The task object

The task object holds information about a task, like who it is assigned to. You can retrieve a specific task, as well as list all tasks.


id string

Unique identifier for the object.

Reference object

Identifies the partner by ID and custom values.

View child attributes

PartnerId integer

Unique identifier for the partner.

PartnerValue1 string

Unique custom value assigned to this partner ({mp_value_1}). Learn more.

PartnerValue2 string

Unique custom value assigned to this partner ({mp_value_2}). Learn more.

PartnerValue3 string

Unique custom value assigned to this partner ({mp_value_3}). Learn more.

Details object

View child attributes

Summary string

Title of the request.

Description string

Description of the task.

Urgent boolean

Whether this task is considered urgent or not.

State enum

The current state of the task.

Possible enum values

Type enum

Possible enum values

SubtypeId integer

Unique identifier for the subtype.

SubtypeName string

Name of the task subtype.


Unique identifier for the resolution.


Name of the resolution.

Attachments array of objects

Details about each attachment.

View child attributes

Id string

Unique identifier for the object.

Filename string

Name of the file attached, including the file extension.

Location string

The publicly accessible URL to download the file.

DueDate datetime

Date and time at which the task is due. Displayed in ISO 8601 format.

AssigneeUser object

View child attributes

Username string

Name of the user of the partner account that the task is assigned to.

EmailAddress string

Email address of the user of the partner account that the task is assigned to.

AssigneeAccount string

Name of the partner account that the task is assigned to.

TotalActions integer

Total number of actions that have been recorded for this task.

Actions array of objects

Describes actions that have occurred on this task.

TotalComments integer

Total number of comments that have been recorded for this task.

Comments array of objects

Details about each comment on this task.

View child attributes

Id integer

Unique identifier for the comment object.

Comment string

The content of the comment.

Commenter string

Name of the commenter.

Attachments array of objects

View child attributes

Id string

Unique identifier for the comment file attachment.

Filename string

Name of the file attached, including file extension.

Location string

The publicly accessible URL to download the file.

DateCreated datetime

The date and time the comment was created.

DateLastUpdated datetime

The date and time the task was last updated.

CreatedBy object

View child attributes

Username integer

Name of the user that created the task.

EmailAddress string

Email address of the user that created the task.

LastUpdatedBy object

View child attributes

Username integer

Name of the user that last updated the task.

EmailAddress string

Email address of the user that last updated the task.

  "Id": "3562529",
  "Reference": "",
  "Details": {
    "Summary": "Acme Rewards Card Update",
    "Description": "The Acme Rewards Card APR has changed, please update your ads to reflect this new value.",
    "Urgent": true,
    "State": "INPROGRESS",
    "Type": "COMPLIANCE",
    "SubtypeId": "",
    "SubtypeName": "",
    "ResolutionId": "",
    "ResolutionName": ""
  "Attachments": [
      "Id": "task_1223456_988957a0-e0ed-4f16-984b-f5a9259e6be7",
      "Filename": "acme_reward_card_details.pdf",
      "Location": ""
  "DueDate": "2021-08-31T04:00:00.000+0000",
  "AssigneeUser": {
    "Username": "Wile E. Coyote",
    "EmailAddress": ""
  "AssigneeAccount": "Acme Partners",
  "TotalActions": "0",
  "Actions": "",
  "TotalComments": "1",
  "Comments": [
      "Id": "98765",
      "Comment": "I've updated our home page with the latest ads, see attached screenshot.",
      "Commenter": "Wile E. Coyote",
      "Attachments": [
          "Id": "comment_987654_ccbef408-9312-440a-8a8a-6b58ce9c0492",
          "Filename": "coyote_partner_homepage.jpg",
          "Location": ""
  "DateCreated": "2021-08-18T16:47:21.000+0000",
  "DateLastUpdated": "2021-08-18T22:45:42.000+0000",
  "CreatedBy": {
    "Username": "Acme.Road.Runner",
    "EmailAddress": ""
  "LastUpdatedBy": {
    "Username": "Acme.Road.Runner",
    "EmailAddress": ""