.
ITEM_SKU_LISTArray of item SKU numbers.
ITEM_CATEGORYCategory that the item is listed in.
ITEM_CATEGORY_LISTCategory list an item is placed in.
ITEM_SUBCATEGORYSubcategory an item is placed in.
ITEM_BRANDBrand that makes an item.
ITEM_PRICEPrice of an item.
ITEM_QUANTITYQuantity of an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODEPromo code associated with an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODE_LISTPromo code list associated with an item.
ITEM_DISCOUNTItem’s discount.
ITEM_SUBTOTALItem’s subtotal before any deals or fees are applied.
ITEM_CATALOG_CATEGORYThe catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_ORIGINAL_FORMAT_CATEGORYThe original catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_SUBCATEGORYThe catalog subcategory an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERThe item’s manufacturer as it is listed in a product catalog.
ORDER_PROMO_CODEPromo code used in the order.
ORDER_PROMO_CODE_LISTList a promo code used was placed in.
ORDER_DISCOUNTOrder’s discount.
ORDER_SHIPPINGOrder’s shipping cost.
ORDER_TAXTax applied to an order.
ORDER_PAYMENT_TYPEHow a customer pays for an order.
ORDER_LOCATION_IDThe location Id an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_NAMEThe location name an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_TYPEThe location type an order was placed in.
ORDER_TOTALThe order total.
GIFT_PURCHASEIf the product purchased is intended to be a gift.
CURRENCYThe currency used to purchase the product.
CUSTOMER_CITYThe city a customer purchased the product from.
CUSTOMER_REGIONRegion the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_POSTCODEPostal code the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_COUNTRYCountry the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_STATUSIf the customer is new, existing, re-engaged, frequent, or another status.
MONEY1A unique money value.
MONEY2A unique money value.
MONEY3A unique money value.
DATE1A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
DATE2A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
DATE3A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
NUMERIC1A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC2A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC3A custom numeric value.
TEXT1A custom text value.
TEXT2A custom text value.
TEXT3A custom text value.
SITE_CATEGORYThe category a site was placed in.
SITE_VERSIONA website’s version.
HEAR_ABOUT_USHow a customer heard about the brand or product.
NOTEA note.
DERIVED_COUNTRYWhat country the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_STATE_REGIONWhat state or region the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEWhat device type the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_BROWSERWhat browser the payout adjustment is derived from.
DERIVED_OSWhat operating system the payout adjustment is derived from.
REFERRAL_TYPEHow the customer was referred to the product.
REFERRAL_ADAd associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DEALDeal associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SHARED_IDSharedId associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_CATEGORYTraffic category associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SKUSKU code associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_URLURL associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_LANDING_PAGELanding page associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_PLACEMENTAd placement associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_TYPEAd type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_KEYWORDAd keyword associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGNAd program (formerly known as campaign) associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGN_IDAd program (formerly known as campaign) Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUPAd group associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUP_IDAd group Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM1Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM2Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM3Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM4Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_IDSub account Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_NAMESub account name associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_COUNTRYPayout adjustment's derived country associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_STATE_REGIONPayout adjustment's derived state or region associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEPayout adjustment's derived device type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_BROWSERPayout adjustment's derived web browser associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_OSPayout adjustment's derived operating system associated with the referring action.
CALLER_COUNTRYCountry the caller called from.
CALLED_COUNTRYCountry of the call recipient.
CALLED_NUMBERPhone number of the call recipient.
CALL_DURATIONDuration of the phone call.
CALL_TALK_DURATIONDuration of the phone conversation.
CALL_PHONE_TYPEType of phone the call recipient used.
CALL_KEY1A custom call key.
CALL_KEY2A custom call key.
CALL_KEY3A custom call key.
CALL_KEY4A custom call key.
CALL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the phone call.
PATH_PARTICIPATION_CHANNELSWhat channels were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_MEDIAWhat partner(s) were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_GROUPSWhat partner groups were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_STEPSAmount of steps a customer took on their journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_MEDIAPartner(s) that started a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of the channel(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_CLOSING_MEDIAPartner that closed a customer journey.
PATH_CLOSING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that closed the sale.
PATH_CLOSING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of channels that closed the sale.
PATH_MEDIA_COUNTHow many media pieces were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_IMPACT_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_CHANNEL_COUNTHow many steps the customer took on their purchase journey.

