Create a Page Load

Creating a page load does not require authentication, as the request URL is different from other endpoints. Optional parameters are highly recommended, especially when using this endpoint with your mobile app(s).


CampaignId required

Unique identifier for your program (or campaign) on Viewable in the platform by selecting your account name from the top left corner—your campaign ID is the integer in gray type under Programs section.

PageUrl required

Destination URL that is intercepted by the app.

  • If the app open occurs from an tracking link, send the full tracking link (e.g.,



When testing clicks and events, be sure to append the ?impacttest=1 parameter to your PageUrl.

  • If the app is opened directly (e.g., not redirected from a URL), do not send any value
  • If the app open occurs from a non-Impact URL, send the actual URL with https: (e.g.,
  • If the app open occurs using a custom URI scheme, send the full URI (e.g. app://view?sharedid=abcd)

PropertyId required for mobile/app opens

For mobile app opens, this value is the "System App ID" of your app in Found in Settings → Mobile Apps.

AppleIfa required for iOS app opens

Apple ID for Advertising (IDFA) associated with the mobile device the customer converted on. Used for attribution purposes. Typically only available for iOS in-app conversions.

GoogAid required for Android app opens

Google Advertising ID associated with the mobile device the customer converted on. Used for attribution purposes. Typically only available for Android in-app conversions.

EventDate required

Time and date when the conversion event actually took place, in ISO 8601 format.

ReferringUrl optional

URL of the website that the click originated from, such as the partner's website.

CustomProfileId optional

Unique identifier used to identify a visitor on your website (regardless of whether they're signed in). Common examples include anonymous user cookies and other anonymous user identifiers.

CustomerId optional

Unique identifier that you generate for your customers. Plain text email addresses are not permitted. Used for Insights reporting and conversion chaining.

CustomerEmail optional

SHA-1 hash of the customer's email address. Do not send identifying (e.g., PII) information in this parameter.

TrackingConsent optional

Indicates whether the user has provided consent to be tracked at the moment of the request. Derived from your consent management platform or through frameworks like Apple’s ATT (App Tracking Transparency) available on iOS.

UserAgent optional

User agent of the customer, used to provide device reporting. Primarily used for web traffic. See DeviceMfr and DeviceModel for the equivalent for in-app requests.

AppleIfv optional

Apple ID for Vendors (IDFV) associated with the mobile device the customer converted on. Used for attribution purposes. Typically only available for iOS in-app conversions.

IpAddress optional

IP address of the customer. The IP address is used to help the system identify fraudulent activity. The IP address can be used for attribution in the case of installs.

AppName optional

Name of the mobile app. Only for mobile events.

AppPackage optional

Package name for the mobile app the user installed. Only for mobile events.

AppVer optional

Version of the mobile app. Only for mobile events.

DeviceMfr optional

Mobile device's manufacturer. expects this to be passed in a specific format—refer to the code below that needs to be included in your mobile app to capture the value in the appropriate format.


String manufacturer = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER;


NSString *manufacturer = @"Apple";

DeviceModel optional

Mobile device's model. expects this to be passed in a specific format—refer to the code below that needs to be included in your mobile app to capture the value in the appropriate format.


String model = android.os.Build.MODEL;


NSSString *model = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machineencoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];


Returns the status of the submitted page load or app open. landingPage is only returned when PageUrl is submitted with an gateway tracking link. ClickId should be captured and stored by your own system—this value can be submitted when sending conversions to via the API.



If multiple requests are made within a user session, a sessionState parameter may also be returned.

Example requests

curl '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'CampaignId=1000' \
  -d 'PageUrl=https://trackingdomain/c/234/12/1234' \
  -d 'EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00' \
  -d 'ReferringUrl=' \
  -d 'UserAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15'
curl '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'CampaignId=1000' \
  -d 'PageUrl=' \
  -d 'Appleifa=EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606' \
  -d 'EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00' \
  -d 'ReferringUrl=' \
  -d 'IpAddress=' \
  -d 'DeviceMfr=@"Apple"' \
  -d 'DeviceModel=iPhone13,2'

Example responses

  "landingPage": "",
  "clickId": "0c22384eN-3765c5f900c2878068a0631b"
  "clickId": "0ae1xclm2kbgryv3dppspszxce2xhemw1las000x00",
  "sessionStart": "2021-04-08T21:32:20z"