

The Accounts endpoint contains metadata about your company like the name, website, individual contacts, and more. You can use this endpoint to retrieve current information about your company or update it with new information.


Actions represent conversion events that have been credited and are eligible for payout. These endpoints are used to perform functions related to conversion events (actions), action items and action updates. These endpoints are used to retrieve or update conversion information.

Action Inquiries

Action Inquiries are formal requests to investigate the attribution and/or payout of an action. This endpoint allows you to view action inquiries, retrieve a specific action inquiry, and update an action inquiry with a resolution.


Ads are the brand advertisements used to drive actions for a brand, and earn payouts. Ads can be purely text (like a link), or can consist of some type of creative (e.g, a banner image, video, audio, etc.) with an embedded tracking link. This endpoint allows you to retrieve an ad, an ad code, an ad's iframe code, an ad's tracking link, or retrieve a list of ads.

Call Data offers a call tracking solution that enables brands to easily track a partner's pay-per-call performance. The Call Data endpoint can be used to log call data from call tracking providers.

Programs (Campaigns)

Programs (formerly known as campaigns) are the cornerstone of your tracking efforts with This endpoint can be used to retrieve a particular program (formally campaigns) as well as list all your programs.


Product Catalogs are used to show your partners what products you sell and supply them with information on those products. While you cannot create, update, or delete a product catalog via API, you can create, update, or delete items within a product catalog via API


Clicks are referral events that track each time a partner has sent traffic from their property (e.g., website, app, etc.) to a brand's property. This endpoint category allows you to retrieve data for a single click or download click data via the Jobs feature.


Contacts help you maintain a contact list of all the people associated with the partner accounts in your program. You can use this endpoint to manage your contacts list and to add contacts for partner accounts, even if that person doesn’t have an account.


Contracts are the rules of the business relationship between you and a partner. You can retrieve a specific contract as well as list all your contracts via API.


The Conversions endpoint allows you to submit events that you would like to report on and potentially pay partners for. There are many types of conversions, with the usual examples being sales, leads, and subscriptions.


Deals are used to manage the various discounts partners can promote through their marketing efforts and consumers can utilize to help make a purchase. You can use this endpoint to manage your existing deals as well as add new ones.

Deferred Deep Linking

Deep linking is the process of sending a user “deep” into an app: they are directed to a page other than the default home page. Normal deep linking requires the app to already be installed. Deferred Deep Linking is the process of “deferring” that deep linking until after a user has installed the app. This endpoint is intended to only provide information about the deep link and would not log an event.

Exception List

Exception Lists are used to pay partners different rates based on the category or the SKU associated with the action they drove. You can use this endpoint to create and manage your exception lists, as well as manage, create, and remove items on each of your exception lists.


Invoices (or partner invoices) are statements of amounts owed to partners that are automatically generated by They contain information about payments due to partners, including individual line item(s) within an invoice. Invoices can be downloaded in PDF format.

Jobs Management

The Jobs endpoint allows the scheduling of a job to extract data and fetch the results once complete. Jobs will protect you from reaching rate limits and will ensure a smoother data retrieval experience.


Notes are an easy way to maintain brief internal records about a partner that all members of your account can read. This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of notes or create, retrieve, update or delete a note.

Page Load

The Page Load endpoint tracks page load events, which can be used to attribute credit for conversions that result from partners driving traffic to a website or a mobile app.

Partner Groups

Partner Groups are private groups you can create to organize and label your partners. This endpoint allows you to create, retrieve, update and delete a partner group, or retrieve a list of partner groups.


Partners contains information about all of the partner accounts joined to your program. You can use this endpoint to view information about your partners, update certain partner attributes, and create new direct partner accounts.

Phone Numbers

For brands using's native call tracking solution, the Phone Numbers endpoint can list all phone numbers available to your brand account, or retrieve a specific phone number based on its Id number.

Promo Codes

Promo Codes are used to track partner involvement in your program. You can use this endpoint to manage your promo codes and to add promo codes.


The Reports endpoint is used to return a list of reports and report metadata and run or download a report using the Jobs feature.

Routing Rules

Routing Rules control where traffic is sent when they click on a link and are not immediately directed to the hyperlinked destination. This endpoint is used to return a routing rule or a list if routing rules.


The Submissions endpoint will tell you if your submissions were received and will provide metadata (like BatchIds) about what was received. Information about records, like conversions, modifications, and disposition codes, can all be retrieved and viewed using this endpoint.


Tasks are assignments for partners or other members in your account. You can retrieve individual tasks as well as list all tasks.

Tracking Links

The Tracking Links endpoint allows you to programmatically generate tracking links for your partners within a specified program. You can use this endpoint if you want to generate tracking links for specific ads, deep links, or customized vanity links.

Tracking Value Requests

Tracking Value requests are used by partners to request specific tracking values (Promo Codes, Unique URLs, and Phone Numbers) that they can use. Use this endpoint to view your tracking value requests as well as approve or reject them.

Unique URLs

Unique URLs are used to track online traffic driven by offline ads. Use this endpoint to view the unique URLs you've created in the web app.


The Users endpoint contains information about all of the individual users that can access your partner account. You can retrieve specific users to see their current state and access rights, and list all current users.