Operator enum

How the Variable is applied.

View possible enum values
ISVariable must be Value.
IS_NOTVariable cannot be Value.
IS_NOT_WHEN_PRESENTIf Variable is present, it cannot be Value. Only for string Values.
IS_PRESENTIf Variable is present.
IS_NOT_PRESENTIf Variable is not present.
RANGENumber range that Value can land in. Only for integer Values.
LESS_THANVariable must be lower than Value. Only for integer Values.
GREATER_THANVariable must be greater than Value. Only for integer Values.
DATE_RANGEVariable must land within the date range defined in Value.
DATE_LESS_THANVariable must be before the date defined in Value.
WILDCARDIf the listed character string(s) appear anywhere in Value. Only for string Values.
BEGINS_WITHIf Value begins with certain characters. Only for string Values.
ENDS_WITHIf Value ends with certain characters. Only for string Values.
CONTAINSIf Value contains certain characters. Only for string Values.
DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value does not contain certain characters. Only for string Values.
COLLECTION_CONTAINSIf Value is contained within the collection.
COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value is not contained in the collection.

Values array

What Variable is looking for. Will be empty if Variable: IS_PRESENT or Variable: IS_NOT_PRESENT.

Direction enum

How the payout is adjusted.

View possible enum values
INCREASERaise the payout by a certain percentage.
DECREASELower the payout by a certain percentage.
ADDAdd a fixed amount to the payout.
SUBTRACTRemove a fixed amount from the payout.

Amount decimal

If Direction: "ADD || SUBTRACT", then the fixed amount change will appear.

Rate integer

If Direction: "INCREASE || DECREASE", then the percent change will appear.

PerformanceBonus array

Additional payments to partners if they drive enough actions.

View child attributes

Type enum

To which actions a performance will be based on.

View possible enum values
ALL_ACTIONSBonus is based on all actions driven.
SUBSEQUENT_ACTIONSBonus is based on all actions after a certain goal is hit.
FIXEDBonus is a fixed amount.

Basis enum

What the bonus is based on. Defaults to REVENUE.

View possible enum values
REVENUEBonus is based on revenue brought in.
ACTIONSBonus is based on total actions.

Period enum

How often a bonus can be granted. Will always be CALENDAR_MONTH.

BonusTiers array

Tiering system for the bonus.

View child attributes

RevenueThreshold decimal

Minimum revenue needed for the next bonus tier to initiate. If used, ActionThreshold will not appear for this payout group.

ActionThreshold integer

Minimum number of actions needed for the next bonus tier to initiate. If used, RevenueThreshold will not appear for this payout group.

Payout decimal

The payout amount if the tier is met. If present, PayoutRate will not be.

PayoutRate decimal

Order percentage that will become the payout if the tier is met. If present, Payout will not be.

PayoutRestrictions array

Customer order conditions that can prevent a partner from getting paid out.

View child attributes

Id string

Id for a specific payout restriction.

Rules array

How a payout restriction is applied.

View child attributes

Variable enum

What the payout group looks for.

