List all ads

Lists existing ads. The ads are returned by creation date, with the most recently created ad appearing first.


CampaignId optional

Unique identifier for the program (or campaign) that the ad is associated with.

Type optional

What kind of ad is provided.

View possible enum values
BANNERThe object represents a banner ad.
TEXT_LINKThe object represents a hyperlinked text ad.
COUPONThe object represents a coupon.

DealId optional

Unique identifier for for deal associated with the ad.

MobileReady optional

Whether the ad is optimized for mobile devices.

DateCreatedStart optional

If you want to limit results to ads created at a specific date and time or during a given date and time range, enter the start date here. Must be formatted as per ISO 8601.

Accepts either the full date and (2025-01-29T00:00:00-08:00) or just the date (2025-01-29).

DateCreatedEnd optional

If you want to limit results to ads created during a given date and time range, enter the end date of the range here. Must be formatted as per ISO 8601.

Accepts either the full date and (2025-01-29T00:00:00-08:00) or just the date (2025-01-29).

DateLastUpdatedStart optional

If you want to limit results to ads that were last updated at a specific date or time or during a given date and time range, enter the start date or first date in the range here. Must be formatted as per ISO 8601.

Accepts either the full date and (2025-01-29T00:00:00-08:00) or just the date (2025-01-29).

DateLastUpdatedEnd optional

If you want to limit results to ads that were last updated during a given date and time range, enter the last date in the range here. Must be formatted as per ISO 8601.

Accepts either the full date and (2025-01-29T00:00:00-08:00) or just the date (2025-01-29).


Returns an array of ad objects up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a separate ad object. If no ad objects meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/Ads/' \
  -X GET
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \  
  -d 'CampaignId=1017' \
  -d 'DateLastUpdatedStart=2024-01-31T22:03:35-08:00' \
  -d 'DateLastUpdatedEnd=2024-02-15T22:03:35-08:00' \

Example Response

  "@page": "1",
  "Ads": [
      "Id": "892081",
      "Name": "Summer Sale 2020 250x250",
      "Description": "Our best deals this summer creative.",
      "CampaignId": "1000",
      "CampaignName": "Acme Campaign",
      "AdType": "BANNER",
      "LandingPage": "",
      "MobileFallbacks": {
         "ANDROID": "12345",
         "IOS": "67890"
      "DateCreated": "2024-02-29T22:03:35-08:00",
      "DateLastUpdated": "2024-02-29T22:03:35-08:00",
      "CustomAdServingUrl": "",
      "AdCodeTemplate": "",
      "IabAdUnit": "CUSTOM",
      "ThirdPartyServableAdCreativeHeight": "250",
      "ThirdPartyServableAdCreativeWidth": "250",
      "BannerAlternativeTag": "summersale",
      "LinkText": "",
      "CouponLinkName": "",
      "CouponAllowCustomPromoCode": "",
      "GetHtmlCodeType": "HTML_AND_IFRAME",
      "CustomisationCharge": "0.00",
      "Labels": "sale,US",
      "AllowDeepLinking": "true",
      "MobileReady": "true",
      "PhoneTracking": "false",
      "PromoCodeTracking": "false",
      "Language": "ENGLISH",
      "LimitedTimeStartDate": "2020-09-16T17:01:28-07:00",
      "LimitedTimeEndDate": "",
      "RestrictedMediaPartners": [],
      "RestrictedMediaPartnerGroups": ["Content"],
      "Season": "SUMMER",
      "TopSeller": "true",
      "DealId": "85433",
      "DealName": "Summer Sale 2020",
      "DealDescription": "The end of summer sale with great discounts and the best items",
      "DealState": "PENDING",
      "DealType": "GENERAL_SALE",
      "DealScope": "CATEGORY",
      "DealProducts": [],
      "DealCategories": "Legos,Dolls",
      "DiscountType": "PERCENT",
      "DiscountAmount": "",
      "DiscountCurrency": "",
      "DiscountPercent": "10",
      "DiscountMaximumPercent": "",
      "DiscountPercentRangeStart": "",
      "DiscountPercentRangeEnd": "",
      "Gift": "",
      "RebateAmount": "",
      "RebateCurrency": "",
      "DealDefaultPromoCode": "SUMMERSALE20",
      "MinimumPurchaseAmount": "10.00",
      "MinimumPurchaseAmountCurrency": "USD",
      "MaximumSavingsAmount": "100.00",
      "MaximumSavingsCurrency": "USD",
      "BogoBuyQuantity": "0",
      "BogoBuyScope": "",
      "BogoBuyName": "",
      "BogoBuyImageUrl": "",
      "BogoGetQuantity": "0",
      "BogoGetScope": "",
      "BogoGetDiscountType": "",
      "BogoGetName": "",
      "BogoGetImageUrl": "",
      "BogoGetDiscountAmount": "",
      "BogoGetDiscountCurrency": "",
      "BogoGetDiscountPercent": "",
      "PurchaseLimitQuantity": "0",
      "DealStartDate": "2020-09-17T00:00:00-07:00",
      "DealEndDate": "2020-09-30T00:00:00-07:00",
      "SynchAdsPromoCodes": "false",
      "DealRestrictedMediaPartners": [],
      "DealRestrictedMediaPartnerGroups": ["Content"],
      "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Ads/892081"