Approve a tracking value request

Approves the specified tracking value request. Certain sets of parameters are required based on the tracking value RequestType.


Promo Code Parameters

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PromoCode required

Promo code to be assigned to requesting partner to be used in marketing efforts. Required if RequestType: "PROMOCODE_TRACKING".

CreditPolicy required

Credit policy of the promo code. Required if RequestType: "PROMOCODE_TRACKING".

View possible enum values
ALWAYSPromo code's assigned partner will always be credited with the sale.
INVOLVEDPromo code's assigned partner will be credited with the sale if they participated in the conversion path.
WINNERPromo code's assigned partner will be credited with the sale if they were the winning referral.

MatchMode required

Matching type of the promo code. Required if RequestType: "PROMOCODE_TRACKING".

View possible enum values
LIEXACT match type. When a customer enters a promo code on a store page, it must exactly match how it was entered in to be tracked.
REREGEX match type. When a customer enters a promo code on a store page, it must match the regular expression of how the promo code was entered in to be tracked. Learn more about regular expression. Test a regular expression.

Unique URL Parameter

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UrlId required

Id of the unique URL. Required if RequestType: "BRANDED_URL_TRACKING".

Phone Number Parameters

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AssignedPhoneNumberId required

Id of the tracking phone number. Required if RequestType: "PHONE_NUMBER_TRACKING".

DealId optional

Deal Id associated with the tracking value request.

DealName optional

Deal name associated with the tracking value request.


Returns the status of the request and the URI of the newly approved tracking value request. Returns an error if approve parameters are invalid.

Example Request

curl '<AccountSID>/TrackingValueRequests/55555' \
  -X PUT \
  -u '<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d 'PromoCode=Acme50off' \
  -d 'MatchMode=LI' \
  -d 'CreditPolicy=ALWAYS'

Example Response

  "Status": "OK",
  "Uri": "/Advertisers/<AccountSID>/TrackingValueRequests/55555"