View possible enum values
ITEM_SKUSKU number of the item.
ITEM_SKU_LISTArray of item SKU numbers.
ITEM_CATEGORYCategory that the item is listed in.
ITEM_CATEGORY_LISTCategory list an item is placed in.
ITEM_SUBCATEGORYSubcategory an item is placed in.
ITEM_BRANDBrand that makes an item.
ITEM_PRICEPrice of an item.
ITEM_QUANTITYQuantity of an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODEPromo code associated with an item.
ITEM_PROMO_CODE_LISTPromo code list associated with an item.
ITEM_DISCOUNTItem’s discount.
ITEM_SUBTOTALItem’s subtotal before any deals or fees are applied.
ITEM_CATALOG_CATEGORYThe catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_ORIGINAL_FORMAT_CATEGORYThe original catalog category an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_SUBCATEGORYThe catalog subcategory an item was placed in.
ITEM_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERThe item’s manufacturer as it is listed in a product catalog.
ORDER_PROMO_CODEPromo code used in the order.
ORDER_PROMO_CODE_LISTList a promo code used was placed in.
ORDER_DISCOUNTOrder’s discount.
ORDER_SHIPPINGOrder’s shipping cost.
ORDER_TAXTax applied to an order.
ORDER_PAYMENT_TYPEHow a customer pays for an order.
ORDER_LOCATION_IDThe location Id an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_NAMEThe location name an order was placed in.
ORDER_LOCATION_TYPEThe location type an order was placed in.
ORDER_TOTALThe order total.
GIFT_PURCHASEIf the product purchased is intended to be a gift.
CURRENCYThe currency used to purchase the product.
CUSTOMER_CITYThe city a customer purchased the product from.
CUSTOMER_REGIONRegion the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_POSTCODEPostal code the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_COUNTRYCountry the customer purchased from.
CUSTOMER_STATUSIf the customer is new, existing, re-engaged, frequent, or another status.
MONEY1A unique money value.
MONEY2A unique money value.
MONEY3A unique money value.
DATE1A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
DATE2A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
DATE3A custom date value. See ISO-8601.
NUMERIC1A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC2A custom numeric value.
NUMERIC3A custom numeric value.
TEXT1A custom text value.
TEXT2A custom text value.
TEXT3A custom text value.
SITE_CATEGORYThe category a site was placed in.
SITE_VERSIONA website’s version.
HEAR_ABOUT_USHow a customer heard about the brand or product.
NOTEA note.
DERIVED_COUNTRYWhat country the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_STATE_REGIONWhat state or region the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEWhat device type the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_BROWSERWhat browser the payout group is derived from.
DERIVED_OSWhat operating system the payout group is derived from.
REFERRAL_TYPEHow the customer was referred to the product.
REFERRAL_ADAd associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DEALDeal associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SHARED_IDSharedId associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_CATEGORYTraffic category associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SKUSKU code associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_URLURL associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_LANDING_PAGELanding page associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_PLACEMENTAd placement associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_TYPEAd type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_KEYWORDAd keyword associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGNAd program (formerly known as campaign) associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_CAMPAIGN_IDAd program (formerly known as campaign) Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUPAd group associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_AD_GROUP_IDAd group Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM1Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM2Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM3Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_PARAM4Param parameter associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_IDSub account Id associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_SUB_ACCOUNT_NAMESub account name associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_COUNTRYPayout restriction's derived country associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_STATE_REGIONPayout restriction's derived state or region associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_DEVICE_TYPEPayout restriction's derived device type associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_BROWSERPayout restriction's derived web browser associated with the referring action.
REFERRAL_DERIVED_OSPayout restriction's derived operating system associated with the referring action.
CALLER_COUNTRYCountry the caller called from.
CALLED_COUNTRYCountry of the call recipient.
CALLED_NUMBERPhone number of the call recipient.
CALL_DURATIONDuration of the phone call.
CALL_TALK_DURATIONDuration of the phone conversation.
CALL_PHONE_TYPEType of phone the call recipient used.
CALL_KEY1A custom call key.
CALL_KEY2A custom call key.
CALL_KEY3A custom call key.
CALL_KEY4A custom call key.
CALL_TRAFFIC_SOURCETraffic source associated with the phone call.
PATH_PARTICIPATION_CHANNELSWhat channels were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_MEDIAWhat partner(s) were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTICIPATING_GROUPSWhat partner groups were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_STEPSAmount of steps a customer took on their journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_MEDIAPartner(s) that started a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_INTRODUCING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of the channel(s) that began a customer’s journey.
PATH_CLOSING_MEDIAPartner that closed a customer journey.
PATH_CLOSING_GROUPSComma-separated list of the partner group(s) that closed the sale.
PATH_CLOSING_CHANNELSComma-separated list of channels that closed the sale.
PATH_MEDIA_COUNTHow many media pieces were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_IMPACT_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in the customer’s journey.
PATH_PARTNER_COUNTHow many partners were involved in a customer’s journey.
PATH_CHANNEL_COUNTHow many steps the customer took on their purchase journey.

Operator enum

How the Variable is applied.

