Event Type Data

Conversion data reference

Parameter NameFormat (Size)DescriptionRequirementExampleNotes
ActionTrackerIdINTEGER (10)Unique identifier for the event type (or action tracker) that tracked this conversion. Normal web: Settings → Events Types. Mobile App: Settings → Mobile AppRequired, unless EventTypeCode is provided1000Also known as EventTrackerID
EventTypeCodeSTRING (128)Configurable string value for the event type that identifies it when submitting conversions. To view or configure this value, see Settings → Events Types → Actions → View/Edit → "Codes" in the platform.Required, unless ActionTrackerId is providedSALE
EventCodeSTRING (128)Custom identifier for the event that occurred in your mobile app that you want to report (e.g., INSTALL, SIGN-UP, SALE, etc.).Required, when submitting mobile conversionsINSTALLWith Mobile events, the ActionTrackerId is specific to the mobile type (E.g., iOS, Android). EventCode is submitted to distinguish between the different mobile events (INSTALL, SIGN-UP, SALE, etc.)
EventDateDATETIME (ISO 8601)The date and time when the conversion event occurred; use ISO 8601 format.Required2038-01-19T03:14:08ZNOW is also an accepted value, but should only be used when a datetime in ISO 8601 format cannot be provided. If using NOW and any reporting delays or outages occur, events sent to the platform will have incorrect EventDate values.
DispositionCodeSTRING (64)Configurable string value for the event type that will modify the conversion's Reporting State and/or Action State, depending on what's been configured.OptionalORDER RETURNEDDisposition codes are used to change the Reporting State of the action (report status partners can see), and/or Action State (i.e., approved, rejected, modified). See Settings → Events Types → … → Disposition Codes in the platform.