Integrate with AppsFlyer can integrate with your existing AppsFlyer mobile app setup to enable tracking, reporting, and payouts for events in your mobile apps.

The integration supports a range of app events, including Installs, In-App Sales, Leads, App Opens, and Sign-ups, and can be customized to suite your specific use case.



This article covers the Integration with AppsFlyer for a Performance Program. Learn more about how to Integrate with AppsFlyer for your Advocate Program.

How it works

  • In your AppsFlyer account, you’ll enable the module, configure its settings, then get your app’s attribution link.
  • In your account, you'll add (or update) your mobile app(s)' Download URL with the attribution link created while integrating.
  • For each in-app event you want to send to, you'll add new events (and Event Codes) to your mobile app(s) in

Enable the module

  1. Log in to your AppsFlyer account.
  2. In the AppsFlyer dashboard, find the Configuration section and select Integrated Partners.
  3. In the App Search, input impact_radius then select Activate Partner.

Configure the module

Each subsection below refers to the relevant setting section of the module. To configure the module in AppsFlyer, navigate to Configuration → Integrated Partners, find the module and select Edit.

General Settings

In the General Settings section, you’ll need to add your mobile app’s System App ID and your API credentials (Account SID & Auth Token).



The General Settings section configures the Install event — other events are configured in the In-App Events section.

Field Description
password Your API Auth Token. Navigate to
[Vertical Ellipsis] → SettingsAPI to find this value.
ActionTrackerId Your System App ID for your mobile app. Navigate to
[Vertical Ellipsis] → Settings → Mobile Apps
to find this value.
user Your API Account SID. Navigate to
[Vertical Ellipsis] → SettingsAPI to find this value.

Default Postbacks

The Default Postbacks section shows how will receive the standard install events from AppsFlyer via a postback. This section should be left as default — will receive events with an INSTALL event code, which will match the event code that your mobile app(s) in are expecting.

In-App Event Settings

If the In-App Events Postback option is enabled, make sure to fill out this section; otherwise, leave this blank.

Your credentials here are identical to the ones used in the General Settings section — simply duplicate the values used for user, password, and AppId (identical to ActionTrackerId).

In-App Events Postback

If you want to send in-app events to (e.g., Sale, Lead, etc.), enable the In-App Events Postback option.

In-App Postback Window

Refer to In-app event postback window on AppsFlyer's Help Center for documentation on this feature.


SDK event nameThe SDK Name is the name of the parameter you’re using in the AppsFlyer SDK to track a data point.
Partner event identifierThis is the identifier that will look for — must be configured as an Event Code for your mobile app. For example, if you want to track an in-app order with an SDK event name of af_purchase, then af_purchase must be configured as an Event Code for your mobile app in
Sending optionDetermine where this data point will be sent.
Send RevenueIf the SDK is set to send a specific parameter- toggle on Send Values and Revenue (if revenue is available) or Send Values and No Revenue (if no revenue is available).

Fixed structure parameter mapping

AppsFlyer sends conversion postbacks to with a fixed structure. While it’s not possible to update the fixed structure, it is possible to update the mapping for custom event data (event-values). Refer to custom parameters for more information.

Fixed structure parameters
AppsFlyer Parameter Parameter
IntegrationSource APPSFLYER
OrderId (appsflyer-device-id)(idfa)(vendorId)(timestamp)
DeviceModel (device-model)
IpAddress (ip)
IpAddressCarrier (ip)
appsflyer_id (appsflyer-device-id)
DeviceOs (os-version)
DeviceCarrier (carrier)
IpAddressWifi (ip)
appsflyer-custom (event-value)
ActionTrackerId (AppId)
IpAddress (ip)
EventCode (mapped-iae) | INSTALL
AppVer (app-version-name)
EventDate NOW
CustomerCity (city)
CustomerCountry (country-code)
AppPackage (app-id)
AppleIfa (idfa)
GoogAId (advertiserId)
ClickID (clickid)
Text1 re-attibution | empty
Text2 (country-code) - Install only
Text3 re-engagement | empty
MPID (af_siteid) - if impression attribution via appsflyer

Custom parameter mapping

Event-specific data (event-values) are sent by AppsFlyer as a JSON body and have the following default mapping if receives one of the AppsFlyer parameters for a conversion:

Custom event-value parameters
AppsFlyer Parameter Parameter Type
af_order_id OrderId String
af_content_id ItemSku String
af_content_type ItemCategory String
af_quantity ItemQuantity int
af_price ItemPrice decimal
af_revenue Amount/Revenue decimal
af_currency Currency String
af_date_a Date1 String
af_date_b Date2 String
af_city CustomerCity String
af_region CustomerRegion String
af_country CustomerCountry String
af_coupon_code OrderPromoCode String
af_param1 IR_OrderDiscount decimal
af_param2 IR_ItemSubTotal decimal
af_param3 IR_CustomerStatus String
af_param4 CustomerEmail String
af_param5 IR_CustomerId String


Update the custom parameter mapping values

If you want to update the default mapping for event_values, contact support.

JSON example

The example below shows passing item-level data.

  "af_city":"Santa Barbara", 
  "af_region": "CA", 
  "af_content_type":["hat","glasses", "bracelet"], "af_content_id":["sku-000","sku010","sku011"],


Order-Level vs. Item-Level reporting

If you're only reporting order-level data, pass the af_revenue parameter, which maps to the Amount parameter — item-level parameters (e.g., af_price) will be ignored.

If passing item-level data (af_content_type, af_quantity, af_price) for an event, send it in array format (e.g., af_quantity = [ItemQuantity1, ItemQuantity2]) — the order-level af_revenue will be ignored.

AppsFlyer attribution link

You’ll need to retrieve an AppsFlyer attribution link or generate an AppsFlyer OneLink (learn more about OneLink in the AppsFlyer Help Center).

Whichever link you retrieve needs to be set as the Download URL for your mobile app(s) within the platform.



Standard attribution links do not support deep linking — only OneLink does.

Attribution link

  1. In your AppsFlyer dashboard, find the Configuration section and select Integrated Partners.
  2. Find the module, then select Tracking Link.
  3. The “Tracking Link” parameters section will allow you to add custom parameters to the click tracking link at the bottom — required parameters for are already set. Once you have appended the required parameters, copy the “Click Tracking Link”.

Attribution Link example{irpid}&pid=impactradius_int&af_click_lookback=7d&clickid={clickid}&af_sub_siteid={irmpname} 


  1. In your AppsFlyer dashboard, find the Configuration section and select Configure OneLink.
  2. Generate the OneLink for your app — make sure to append clickid={clickid} as a query string parameter.
  3. Copy the OneLink so it can configured as your app(s) Download URL in

OneLink example{ircid}&pid=impactradius_int&is_retargeting=true&af_click_lookback=7d&af_dp={gwlurl}&af_reengagement_window=30d&af_inactivity_window=0d&clickid={clickid}&af_siteid={irpid}&af_sub_siteid={irmpname}

Configure mobile app(s)

See Set up Mobile App Tracking in the Help Center for details on configuring a mobile app. This section assumes you’ve already set up an app — it focuses on two key parts related to integrating with AppsFlyer.

Update Download URL

  1. In the platform, navigate to
    [Vertical Ellipses] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, select Mobile Apps.
  3. In the list, find the mobile app that you want to modify and select
    [Ellipses] → View/Edit.
  4. Find the Download URL line item and paste in the URL from AppsFlyer (either the attribution link or OneLink), and make sure append the following two required query string parameters:

    af_siteid={irpid} af_sub_siteid={irmpname}

Manage Event Codes

For each additional in-app event you’re tracking, you’ll need to configure it as an Event Code for your mobile app. Once added, this will make the event payable to partners.

  1. In the platform, navigate to
    [Vertical Ellipses] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, select Mobile Apps.
  3. In the list, find the mobile app that you want to modify and select
    [Ellipses] → Manage Event.
  4. In the top corner of the screen, select Add Event.
  5. Find the In-App Events line item and select Add Another Event.
  6. Enter an Event Display Name — this is simply a name for this event that will appear in the platform.
  7. Enter the Event Code for this event — it must be exactly as it appears under the Partner event identifier line in AppsFlyer.
  8. Choose a Crediting Rule — in most cases, this will be Last Click.
  9. Select Add Another Event to add another, otherwise select Save.