Retrieves a single legal entity associated with this account. It requires you to pass the unique ID for the legal entity.
The account is determined by the API authentication you use.
No parameters.
Returns a LegalEntity
object. If no legal entity meets the criteria, the object will be empty. This request should never return an error.
Example request
curl '<AccountSID>/LegalEntities/325001' \
-X GET \
-u '<AccountSid>:<AuthToken>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Example response
"LegalEntity": {
"Id": "325001",
"Name": "Acme Corporation",
"RegisteredForIndirectTax": "false",
"IndirectTaxNumber": "",
"OrganizationType": "CORP",
"EinSsnForeignTaxId": "XXXXX1234",
"BillingAddress": {
"AddressLine1": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
"AddressLine2": "",
"City": "Springfield",
"State": "MA",
"PostalCode": "01001",
"Country": "US"
"Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/LegalEntities/"