View possible enum values
ISVariable must be Value.
IS_NOTVariable cannot be Value.
IS_NOT_WHEN_PRESENTIf Variable is present, it cannot be Value. Only for string Values.
IS_PRESENTIf Variable is present.
IS_NOT_PRESENTIf Variable is not present.
RANGENumber range that Value can land in. Only for integer Values.
LESS_THANVariable must be lower than Value. Only for integer Values.
GREATER_THANVariable must be greater than Value. Only for integer Values.
DATE_RANGEVariable must land within the date range defined in Value.
DATE_LESS_THANVariable must be before the date defined in Value.
WILDCARDIf the listed character string(s) appear anywhere in Value. Only for string Values.
BEGINS_WITHIf Value begins with certain characters. Only for string Values.
ENDS_WITHIf Value ends with certain characters. Only for string Values.
CONTAINSIf Value contains certain characters. Only for string Values.
DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value does not contain certain characters. Only for string Values.
COLLECTION_CONTAINSIf Value is contained within the collection.
COLLECTION_DOES_NOT_CONTAINIf Value is not contained in the collection.

Values array

What Variable is looking for. Will be empty if Variable: IS_PRESENT or Variable: IS_NOT_PRESENT.

ZeroPayoutHideReport boolean

A value of 1 indicates that partner actions with a payout of 0 are hidden in reporting. The default value, 0, indicates that partner actions with a payout of 0 will display in reporting as usual.

If you don't see the ZeroPayoutHideReport tag, then your brand account doesn't have this feature.

Limits array

Rules on how a payout can be limited.

View child attributes

Type enum

How the limit is applied.

View possible enum values
CLICKSClick count will be limited.
ITEMItem count will be limited.
PAYOUTAn action’s payout will be limited.
ACTIONAmount of actions payable will be limited.
CONCURRENT_CALLSNumber of concurrent call will be limited.

Subtype enum

Any additional scope on what the limit rules look for.

View possible enum values
SKUAn item's SKU number.
CATEGORYCategory an item is placed in.
TEXT2A custom text value.

Value decimal

If Type="PAYOUT", then the payout maximum. If Type="ACTIONS", then the maximum amount of payable actions.

LimitBy enum

What level Value is applied to.

View possible enum values
ITEMLimitBy is applied to each item.
ORDERLimitBy is applied to the entire order.
CUSTOMERLimitBy is applied to each customer.
CLICKLimitBy is applied to each click.
CALLER_IDLimitBy is applied to each caller Id.

Period enum

How often the limit resets. If LimitBy="CLICK", will not appear.

View possible enum values
DAYPayout limit resets daily.
WEEKPayout limit resets weekly.
MONTHPayout limit resets monthly.
QUARTERPayout limit resets quarterly.
CONTRACT_DURATIONLimit lasts the duration of the contract.

WeekendOverrideValue integer

What the limit becomes during the weekends.

Locking array

Action locking rules for the contract.

View child attributes

Basis enum

When the action locking period begins. Defaults to TRACKED.

View possible enum values
TRACKEDWhen the action is initially tracked by or reported to
APPROVEDWhen the action has been approved by an account user.
COMMISSIONABLEWhen the action is eligible for commission.

Period enum

If there is a delay between the action Basis occurring and the action locking period beginning. Defaults to MONTH.

View possible enum values
DAY`Period` is measured in days.
WEEK`Period` is measured in weeks.
HALF_MONTH`Period` is measured in half-months.
MONTH`Period` is measured in months.

MonthOffset integer

How many months the action locking period will last. Defaults to 1.

DayOffset integer

How many days after the last offset month the action locking period will last. Defaults to 0.

DayOfMonth integer

The day of the month after MonthOffset. Defaults to not visible in the Contracts object.

OpenEndedAutoLockingMode enum

What happens to an action at the end of the Open-ended locking period.

View possible enum values
APPROVEActions are defaulted to approved.
REJECTActions are defaulted to rejected.

MaxMonthsOpenEndedPeriod integer

How many months an action can stay in open-ended locking.

PayoutScheduling array

Payout scheduling rules for the contract.

View child attributes

Basis enum

When the payout scheduling period begins. Defaults to LOCKED.

View possible enum values
LOCKEDWhen the action has completed the action locking period.
INVOICEDWhen the action has been added to an invoice.

Period enum

If there is a delay between the action Basis occurring and the payout scheduling period beginning.

