
The exact method in which you implement server-side API calls to on your site is up to your discretion and specific requirements. This page describes what you'll need to do and keep in mind when implementing.



This integration requires a skilled web developer. API calls to the Brand API requires your account's private Account SID value and Auth Token value — any calls you make using these values must be integrated server-side on your site to prevent any interception of the API request. also strongly recommends implementing an intelligent retry functionality for API calls that may fail. Any call that results in a 5XX response code should be retried automatically.

Check before integrating will complete several integration steps on your behalf. Check with your implementation engineer to ensure that the following configuration steps have been completed: Event Type, Gateway Tracking, General Tracking.

Capture & Store clickId

  • will dynamically populate a clickid value in your landing page URL (e.g. when visitors are directed to your site from an tracking link. The query string parameter name is irclickid.

  • The clickid value should captured and stored in the browser (e.g., in a first-party cookie) and available if the same visitor returns directly to your site in another session.

  • If, during the customer journey, the website URL changes from one domain to another, the stored clickid value should be passed and stored under the new domain.

Report conversions to the /Conversions/ endpoint

When a conversion event occurs, you’ll need to make a server-side API call to the /Conversions/ endpoint with conversion data. When receives this data, attribution for the conversion is determined & awarded to a partner, making it a new pending action.


Conversions documentation

Refer to the full endpoint documentation to see code examples, parameter definitions, and more.

Example call

In the example below:

  • There are two (2) Product Name 1 items being purchased at a unit price of 14.00 each for a SKU set subtotal of 28.00.

  • There are three (3) Product Name 2 items being purchased at a unit price of 33.00 each for a SKU set subtotal of 99.00.

  • will take the $15 discount passed and apply that proportionately to all items in the purchase.

A /Conversions/ call can be customized based on your specific requirements — refer to the full endpoint documentation to learn about additional parameters.

curl ‘<AccountSID>/Conversions’ \
  -X POST \
  -u ‘<AccountSID>:<AuthToken>’ \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ 
  -d ‘CampaignId=1000’ \
  -d ‘EventTypeId=9876’ \
  -d ‘EventDate=NOW’ \
  -d ‘ClickId=QiiWXOVnrQ3SQHl24jQjyxBGUkmzfJ3i1VHrWM0’ \
  -d ‘CustomerId=BCZ2WVSH674563PDPYOTM3AXDQ’ \
  -d ‘CurrencyCode=USD’ \
  -d ‘OrderId=O1234567’ \
  -d ‘OrderDiscount=15.00’ \
  -d ‘OrderPromoCode=15BUCKSOFF' \
  -d ‘ItemSku1=1ABC2345' \
  -d ‘ItemName1=Product Name 1’ \
  -d ‘ItemCategory1=Hardware’ \
  -d ‘ItemQuantity1=2' \
  -d ‘ItemSubTotal=28.00’ \
  -d ‘ItemSku2=9ZXY7654’ \
  -d ‘ItemName2=Product Name 2’ \
  -d ‘ItemCategory2=Gardening’ \
  -d ‘ItemQuantity2=3’ \
  -d ‘ItemSubTotal=99.00’ \

End-to-End Testing

Once your integration is complete, you can begin end-to-end testing to ensure everything is working properly. Learn how to proceed with End-to-End Testing.