The items object

The Items object holds data about the items in the order associated with an Action. With this endpoint, you can list all items within an action, retrieve a specific item in an action using its Sku (or ProductId) value, and update items (such as their quantity or price) within an action.


Sku string

Stock-keeping unit (SKU) identifier that you've assigned to the item. This field is used for lookups to your product catalog. Alternatively known as the ProductId.

ItemName string

Display name for the product in this action item.

Category string

Category for the product in this action item.

Quantity string

Number of units of the product in the action item.

SaleAmount string

Revenue amount for this action item.

Payout decimal

Commission amount calculated for the action item that will be paid out to the partner.

AdjustmentDate datetime

Date and time in ISO 8601 format when the action item was last updated. Attribute is empty if the item has never been modified.

AdjustmentReason string

Reason for why the action item was last updated. Attribute is empty if the item has never been modified.

Uri string

Unique reference to this action item in the API.

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SaleAmountCurrency currency

Three-letter ISO currency code for the revenue amount. Typically the default currency of your account. Not the currency originally sent in on the order.

PayoutCurrency currency

Three-letter ISO currency code for the payout amount. Typically the default currency of your account.

Rebate decimal

Discount (or rebate) amount applied to the action item.

RebateCurrency currency

Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. Typically the default currency of your account. Not the currency originally sent in on the order.

	"Sku": "12345",
	"ItemName": "Tennis ball",
	"Category": "Sports",
	"Quantity": "2",
	"SaleAmount": "19.27",
	"SaleAmountCurrency": "USD",
	"Payout": "0.77",
	"PayoutCurrency": "USD",
	"Rebate": "1.00",
	"RebateCurrency": "USD",
	"AdjustmentDate": "",
	"AdjustmentReason": "",
	"Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Actions/1000.4636.401482/Items/12345"