List all contracts

Returns a list of your contracts.


DateLastUpdatedBefore optional

Return contracts updated before a specific date and time. See ISO-8601.

DateLastUpdatedAfter optional

Return contracts updated after a specific date and time. See ISO-8601.

StartDateBefore optional

Return contracts that start before a specific date and time. See ISO-8601.

StartDateAfter optional

Return contracts that start after a specific date and time. See ISO-8601.

EndDateBefore optional

Return contracts that end before a specific date and time. See ISO-8601.

EndDateAfter optional

Return contracts that end after a specific date and time. See ISO-8601.

PartnerId optional

Return contracts that a specific partner is or was signed to.

Signatory optional

Return contracts with a particular signatory. Will search both BrandSignatory and PartnerSignatory.

Status optional

Return contracts with a specific status. If not used in the call, only contracts where Status="ACTIVE" will return.

View possible enum values
ACTIVEContract is currently active.
DECLINEDContract was declined by either party.
EXPIREDContract is expired.
PENDINGContract is awaiting action from one party.
UPCOMINGContract will be deployed soon.

TemplateId optional

Return contracts that were sourced from a specific set of Template Terms.


Returns an array of contract objects up to a limit dictated by @pagesize. Each entry in the array is a separate contract object. If no contract objects meet the criteria, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contracts' \
  -X GET \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d 'DateLastUpdatedAfter=2019-01-31T16:27:04+00:00' \
  -d 'EndDateAfter=2023-01-31T16:27:04+00:00' \
  -d 'Signatory=Brand Man' \
  -d 'Status=ACTIVE' \

Example Response

  "@page": "1",
  "Contracts": [
      "Id": "S-7777777",
      "PartnerId": "10000",
      "PartnerValue1": "",
      "Status": "ACTIVE",
      "StartDate": "2021-01-20T00:00:00-08:00",
      "EndDate": "",
      "BrandSignatory": "Brand Man",
      "BrandSignatoryDate": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
      "PartnerSignatory": "Partner Person",
      "PartnerSignatoryDate": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
      "DateCreated": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
      "DateLastUpdated": "2021-01-19T23:51:01-08:00",
      "TemplateTerms": {
        "TemplateId": "99999",
        "VersionId": "000006",
        "Name": "ACME Public Terms",
        "Labels": [
        "Currency": "USD",
        "EventPayouts": [
            "EventTypeId": "18500",
            "EventTypeName": "Online Sale",
            "EventCategory": "SALE",
            "DefaultPayoutRate": "15",
            "PayoutLevel": "ITEM",
            "PayoutGroups": [
                "Id": "ab12c3d4-5e6f-7g89-01h2-345ijk6lmn78",
                "Rank": "1",
                "Rules": [
                    "Variable": "CUSTOMER_COUNTRY",
                    "Operator": "IS",
                    "Values": [
                "PayoutRate": "15",
                "Limits": [
                    "Type": "PAYOUT",
                    "Value": "45.0",
                    "LimitBy": "ITEM",
                    "Period": "DAY"
                "Id": "90opqrs1-2t34-5678-9012-345u67v890w1",
                "Rank": "2",
                "Rules": [
                    "Variable": "ITEM_DISCOUNT",
                    "Operator": "IS",
                    "Values": [
                "Payout": "15.00"
            "PayoutAdjustments": [
                "Id": "x234y567-8901-2z3a-4567-8b9012345c67",
                "Rules": [
                    "Variable": "CUSTOMER_STATUS",
                    "Operator": "IS",
                    "Values": [
                "Direction": "INCREASE",
                "Rate": "15"
          "PerformanceBonus": {
            "Type": "ALL_ACTIONS",
            "Basis": "REVENUE",
            "Period": "CALENDAR_MONTH",
            "Tiers": [
                "RevenueThreshold": "15.00",
                "PayoutRate": "60"
            "PayoutRestrictions": [
                "Id": "8d9012ef-gh34-56i7-jk89-012345l67890",
                "Rules": [
                    "Variable": "PATH_MEDIA_COUNT",
                    "Operator": "IS",
                    "Values": [   
                "ZeroPayoutHideReport": "0"
            "Limits": [
                "Type": "ACTION",
                "Value": "100.0",
                "LimitBy": "CUSTOMER",
                "Period": "DAY",
                "WeekendOverrideValue": "500"
            "Locking": {
              "Basis": "TRACKED",
              "Period": "MONTH",
              "MonthOffset": "1",
              "DayOffset": "0"
            "PayoutScheduling": {
              "Basis": "LOCKED",
              "Period": "END_OF_MONTH"
            "CreditPolicy": "LAST_REFERRER",
              "ValidReferrals": [
                  "Type": "CLICKS",
                  "Window": "30",
                  "WindowUnit": "DAY"
          "SpecialTermsList": [
              "TermsName": "Custom Terms",
              "TermsType": "CUSTOM",
              "TermsContent": "<p>These are custom terms</p>\r\n"
          "ChangeNotificationPeriod": "20",
          "ReturnPolicy": "ALWAYS_OK",
          "MaxReturnPercentage": "100",
          "ActionLimit": "1500",
          "ActionLimitPeriod": "MONTH",
          "SpendLimit": "10000.00",
          "SpendLimitPeriod": "MONTH",
          "MinEarningPerClick": "0.00",
          "ContractStartSlottingFee": "50.00",
          "CustomCreativePayer": "ADVERTISER"
      "PdfUri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contracts/S-7777777/Download",
      "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/Campaigns/1000/Contracts/S-7777777"