HubSpot & Advocate Data Mapping Explained can receive event data (e.g., lead form submissions) from HubSpot and track it as an action within the platform. If you're running an Advocate referral program, you can also use HubSpot to sync data about your customer advocates between HubSpot and

This guide goes into detail about specific data-sharing and event-handling behaviors. For integration setup instructions, refer to Integrate with HubSpot for Advocate.

Data sharing

Your Advocate program and HubSpot share data through a combination of report-based syncs and webhooks.

Report-based sync sends data from to HubSpot in 1-minute intervals. They transmit to HubSpot any participant information that's been created or updated since the previous sync.

Webhooks share data from HubSpot to When we receive a webhook that triggers the creation or mapping of a contact with an Advocate participant, we immediately send Advocate properties back to the contact in HubSpot. This means you’ll see Advocate-specific properties, like referral code and share link, as soon as a contact is created or updated.

Sharing rules

By default, there are several situations in which we send data between platforms. Some of these rules can be adjusted when you set up the integration.

Note: Your HubSpot account settings determine whether new contacts are marketing or non-marketing.

Adjustable rules

Action Result
An Advocate participant is created Create a contact in HubSpot
An existing, unmapped Advocate participant is updated
A HubSpot contact is created Create a new Advocate participant in
An existing, unmapped HubSpot contact is updated

Non-adjustable rules

A contact is deleted in HubSpotDelete the mapped Advocate participant in
An existing, mapped Advocate participant is updated in impact.comUpdate the mapped contact’s record in HubSpot.
An existing, mapped contact is updated in HubSpotUpdate the mapped Advocate participant’s details in
A contact is restored in HubSpotRe-create the Advocate participant in

Important: Participant data like referral history can’t be restored. Refer to the Participant deletion section for more information.

Shared fields

We share data between specific HubSpot and Advocate fields when a creation or update is triggered. Check your integration’s data flow to see which apply for your Advocate program.

We consider a HubSpot contact’s record to be updated if one of these fields has changed values: email, referred-by code, referral cookies, user ID, or account ID.

When an Advocate participant is created, we'll send the following data from to HubSpot.

Example: Someone who isn’t a HubSpot contact signs up for your referral program. fieldHubSpot field
First nameFirst name
Last nameLast name
Program referral codeReferral code
User IDAdvocate user ID
Account IDAdvocate account ID
Message linksMessage links

When an existing Advocate participant (mapped or unmapped) is updated, we'll send the following data from to HubSpot.

Example: An existing program participant hasn’t yet been mapped to the matching HubSpot contact. fieldHubSpot field
Program referral codeReferral code
Program share linkShare link
User IDAdvocate user ID
Account IDAdvocate account ID
Message linksMessage links

When a HubSpot contact is created, the following HubSpot field values will be synced to your Advocate participant.

Example: Your lead submission form adds a new contact to HubSpot.

HubSpot field
Referred-by codeReferred-by code
Referral cookieCookie
Contact IDHubSpot contact ID

When an existing HubSpot contact (mapped or unmapped) is updated, the following HubSpot field values will be synced to your Advocate participant.

Example: We receive a contact property change webhook.

HubSpot field
First nameFirst name
Last nameLast name
EmailUser ID
EmailAccount ID
Referred-by codeReferred-by code
Referral cookieCookie
Contact IDHubSpot contact ID

Participant deletion

Participant deletion in is irreversible, and will impact your analytics and referral history information.

When a contact is deleted in HubSpot, their mapped Advocate participant will also be deleted. We support two types of participant deletion:

  • Standard deletion, which allows a new participant to be created with the same email address
  • GDPR-compliant deletion, which does not allow participant restoration or re-creation in Advocate

Participant restoration

To a limited extent, restoring a HubSpot contact re-creates the mapped Advocate participant However, the re-created participant’s profile won’t display their previous referral history and associated analytics.

Contacts who request a GDPR-compliant, permanent deletion are never re-created in We mark any permanently-deleted participants with a do not track label that prevents another participant from being created with this email address.

Mass syncs

Mass syncs are triggered when you change the Advocate program that's connected to HubSpot. During the mass sync, all participants across all of your Advocate programs are updated or created in HubSpot. We follow your data-sharing rules to determine the specific sync behavior. For example, if your integration is set up to create contacts when a new participant is detected, we’ll also match any existing but unmapped Advocate participants during the mass sync.

Mapping behaviors

We don’t automatically share changes to participants’ or contacts’ personally identifying information (name and email address) between platforms. This approach helps to avoid unintentional impacts to your sales or marketing processes.

A mapped contact and participant pair doesn't need matching email addresses after the initial data sync. Afterwards, the contact and participant will always be linked based on the Advocate user ID and account ID stored on the HubSpot contact. You can manually update the contact or participant record, but it’s not required for successful referral tracking.

However, contacts and participants may be manually remapped. We recommend doing so only in limited situations, such as if a business and personal contact need to be merged into the same participant. To map a contact with a different participant, change the user and account ID fields in HubSpot to match the participant you want to connect to.

Program changes

Important: Only one Advocate program can be connected with HubSpot at a time. While you may change the connected program later, it’s best to avoid doing so if possible.

The program you select is the source of three new contact properties: referral code, share links, and message links. When you change connected programs, we:

  • Delete all of the contact properties we previously created
  • Re-create the properties using the newly selected program

You may run a mass sync when you change connected programs. The mass sync automatically updates all referral codes, share links, and message links in HubSpot to reflect your current program. However, HubSpot forms, emails, and other features that use Advocate properties will need to be manually updated to continue working properly.

Event handling

You can adjust your program to trigger whenever we receive your tracking event and one of its fields matches your selected criteria.

To view the event properties:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Data Sources → Events.
  2. Select the name of the event to go to the event details page.

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