View possible enum values
END_OF_DAYPayout scheduling period will begin at the end of the day the `Basis` event happens.
END_OF_MONTHPayout scheduling period will begin at the end of the month the `Basis` event happens.

MonthOffset integer

How many months the payout scheduling period will last. Defaults to 1.

DayOffset integer

How many days after the last offset month the payout scheduling period will last. Defaults to 0.

LocationRequirementType enum

What countries must/must not be included in the contract.

View possible enum values
INCLUDEListed countries must be included in potential consumer country list.
EXCLUDEListed countries must be excluded from potential consumer country list.

LocationRequirementCountries string

List of countries that must be included in/excluded from the potential consumer country list.

CreditPolicy enum

How the contract pays out for actions driven.

View possible enum values
LAST_REFERRERLast partner to refer the customer gets the sale.
FIRST_REFERRERFirst partner to refer the customer gets the sale.
LAST_TO_CARTLast partner to get the consumer to add to their cart gets the sale.
FIRST_TO_CARTFirst partner to get the consumer to add to their cart gets the sale.
PARENT_ACTIONWhoever drove the parent action gets the sale.

ValidReferrals array

How the contract decides which partner(s) gets credited.

View child attributes

Type enum

Action the contract looks at to decide who gets credited.

View possible enum values
PARENT_ACTIONSContract looks at parent actions.
CLICKSContract looks at clicks.
IMPRESSIONSContract looks at impressions.

Window integer

Maximum time that a partner can still be credited for driving an action if they drove a customer to make that action.

WindowUnit enum

The unit of time for Window.

View possible enum values

SpecialTermsList array

Any custom terms for the contract.

View child attributes

TermsName string

Custom terms name.

TermsType enum

Type of custom terms.

View possible enum values
CUSTOMGeneral custom terms.
EMAILCustom terms apply to any emailing.
COPYWRITINGCustom terms apply to all copywriting.
PAID_SEARCHCustom terms apply to any paid search efforts.
EMAILCustom terms apply SEO efforts.
TRADEMARKCustom terms apply to trademarked terms.
APPROVALCustom terms are in regards to the approval process a partner must adhere to.

TermsContent string

All of the custom terms.

TermsPdfUri string

The contract’s custom terms' direct URI to download a PDF copy.

ChangeNotificationPeriod integer

The minimum notification time a partner gets to have if the contract terms change.

ReturnPolicy enum

How much of an action payout recoverable if a customer makes a return.

View possible enum values
ALWAYS_OKPayouts on returned orders are always recoverable up to the percentage in MaxReturnPercentage.
MP_APPROVAL_REQPartner approves requested payout returns.
NO_RETURNSPartners never need to return payouts for driven actions.

MaxReturnPercentage decimal

Maximum percentage of payouts returnable per month in the case of customer-returned orders.

ActionLimit integer

How many actions a partner can be paid out for in a given time period decided in ActionLimitPeriod.

ActionLimitPeriod enum

How often the ActionLimit refreshes.

View possible enum values
DAYAction limit resets daily.
WEEKAction limit resets weekly.
MONTHAction limit resets monthly.
QUARTERAction limit resets quarterly.
IO_DURATIONLimit lasts the duration of the contract.

SpendLimit decimal

Maximum payout to a given partner in a given time period decided in SpendLimitPeriod.

SpendLimitPeriod enum

How often the SpendLimit refreshes.

View possible enum values
DAYSpend limit resets daily.
WEEKSpend limit resets weekly.
MONTHSpend limit resets monthly.
QUARTERSpend limit resets quarterly.
IO_DURATIONLimit lasts the duration of the contract.

MinEarningPerClick decimal

Partner’s guaranteed earnings for driving a click.

ContractStartSlottingFee decimal

Payment to a partner to begin the contract.

FirstActionSlottingFee decimal

Payment to a partner after they drive their first action.

MonthlySlottingFee decimal

Monthly payment to a partner.

CustomCreativePayer enum

Who pays for or creates ad creative. Defaults to ADVERTISER.

View possible enum values
ADVERTISERBrand (formerly known as advertiser) pays for ad creative creation.
PUBLISHERPartner (formerly known as publisher) pays for ad creative creation.
NOT_APPLICABLEAd creative creation payments are not applicable to the contract.

