Integrate with Branch

If you’re using Branch to manage links & routing to your app(s), you can integrate it with to track, report, and pay out on various events.



This article covers the Integration with Branch for a Performance Program. Learn more about how to Integrate with Branch for your Advocate Program.

How it works

  • In the Branch dashboard, you’ll add as an Ad Partner to your account, which enables the standard postbacks. Additional postbacks can be configured to suit your use case.
  • Once integrated, you'll create a Branch Ad Link, append a necessary query string parameter, then set it as your mobile app(s)'s Download URL in the platform.
  • From there, you'll be able to test the integration with a test ad that will forward a user to your app's Branch Ad Link. Events that you've configured in the integration and occur in your app will appear as Actions in the platform.



This guide assumes a developer has already implemented the Branch SDK in your app(s) and completed the Universal Ads prerequisite — learn more.

Enable the integration

  1. In the Branch dashboard, select Ads → Partner Management.
  2. In the Ad Partners sidebar, search for impact.
  3. Under More Ad Partners, select Impact.
  4. In the Ad Account Information panel, add your account info:

    iOS Tracker Input the System App ID of your iOS app.
    Android Tracker Input the System App ID of your Android app.
    Account SID Input your account’s API Account SID value (case-sensitive).
    Authorization Token Input your account’s API Auth Token value (case-sensitive).
  5. Select Save & Enable.

Create Branch Ad Link for

Once the integration is enabled and you've configured postbacks, Create a Branch Ad Link.



When creating your ad link, make sure to select Impact as the Ad Partner to ensure the correct query string parameters are appended.

Update Download URL in

This section assumes you’ve already set up an app. See Set up Mobile App Tracking in the Help Center for details on configuring a mobile app.

Configure your newly created Branch Ad Link as the Download URL for your app in

  1. In the platform, navigate to
    [Vertical Ellipses] → Settings
  2. In the right column, select Mobile Apps.
  3. In the list, find the mobile app that you want to modify and select
    [Ellipses] → View/Edit.
  4. Find the Download URL line item and paste in the Ad Link from Branch, making sure that all query string parameters are present./li>

Integration options

Postback config

The Postback Config screen is where you can manage the postbacks that Branch is sending to Refer to the Postback templates section for common use case examples — the templates can be easily modified with the parameters you want to receive.

Postback templates

For each example, a parameter denoted in brackets indicates this is a value or variable that you need to add in order for the postback to work.

[AccountSID]Your Account SID value.
[AuthToken]Your Auth Token value.
[iOS_SystemAppID]For iOS apps, the System App ID.
[Android_SystemAppId]For Android apps, the System App ID.
[UUID_Value]If available, the UUID value that the Branch SDK assigns to a user.
[ProgramId]Your Program ID.
[EventTypeId]Your Event Type ID.
[EventCode]If the event type is using event codes, the case-sensitive event code.



For documentation on API calls, see the API Reference section for the PageLoad and Conversions endpoints.

App Open[ProgramID]&PageUrl=${(last_attributed_touch_data.$original_url)!}&CustomProfileId=[UUID_Value]&EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00&AndroidId=${(user_data.android_id)!}&AppleIfa=${ (user_data.idfa)! }&GoogAId=${ (user_data.aaid)! }&ImpactAppId=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS">[iOS_SystemAppID]<#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">[Android_SystemAppID]</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>

App Install / Reinstall (Basic Auth Required)

https://[AccountSID]:[AuthToken][AccountSID]/Conversions/?ActionTrackerId=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS">[iOS_SystemAppID]<#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">[Android_SystemAppID]</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&AppPackage=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os == "IOS"><@break/><#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">${(!}</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&AppName=${ (!}&EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00&EventCode=INSTALL&AndroidId=${(user_data.android_id)!}&AppleIfa=${(user_data.idfa)!}&GoogAId=${(user_data.aaid)!}&AppInstallRef=${(last_attributed_touch_data.AppInstallRef)!}&DeviceOs=${(user_data.os)!}&DeviceOSVer=${(user_data.os_version)!}&IpAddress=${(user_data.ip)!}&ClickId=${(last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)!}&Oid=${(id)!}&CampaignId=[ProgramId]&CustomProfileId=[UUID_Value]&subID1=${(last_attributed_touch_data.subID1)!}&subID2=${(last_attributed_touch_data.subID2)!}&subID3=${(last_attributed_touch_data.subID3)!}&ShareId=${(last_attributed_touch_data.ShareId)!}&IntegrationSource=BRANCH

