Integrate with Squarespace

The app in Squarespace integrates's conversion tracking & reporting with your Squarespace store. Our app is a no-code plugin, meaning you can integrate and end-to-end test without needing web development expertise.


Note: Integrate with Squarespace is in beta

Our integration with Squarespace is currently in beta. Should your experience not match the guide below, please reach out to your CSM (or contact support).

This guide covers…

  • A checklist of action items for your account before integrating
  • How to install the plugin to your Squarespace store
  • Full end-to-end conversion testing in your store

Pre-integration checklist

The steps below cover the necessary configuration needed to integrate with Squarespace. In most cases, your account will be pre-configured with all of these settings, but recommends checking each to confirm.

Understand the integration limitations



Squarespace handles taxes in one of two ways:

  1. Exclusive taxes (supported in integration)

Taxes will be added at checkout time. For example, if an item is listed with $10 price and the taxes that apply for the customer’s zip code has a 10% rate, at checkout time will be charged $11 total for that product. $10 for the product and $1 on taxes.

  1. Inclusive taxes (not supported in integration)

Taxes will be included in the price listed in your shop. For example, if an item is listed with a price of $10 and the zip code used in checkout has a 10% tax rate, the user will be charged $10 total for the product, $9.08 for the item, and $0.92 on taxes.



Only exclusive tax configurations are supported—certain limitations exist in Squarespace that result in inclusive tax configurations reporting incorrect values.

Automated Reversals must be configured separately

Automated reversals can be configured:


Shipping discounts

  • Squarespace can’t distinguish product discounts from shipping discounts. Due to this limitation, the integration recognizes any discounts with the word shipping in its name as shipping discounts, which are omitted when calculating the order’s total discount value.

  • Squarespace stores allow customers to use multiple promo codes during checkout. can only support single promo code tracking in any given order. If promo code tracking is a part of your program, this integration will always send the first promo code to unless it contains shipping. If the first promo code contains shipping, the second promo code will be sent, if it exists.

Step 1: Event Type configuration


Online Sale Event Type

Confirm that your account has one (1) event type that's validated and configured to track Online Sales.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select
    [Menu] → Settings
  2. In the right column, go to the Tracking section and select Event Types.
  3. Confirm that your event type matches the screenshot below:
    • Type column reads Online Sale.
    • Status reads as Active.
    • Tracking reads as Web Services.
    • Promo Code reads as


Tracking Method & Returns Processing

Confirm that the validated event type reports conversions and modifications/reversals (i.e., order & item returns) via API.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the right column, go to the Tracking section and select Event Types.

  3. On the Event Types screen, hover your cursor over the right-most column and select
    [More]→ View/Edit.

  4. On the View/Edit Event Type screen, confirm that:

    • Tracking Method is configured as Non-Pixel Tracking (advanced) — Use system web service (API).
    • Returns Processing is configured as Automate returns processing (advanced) — Use system web service (API).


Customer Status Mapping

Confirm that can distinguish between new and existing customers in your Squarespace store. Having this data enables to you adjust commission structures based on customer type.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, go to the Tracking section and select Event Types.
  3. On the Event Types screen, hover your cursor over the right-most column and select
    [More]→ View/Edit.
  4. On the View/Edit Event Type screen, select Show advanced settings.
  5. Next to the Customer Status Mapping line item, select
    [Pencil Icon].
  6. Confirm that New Customer Value has the value New, and Existing Customer Value has the value Existing.
  7. Select Save.

Step 2: Gateway Tracking configuration


Campaign Tracking Template (irclickid)

Confirm that the campaign tracking template is configured exactly the same as the steps below, otherwise tracking will not work.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, select Gateway.
  3. Find the Campaign Tracking Template line item. Confirm it's configured exactly identical to the screenshot below (irclickid = {clickid}):
  4. Select Save.


Deep Linking

Confirm that your website and store domain(s) are configured under deep linking, which enables partners to link traffic directly to specific pages and products.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, select Gateway.
  3. Find the Deep Linking line item and configure the following domains under Permitted Domains, replacing with your exact domains — do not use spaces between commas:,,*
  4. Select Save.

Step 3: General tracking configuration


Site Definition

Confirm that your website domain(s) are configured as site definitions, which enables our tracking solution to forward traffic from our domains to yours.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, select General.
  3. Next to the Site Definition line item, confirm that your domains that you want tracked are specified as a comma-separated list (no spaces). For example, *, tracks everything on your top domain and any subdomains, such as or
  4. Select Save.


Disable View-Through Tracking

Confirm that View-Through Tracking is disabled.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Settings.
  2. In the right column, select General.
  3. Next to View-Through Tracking, ensure it's disabled.

Add to Squarespace

This instruction set covers installing the app to your Squarespace store.


Install the app

Begin your integration by installing the app within Squarespace.

  1. Select this installation link and select the Squarespace account you want to log in with.

  2. Select Allow.

  3. On the Impact Settings screen, fill in the relevant account data.

    • See the Account Data table below for more information on how to access your account data.

    Refer to your Program Elements document for your specific account information.

    Account DataDescription
    Impact Account SID*Navigate to
    [Menu] → Settings → API
    to find your Account SID. Copy the full case-sensitive value.
    Auth Token*Navigate to
    [Menu] → Settings → API
    to find your Auth Token. Copy the full case-sensitive value.
    Program ID*Enter your Program ID value (a.k.a Campaign ID value). To find this value, select your brand name in the top left corner of the platform. Your Program ID is shown in gray type under your Program name in the Program column.
    Event Type ID*Navigate to
    [Menu] → Settings → Event Types
    . Your Event Type ID is the number in parenthesis next to the name of the event type — enter this value.
    UTT Script*Navigate to
    [Menu] → Settings → General
    . Paste your entire unique UTT code into this field.
  4. Select Submit.

End-to-End Testing

Once the app is fully installed, you can begin end-to-end testing to ensure everything is working properly. Learn how to proceed with End-to-End Testing.



Modifications and reversals you do in Squarespace are NOT automatically sent to