Additional Parameters

Conversion data reference

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired/OptionalExample
Money1-3DECIMAL (18,3)General numeral fields for any financial data. Appear in reports.Optional12345.678
Numeric1-3DECIMAL (18,3)General numeral fields for any numeric data. Appear in reports.Optional987654.321
Date1-3STRING (30)General date fields for any date/datetime. Appear in reports.Optional2038-01-19
SubId1-3STRING (255)General fields used for event-level reporting purposes.Optional
Text1-3STRING (64)General text fields for any text data. Appear in reports.Optional
UserAgentSTRING (255)Describes the user agent associated with the conversion.OptionalMozilla/5.0
CustomerStatusSTRING (30)Customer status at the time of conversion.OptionalActive
CustomerCitySTRING (255)Customer's city during conversion.OptionalAmsterdam
CustomerCountrySTRING (255)Customer's country during conversion.OptionalNetherlands
CustomerPostalCodeSTRING (255)Customer's postal code during conversion.Optional1011 AC
CustomerRegionSTRING (255)Customer's region during conversion.OptionalNorth Holland
DeviceModelSTRING (255)Device model used during conversion.OptionaliPhone 13 Pro
DeviceMfrSTRING (255)Device manufacturer used during conversion.OptionalApple
AppPackageSTRING (255)App package name used during
AppInstallRefSTRING (255)App installation reference during conversion.OptionalRef12345
AppVerSTRING (255)App version during conversion.Optional1.0.0
PropertyIdSTRING (255)Property ID associated with the conversion.OptionalProperty123
IrAppIdSTRING (255)IR App ID associated with the conversion.OptionalIRApp123
Referral Landing PageSTRING (255)URL of the landing page where the referral originated.Optional
Referral Subaccount IDSTRING (255)ID of the referral subaccount.OptionalSubID123
Referral Subaccount NameSTRING (255)Name of the referral subaccount.OptionalSubName
Referral Ad ProgramSTRING (255)Ad program associated with the referral.OptionalAdProgram123
Referral Ad TypeSTRING (255)Ad type associated with the referral.OptionalDisplay
Referral Ad GroupSTRING (255)Ad group associated with the referral.OptionalAdGroup123
Referral Traffic TypeSTRING (255)Type of traffic associated with the referral.OptionalOrganic
Referral URLSTRING (255)URL of the referral source.Optional
Path Media CountINTEGERNumber of media elements in the conversion path.Optional5
Path Channel CountINTEGERNumber of channels in the conversion path.Optional3
Path StepsINTEGERNumber of steps in the conversion path.Optional10
Site CategorySTRING (255)Category of the site where the conversion occurred.OptionalE-commerce
Site VersionSTRING (255)Version of the site where the conversion occurred.Optionalv1.0
Hear About UsSTRING (255)How the customer heard about the business.OptionalSocial Media
TrackingConsentBOOLEANIndicates whether the user has provided consent to be tracked.Optionaltrue
NoteSTRING (255)General field used for event-level reporting purposes. Requires MediaPartnerId.OptionalHello, World!