ScheduledTerms array

Any time-bound payout rate modifications for the contract.

Note: Only the imminent scheduled terms will be displayed. E.g., If there are 5 upcoming scheduled terms, only the closest one will be shown.

View child attributes

Status enum

The status of the scheduled terms.

Possible enum values
ACTIVEScheduled terms are currently active.
PENDINGScheduled terms are pending, awaiting an action from either the brand or the partner.
UPCOMINGScheduled terms that have been approved by both sides but have yet to reach their start date.
DECLINEDScheduled terms were rejected by a party.
EXPIREDScheduled terms are no longer active.

Name string

The scheduled term’s name.

StartDate datetime

Start date and time of the scheduled terms. See ISO-8601.

EndDate datetime

If Status=EXPIRED, the end date and time of the scheduled terms. See ISO-8601.

AllDay boolean

Scheduled terms are applied at all times during the chosen date range.

Repeats boolean

Scheduled terms repeat at a specific time, date, and day of the week.

NoOfRepeatsRemaining Integer

The number of repeats remaining if there’s a set date for when the repeat ends.

Frequency Integer

Determines how often an event occurs in weeks. A value of 1 means it repeats weekly on the specified days, while 2 means it occurs every other week, skipping one week in between.

Days array

Specifies the days an event occurs. A single day (e.g., ["SATURDAY"]) means it happens only on that day, while multiple days (e.g., ["TUESDAY", "THURSDAY"]) indicate it occurs on each listed day.

EventPayouts array

Payout details for the event type(s) used in the scheduled terms.

View child attributes

EventTypeId integer

Event type’s Id.

EventTypeName string

Name of the event type, e.g., Online Sale.

EventCategory enum

What type of event type is used in the contract.

Possible enum values
LEADScheduled terms pays out for sale leads.
SALEScheduled terms pays out for online sales.
DOWNLOADScheduled terms pays out for consumer downloads.
PAGE_VISITScheduled terms pays out for traffic driven to a specific website.
CALL_PER_RINGScheduled terms pays out for each phone call regardless of call outcome.
CALL_PER_DURATIONScheduled terms pays out for total call time.
CALL_PER_CONVERSATIONScheduled terms pays out for each call conversation.
PARTNER_REFERRALScheduled terms pays out for partner referrals.
DATA_POSTScheduled terms pays out for leads generated from partner data forms.
OFFLINEScheduled terms pays out for offline conversions.
CLICKScheduled terms pays out for clicks.
MOBILE_APPScheduled terms pays out for mobile app installs.

DefaultPayout decimal

If the scheduled term's payout type is Fixed, this is the default payout amount. If present, DefaultPayoutRate will not be.

DefaultPayoutRate decimal

If the scheduled term's payout type is Percent, this is the default percent of the sale that will become the payout. If present, DefaultPayout will not be.

PayoutLevel enum

The order level that the contract pays out at.

Possible enum values
ITEMPayouts will be based on the items sold within an order.
ORDERPayouts will be based on the order as a whole.
CLICKScheduled term pays out for clicks.
CALLScheduled term pays out for calls.

PayoutGroups array

Payout groups that the scheduled term has set up.

Refer to PayoutGroups in the main Contract object for more information on payout group child attributes.

Locking array

Action locking rules for the scheduled terms.

Refer to Locking in the main Contract object for more information on locking child attributes.

PayoutScheduling array

Payout scheduling rules for the scheduled terms.

Refer to PayoutScheduling in the main Contract object for more information on payout scheduling child attributes.

PdfUri string

The contract’s direct URI to download a PDF copy of the contract.

Uri string

The contract’s direct URI to view only that contract.

