Integrate with HubSpot

Looking to integrate with Advocate? Refer to Integrate with HubSpot for Advocate for additional instructions.

The / HubSpot extension can receive event data (e.g., lead form submissions) from HubSpot and track it as an action within the platform. You'll be able to identify specific event conditions that represent a conversion event, then configure a flexible mapping of data points to be sent from HubSpot to

The most common use case is using HubSpot to monitor changes in status for contacts and deals (such as a lead turning into a sale), then reporting that data to as a conversion. From there, you can use the contracting and payment features of to credit partners for those actions.

Note: This integration supports the following standard HubSpot objects: Deals, Companies, and Contacts.


Note: You must activate consent for every single Hubspot entity for which you want to report conversions. You must also map all required fields for the conversion to be successful.

This section covers the prerequisites to meet before installing the app to your HubSpot account.

Tracking Leads via or HubSpot

Track leads via

Events can be tracked using the UTT (Universal Tracking Tag), which is a small piece of JavaScript code that can be loaded using a Tag Manager solution, or placed manually on your website. Using the UTT offers richer user-level reporting in, supports Direct Tracking features, and more.

If you're planning to track lead events using the UTT, the Customer ID value sent via the TrackConversion function must also be available to the HubSpot objects that are being monitored and reported on. In other words, HubSpot needs to receive a Customer ID value in order for the integration to accurately correlate events.

Track leads via HubSpot

Lead submission can also be tracked through HubSpot. Impact appends an irclickId parameter + dynamic value (per click) on your landing page URLs. Example link: The clickId value (clickid123) must be captured and stored. When the user submits the lead form, the clickId value must be sent in a hidden field to HubSpot. There must be a consistent ID available in HubSpot objects that are being monitored and reported on to send in the CustomerId parameter.



If you're already tracking events with HubSpot or plan to do so, you can skip to installing in HubSpot.

Check before integrating will complete several integration steps on your behalf. Check with your implementation engineer to ensure that the following configuration steps have been completed: Event Type, Gateway Tracking, General Tracking.

Install & connect in HubSpot

Once your is configured, you can install & connect the / HubSpot extension to your HubSpot account. Then, configure field mappings so that data appears in both platforms as expected.

Install the app

  1. Navigate to the Connector website.
  2. Select Click here to login through HubSpot, then log in with your HubSpot credentials.
  3. Select the HubSpot account you want to connect, then select Choose Account.
  4. Review the access that is requesting, then select Connect app.

Once completed, you'll be redirected back to the app configuration page to enable and configure it.

Connect your account

  1. Navigate to the Connector website — in the / HubSpot plugin menu, select Settings.
  2. Add your Account SID, Auth Token, and Program ID:
    • Account SID* — in the platform, navigate to
      [Menu] → Settings → API
      to find your Account SID. Copy the full case-sensitive value.
    • Auth Token* — in the platform, navigate to
      [Menu] → Settings → API
      to find your Auth Token. Copy the full case-sensitive value.
    • Program ID* — in the platform, select your brand name in the top left corner of Your Program ID is shown in gray type under your Program name in the Program column. Enter your Program ID value (a.k.a Campaign ID value).
  3. Select Submit to connect your account.

Configure the / HubSpot app

Enable event triggers

Use the Event Triggers screen to enable and disable the types of events you want to track in

  • Set an event trigger to Active
    if you want to track a conversion (and thus, create an action) when a record of the specified event is created.
  • Select Add trigger for an event if you want to track a conversion (and thus, create an action) when a record of the specified event is modified.
  • Adding multiple triggers acts as an OR statement. For example, if Deal Type (dealtype) and Deal Name (dealname) are added, a conversion event will be created whenever either field is modified.

Configure field mappings

The Field Mappings section is where you can specify which HubSpot fields are associated with fields to ensure accurate conversion (and action) reporting in


Below are examples of field mappings for companies.

  • Select Add mapping under an event to map a HubSpot field to an field.

Refer to the tables below for examples of associated mappings. For each section, select Add mapping to add them.



These are example mappings that show different configurations. Choose mappings that apply to your integration, since you probably won't need them all.


HubSpot Field (Parameter) Field
Lifecycle Stage (lifecyclestage)EventTypeCode
Contact ID (hs_object_id)CustomerId
Contact Lead Status ID (contact_[lead_status]_id)OrderId
Last Modified Date (lastmodifieddate)EventDate
Company Name (company)Text3
City (city)CustomerCity
Country/Region (country)CustomerCountry
Postal Code (zip)CustomerPostCode
Impact Click ID (custom_impact_click_id)ClickId


HubSpot Field (Parameter) Field
Deal Stage (deal_[deal stage])EventTypeCode
Deal ID (hs_object_id)CustomerId
Deal Stage ID (deal_[stage]_id)OrderId
Last Modified Date (hs_lastmodifieddate)EventDate
Close Date (closedate)Text3
Deal Stage Probability (hs_deal_stage_probability)Text2
Amount (amount)OrderSubTotal

Line items

You can add the following field mappings to your deals mapping to include specific line item attributes:
HubSpot Field
Line Item hs_sku (line_item{i}.hs_sku)ItemSku{i}
Line item name (line_item{i}.name)ItemName{i}
Line item price (line_item{i}.price)ItemPrice{i}

For more information, see a detailed example in Hubspot Line Items.



If you have set up any custom fields that are not available in the mapping dropdown, please try refreshing the custom fields by selecting the circle next to the section title.

Uninstall from HubSpot

Uninstall in HubSpot

Uninstalling in HubSpot will essentially pause the integration — if objects are updated or changed in HubSpot, it won't be reported to Your settings will remain the same in case you wish to reinstall the integration in the future.

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account — in the top navigation bar, select Settings
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Integrations → Connected Apps.
  3. Find the Scale partnerships: app and select Actions → Uninstall.
  4. Read the prompt, type uninstall into the text field and select Uninstall.

Delete account in extension dashboard

Deleting your account in the / HubSpot extension dashboard will delete your entire configuration. If you wish to use the integration in the future, you will need to reconfigure everything from scratch.

  1. Navigate to the Connector website.
  2. In the left navigation menu, select Delete Account.
  3. Select Delete to delete your account configuration.