Item-Level Data

Conversion data reference

Parameter NameFormat (Size)DescriptionRequirementExample ValueNotes
SkuSTRING (255)Unique stock-keeping unit (SKU) value of the product referenced at the item level.Required if passing item-level details, otherwise optional79369127
CategorySTRING (255)Category for the product referenced at the item level. Can also be automatically pulled if a product catalog has been uploaded.Required if passing item-level details, otherwise optionalMetalworking
QuantityINTEGERQuantity of the item that was purchased in the order, expressed as a whole number.Required if passing item-level details, otherwise optional1
ItemPriceDECIMALIndividual unit price for each product in this line item. This is multiplied by the ItemQuantity (and discounts are subtracted) to derive the ItemSubTotal. Note that this field should not be sent if ItemSubtotal is passed.Required if passing item-level details, otherwise optional; do not submit if using ItemSubTotal499.99
ItemSubtotalDECIMAL (14,2)Total price for this line item (all products purchased of this type). The final value will be determined by subtracting the corresponding discounts from this value. This field should not be sent if ItemPrice is passed.Required if passing item-level details, otherwise optional; do not submit if using ItemPrice299.99
AmountDECIMAL (8,2)Total amount for the line item (quantity * price), pre-tax, pre-shipping and post-discount.Required if passing item-level details, otherwise optional; do not submit if using ItemPrice or ItemSubtotal1234.99In most cases, submit Quantity & Price in order for to accurately generate this value.
ItemSubCategorySTRING (255)If applicable, the subcategory for the product referenced at the item level. Can also be automatically pulled if a product catalog has been uploaded.OptionalMetalsmithing
NameSTRING (255)The name for the product referenced. Can also be automatically appended through uploading a product catalog.OptionalIron Anvil
ItemMpnSTRING (64)Manufacturer part number (MPN) for the product referenced. Can also be automatically pulled if a product catalog has been uploaded.Optional123456789
ItemBrandSTRING (64)Brand name for the product referenced. Can also be automatically pulled if a product catalog has been uploaded.OptionalAcme Corp
ItemDiscountDECIMAL (12,2)Discount applied to each item purchased of this type (not to the entire line item).Optional2.99
ItemPromoCodeSTRING (255)Promotional code applied to the item for the order. Note that this parameter does not work with unique tracking codes setup for particular partners.OptionalITEMDISCOUNT10
ItemTotalDiscountDECIMAL (12,2)Discount applied to this line item (not just for each product of this type). Note that this amount is automatically subtracted from the ItemSubTotal to determine the final sale amount for payout and reporting purposes.Optional49.99
ItemDeliveryTypeSTRING (64)Type of delivery method specified for this item.OptionalEXPRESS

Item-level template