Lead (Basic Auth Required)

https://${ (ad_network.credentials.Account_SID)!}:${ (ad_network.credentials.Authorization_Token)! }${ (ad_network.credentials.Account_SID)! }/Conversions/?CampaignId=[ProvidedByImpact]&ActionTrackerId=[ProvidedByImpact]&AppPackage=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS"><@break/><#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">${(!}</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&Text1=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS">iOSApp<#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">AndroidApp</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&IrAppId=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS">[ProvidedByImpact]<#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">[ProvidedByImpact]</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&AppName=${ (! }&EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00&CustomProfileId=${(user_data.developer_identity)!}&AndroidId=${ (user_data.android_id)! }&AppleIfa=${ (user_data.idfa)! }&GoogAId=${ (user_data.aaid)! }&AppInstallRef=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.AppInstallRef)! }&DeviceOs=${ (user_data.os)!}&DeviceOSVer=${ (user_data.os_version)! }&IpAddress=${ (user_data.ip)! }&ClickId=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.irclickid)! }&ClickId=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)! }&Oid=${(event_data.transaction_id)!}&subID1=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.subID1)! }&subID2=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.subID2)! }&subID3=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.subID3)! }&ShareId=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.ShareId)! }&IntegrationSource=BRANCH

Conversion (Basic Auth Required)

https://${ (ad_network.credentials.Account_SID)!}:${ (ad_network.credentials.Authorization_Token)! }${ (ad_network.credentials.Account_SID)! }/Conversions/?CampaignId=[ProvidedByImpact]&ActionTrackerId=[ProvidedByImpact]&AppPackage=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS"><@break/><#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">${(!}</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&Text1=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS">iOSApp<#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">AndroidApp</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&IrAppId=<@loop data=app.app_bundles val="bundle"><#if user_data.os == bundle.os><#if bundle.os=="IOS">[ProvidedByImpact]<#elseif bundle.os == "ANDROID">[ProvidedByImpact]</#if><@break/></#if></@loop>&AppName=${ (! }&EventDate=2024-08-01T23:55:24-08:00&CustomProfileId=${(user_data.developer_identity)!}&AndroidId=${ (user_data.android_id)! }&AppleIfa=${ (user_data.idfa)! }&GoogAId=${ (user_data.aaid)! }&AppInstallRef=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.AppInstallRef)! }&DeviceOs=${ (user_data.os)!}&DeviceOSVer=${ (user_data.os_version)! }&IpAddress=${ (user_data.ip)! }&ClickId=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.irclickid)! }&ClickId=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)! }&Oid=${(event_data.transaction_id)!}&CustomerStatus=${(custom_data.UserType)!}&OrderPromoCode=${(!}&subID1=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.subID1)! }&subID2=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.subID2)! }&subID3=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.subID3)! }&ShareId=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.ShareId)! }&CurrencyCode=${(event_data.currency)!}&IntegrationSource=BRANCH

Item-level data

When sending item-level conversion data to, use the following format (replacing {variable} in the example with the actual value without curly brackets):

&branch-custom=1&ItemCategory=<@urlencode><#if content_items?has_content><@loop data=content_items val="attributes"><@json>{${(attributes.$product_category)!}}</@json><@sep>,</@sep></@loop></#if></@urlencode>&ItemName=<@urlencode><#if content_items?has_content><@loop data=content_items val="attributes"><@json>{${(attributes.$product_name)!}}</@json><@sep>,</@sep></@loop></#if></@urlencode>&ItemSku=<@urlencode><#if content_items?has_content><@loop data=content_items val="attributes"><@json>{${(attributes.$sku)!}}</@json><@sep>,</@sep></@loop></#if></@urlencode>&ItemPrice=<@urlencode><#if content_items?has_content><@loop data=content_items val="attributes"><@json>{${(attributes.$price)!}}</@json><@sep>,</@sep></@loop></#if></@urlencode>&ItemQuantity=<@urlencode><#if content_items?has_content><@loop data=content_items val="attributes"><@json>{${(attributes.$quantity)!}}</@json><@sep>,</@sep></@loop></#if></@urlencode>&revenue=${(event_data.revenue_in_usd)!}

Encoded data example


Decoded data example


Link Parameters reference

The Link Parameters tab shows the default query string parameter mapping between Branch and — these are added to all generated links by default, and cannot be remapped.

Branch ParameterDescription
Custom Link Macro{AppInstallRef}Unique Install Referrer retrieved from the Google Play Store. Learn how to retrieve this value.
Click ID{clickid} token used to track the customer's journey.
Custom Link Macro{subid1}First Sub-affiliate ID — query string parameter used by partners for their own reporting.
Custom Link Macro{subid2}Second Sub-affiliate ID — query string parameter used by partners for their own reporting.
Custom Link Macro{subid3}Third Sub-affiliate ID — query string parameter used by partners for their own reporting.
Custom Link Macro{sharedid}Shared ID — query string parameter used by partners that appears in your reporting.
Secondary Publisher{irmpname}Name of the partner.
Campaign ID{ircid}Your Program ID value.

Attribution windows

The Attribution Windows tab is where you can customize attribution windows for the integration. also provides pre-configured attribution windows for links — select Use ad partner attribution settings to use the recommended settings.

Learn more about Attribution Windows in the Branch Help Center.

Postback testing

The Postback Testing tab offers the ability to test your postbacks before setting them live.

Learn more about how to Test Postbacks in the Branch Help Center](