  "Id": "S-7777777",
  "PartnerId": "10000",
  "PartnerValue1": "",
  "Status": "ACTIVE",
  "StartDate": "2021-01-20T00:00:00-08:00",
  "EndDate": "",
  "BrandSignatory": "Brand Man",
  "BrandSignatoryDate": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
  "PartnerSignatory": "Partner Person",
  "PartnerSignatoryDate": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
  "DateCreated": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
  "DateLastUpdated": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
  "TemplateTerms": {
    "TemplateId": "99999",
    "VersionId": "000006",
    "Name": "ACME Public Terms",
    "Labels": [
    "Currency": "USD",
    "EventPayouts": [
        "EventTypeId": "18500",
        "EventTypeName": "Online Sale",
        "EventCategory": "SALE",
        "DefaultPayoutRate": "15",
        "PayoutLevel": "ITEM",
        "PayoutGroups": [
            "Id": "ab12c3d4-5e6f-7g89-01h2-345ijk6lmn78",
            "Rank": "1",
            "Rules": [
                "Variable": "CUSTOMER_COUNTRY",
                "Operator": "IS",
                "Values": [
            "PayoutRate": "15",
            "Limits": [
                "Type": "PAYOUT",
                "Value": "45.0",
                "LimitBy": "ITEM",
                "Period": "DAY"
            "Id": "90opqrs1-2t34-5678-9012-345u67v890w1",
            "Rank": "2",
            "Rules": [
                "Variable": "ITEM_DISCOUNT",
                "Operator": "IS",
                "Values": [
            "Payout": "15.00"
        "PayoutAdjustments": [
            "Id": "x234y567-8901-2z3a-4567-8b9012345c67",
            "Rules": [
                "Variable": "CUSTOMER_STATUS",
                "Operator": "IS",
                "Values": [
            "Direction": "INCREASE",
            "Rate": "15"
        "PerformanceBonus": {
          "Type": "ALL_ACTIONS",
          "Basis": "REVENUE",
          "Period": "CALENDAR_MONTH",
          "Tiers": [
              "RevenueThreshold": "15.00",
              "PayoutRate": "60"
        "PayoutRestrictions": [
            "Id": "8d9012ef-gh34-56i7-jk89-012345l67890",
            "Rules": [
                "Variable": "PATH_MEDIA_COUNT",
                "Operator": "IS",
                "Values": [
            "ZeroPayoutHideReport": "0"
        "Limits": [
            "Type": "ACTION",
            "Value": "100.0",
            "LimitBy": "CUSTOMER",
            "Period": "DAY",
            "WeekendOverrideValue": "500"
        "Locking": {
          "Basis": "TRACKED",
          "Period": "MONTH",
          "MonthOffset": "1",
          "DayOffset": "0",
          "DayOfMonth": "0"
        "PayoutScheduling": {
          "Basis": "LOCKED",
          "Period": "END_OF_MONTH"
        "CreditPolicy": "LAST_REFERRER",
          "ValidReferrals": [
              "Type": "CLICKS",
              "Window": "30",
              "WindowUnit": "DAY"
      "SpecialTermsList": [
          "TermsName": "Custom Terms",
          "TermsType": "CUSTOM",
          "TermsContent": "<p>These are custom terms</p>\r\n"
      "ChangeNotificationPeriod": "20",
      "ReturnPolicy": "ALWAYS_OK",
      "MaxReturnPercentage": "100",
      "ActionLimit": "1500",
      "ActionLimitPeriod": "MONTH",
      "SpendLimit": "10000.00",
      "SpendLimitPeriod": "MONTH",
      "MinEarningPerClick": "0.00",
      "ContractStartSlottingFee": "50.00",
      "CustomCreativePayer": "ADVERTISER"
  "ScheduledTerms": {
	        "Status": "ACTIVE",
	        "Name": "Footwear CPAi",
	        "StartDate": "2025-02-26T23:00:00Z",
	        "EndDate": "2025-03-13T23:00:00Z",
	        "AllDay": true,
	        "Repeats": false,
	        "EventPayouts": [
	            "EventTypeId": "11111",
	            "EventTypeName": "Online Sale",
	            "EventCategory": "SALE",
	            "DefaultPayoutRate": "6",
	            "PayoutLevel": "ORDER",
	            "PayoutGroups": [
	                "Id": "238a18b8-d56c-4060-8db1-9bf8e064c71b",
	                "Rank": "1",
	                "Rules": [
	                    "Variable": "ITEM_CATEGORY",
	                    "Operator": "IS",
	                    "Values": [
	                      "Performance Sneakers",
	                      " Boots",
	                      " Cleats",
	                      " Casual Sneakers"
	                "PayoutRate": "15"
	            "Locking": {
	            "PayoutScheduling": {
  "PdfUri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contracts/S-7777777/Download",
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contracts/S-7777777"